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Posts posted by testicularthom

  1. Well said.  


    I enjoyed episode 4 a great deal.  The liberties they took with the story -- specifically with what Nyn did I was OK with and even liked as It will hasten some things in the plot obviously.  Some of the dry humor between Lan and Nyn were good (not great but good).  It's going to be hard for those of us who enjoyed the books so much as those actors, writers, directors need some time I think.  I hate to make the comparison but GOT got it right almost from the get-go.  I don't know  how high quality production TV pulls that off (with GOT) but WOT is lacking in the greatness of the acting (the chemistry, the nuance and overall quality of the characters being portrayed) but that does not mean that it won't happen just that it hasn't happened yet.  I can tell some hard work went into developing the chemistry , It's just not as high quality as GOT or HBO's Rome that seemed to nail it from the get-go.  HBO's Rome series nailed the chemistry from the first take - I wonder why they could not employ those caliber of actors/actresses with such a budget?  Age constraints?



  2. Random thoughts and feelings:

    Much better.   I couldn't stand the portrayal of the Two Rivers Folk in the first episode but do not mind in the least the liberties they took of what Nyn did in this last episode.   I got the distinct impression that Two Rivers didn't generally approve of drinking and carrying on let alone the stuff about Matt's father and mother, although one could make the case that matt's father was a "street smart" guy being a horse trader, I never took him for a cheater.  Abel and Thom did some pretty heroic, selfless stuff in book 4! Not to say that a cheater couldn't do that too -- just not the picture I had of him.  Argh - Anyways... 


    I'm embarrassed to say, I had a tear trembling on my eyelash for some parts of this episode.  Poor sod that I am. ?  Good job.  



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