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Everything posted by WoTwasThat

  1. No, it isn’t. Not once you take a meat cleaver to the series beyond Book 6, which is what should be done. But Books 1-6 were damned near magnificent and this is a sick joke by comparison. The GOT Seasons 1-4 adaptions of the first four books were pretty darned good, and a masterpiece by comparison. Well, good thing you’re the moderator then. You can turn the lights out.
  2. While I appreciate the folks trying to stay positive about this - maybe some of you even mean it - at some point we gotta call this for what it is. This is worse than Season 1. Most of these plot points aren’t even recognizable from the TGH or TDR. The writers are just making it all up. We’re supposed to just be thrilled that there is a TV show called “The Wheel of Time” with the same character names but a totally different story?! Oh, but it’s ok because heh - this is a “new turning of the wheel”? Who are the people who think this is a good adaptation of the books? Who are the people who are happy to get this “new turning” instead of the story from the books? I think my favorite additions so far are Perrin’s visions and Nyn’s super badass warder skillz. Rand’s working the third shift at Cairhien General Hospital LOL. And Moraine. Gah. Does anyone even think Mo will be making her exit in this story? Nah. They’re riding the Rosamund Pike train to the end. I could go on and on but you all know what I mean. It’s just that some of you won’t admit it. LOL. Love this. These are very, very, very small changes compared to the massive changes Rafe and His Merry Band are making. I could mention a few, ahem, bigger ones. This excuse rings a bit hollow considering the Rafester keeps squandering all his precious runtime just, you know, making everything up. Each one of these seasons is the equivalent of 3-4 feature length movies. And they can’t faithfully adapt 1-2 books a season in that run? Think about that. (And no, nobody is seriously suggesting a faithful adaption of books 7-10 which would be, frankly, horrific.) Respectfully, these sort of straw man responses are also a bit tiresome. Hopefully my critiques have been specific enough.
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