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Posts posted by muffler

  1. Just to offer a brief counterpoint Sir_Charrid,

    For Me, the fact Jordan covers that mistranslations exist, interpretations made and the prophecy formed over time, different ages and independently of the Aes Sedai (thinking Aiels take) to become a generally known fact hard to square when you put it on balance with the direction the narrative in the show is taking?  


    I struggle to reconcile the Jordan version in which the Karaethon cycle is crystal clear.  It's almost like choosing less depth and  aware I'm among the minority who cant get out of their own way.  I am trying very hard but perhaps the first straw was the last for me?  


    I echo Dojo's sentiment that excitement occupied my anticipation to see a piece of my childhood transformed into TV but I don't want to fight with anyone including myself over what is the most true telling.  

  2. I'm unfortunately (for me) falling into this omega-purist based insanity.  I could barely get through the first episode as the opening leaves ambiguity as to the identity of the DR even as far as to suggest its possibly a woman.


    I'm not particularly fond of how strongly I feel about this the word Anathema comes to mind....however the reaction was immediate upon hearing Moiraine say "girl" and not hyper analyzed criticism after the fact.  I've done my best to read what the show runners have said regarding what their reasoning was but the "Rhafesplaining" fell short for me.  I know the risk wasn't worth it for me leaving ambiguity to the DR's gender and identity but its paying dividends for others so it's hard for me to even explaining to folks how a fan such as myself isn't enjoying.  Muddying the waters for anyone's enjoyment is not my goal especially when it comes to this series.  


    I've done my fair share of over thinking on the subject since.  I'm unable to answer why it is I'm so out of touch with a large portion of the Fans who by definition love the series as much if not more than me.  Non-reader crowd is great to hear from and I'm tickled to see people engage with the series who otherwise maybe found it daunting or something they'd "get around to". 


    It's been pointed out that I'm choosing to see it this way perhaps they're right but they lost me at the opening narration and the sheer volume of questions it placed at my feet.  Weep for Manetheren but maybe just a little pity for me.  ?


    Sorry for long post !

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