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Posts posted by caemlyncal

  1. 12 minutes ago, FanofKnotai said:

    This bothered me as well. He let Moiraine (who was clearly  a woman of import based on her attire and her “retinue”) run free and two obvious village youths he decides to not only detain but torture?! Please! 

    he clearly said though that he would remember their faces and then upon seeing them after heading out to do the questioning he mentioned he knows they must be more than they originally appeared.

  2. 1 hour ago, GanoesParan said:

    I believe that the scenes with Stepin, the suicide, and the ritual funeral at the end of the episode resonated well for non-readers of the WoT books. And that is a good thing. However, for most of us fans who've been reading the books for decades, we can rightfully feel as if at least 15 minutes were wasted in this episode which should have included scenes that followed EoTW more faithfully. 

    I watched the show with my mother, sister and girlfriend all of which have never read a single page of the books. They all are absolutely in love with the show and thoroughly enjoyed the way they showed how heartbreaking the loss of an Aes Sedai can be to the warder. They actually all questioned me on if it was foreshadowing and I like to think I played that off fairly well as just the show giving representation of the bond. All 3 of them say that Nynaeve is the best!! They also really like Lans butt lol and already know for certain there has to be a thing between him and Nynaeve down the line. They looked at me like I was crazy when I got ridiculously excited about "some weird looking hairy dude" AKA Loial LOL. Overall its been a wonderful show and seeing the way 3 different non-book readers are reacting has really been an awesome experience. Also its nice that you can watch and enjoy the show with your family and not have to feel overly awkward watching soft core porn like GOT forced on us.

  3. 4 hours ago, Nors said:

    Absolutely agree. What a gem!

    I felt like a kid on Christmas morning seeing Loial for the first time!! Who cares that he isn't tall enough, he brought me the most joy of the series so far. not saying other parts didn't bring me joy. Unlike the nitpickers I absolutely love everything they have done so far. ONCE AGAIN THIS IS NOT A BOOK IT IS A TV SHOW ADAPTATION!!!

  4. I started watching this going in with the mindset that they are not just tailoring things to the people that have read the books. If you are so selfish that you thought they were going to make things in your perfect vision and cant accept it for what it is then so be it. That being said I loved episode 1, I understand the reason for quickly pacing things as they know they need to captivate everyone. The show is a bit choppy at times but I am loving episode 1, I watched it last night after the football game and may have had about as many drinks as the Patriots did points so I'm currently re-watching to see what I missed. Would love to hear peoples thoughts regarding the stature/image of the characters as I am really loving the calm yet cheeky demeanor Rand portrays.

  5. I started watching this going in with the mindset that they are not just tailoring things to the people that have read the books. If you are so selfish that you thought they were going to make things in your perfect vision and cant accept it for what it is then so be it. That being said I loved episode 1, I understand the reason for quickly pacing things as they know they need to captivate everyone. The show is a bit choppy at times but I am loving episode 1, I watched it last night after the football game and may have had about as many drinks as the Patriots did points so I'm currently re-watching to see what I missed. Would love to hear peoples thoughts regarding the stature/image of the characters as I am really loving the calm yet cheeky demeanor Rand portrays.

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