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Posts posted by itsjodie

  1. On 12/29/2021 at 2:14 PM, DreadParrot said:

    Upon conclusion of season we got no identification of ishamael being the dream visitor. My friend who never read the books was confused as to whether the show was supposed to run one season only cause it seemed like rand just killed the dark one. 

    To be fair, that’s basically the note we leave on at the end of EoTW. Rand is confident that he has just killed the Lord of the Dark (just like after Falme) and Moiraine has to explain to him that it was just a Forsaken.

    Also helps to build up the power of the actual DO if a Forsaken is scary enough that we think one is the DO.

  2. On 12/28/2021 at 3:40 PM, WoTwasThat said:

    The BEATING HEART of WOT is the difference between Saidar and Saidin, the taint upon the latter due to the desperate actions of the Dragon, and resulting gender dichotomy. The TV series almost completely ignores this, dumbing it down to "men can't wield the One Power without going mad," ignoring that men can't see women's weaves and vice versa, and making LTT look like an arrogant ass.

    And there were so many instances where small hints could have been added to show this.

    When Rand asks if Moiraine could teach him to channel, I was really hoping to see the iconic, “A bird cannot teach a fish to fly, nor a fish teach a bird to swim.” Because that’s quoted multiple times throughout the books and with two more lines of dialogue we’re showed how saidar and saidin are different.

    Besides that, I’d have loved to see a Brown asking Logain about his experience using the power (…Verin?) and from there getting an explanation on how men’s channeling is different & how that developed, whilst also showing the inquisitive and studious nature of Brown Ajah members.

  3. For everyone who’s upset about the wacky hand movements of the Aes Sedai, I suggest you take a close look at the way Logain channels - he doesn’t move his hands. Hopefully this is on purpose (thank you Sarah, if so) but it helps to emphasize that Aes Sedai canonically use hand movement when they channel. It’s noted that Wise Ones and Athan Miere don’t use their hands and find it odd that the Aes Sedai do. So, yes, it’s irritating but it is true to the books and I’m glad they’ve laid those foundations. Logain shouldn’t use his hands when he channels because he didn’t train with the Aes Sedai and thus didn’t learn how to do weaves with his hands. I was so happy when he didn’t channel with movements because it shows that they payed attention to that haha

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