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Posts posted by StoopKid

  1. Thank you for the warm welcome! 


    I have not done any RP in the past though, I am interested in trying something new definitely. Also, my favorite character from the books is Lan, (Thom is a close second)  and my favorite group of characters are the Asha'man of course! And yes miss CaddySedai, I grew up watching Hey Arnold, love you for getting the reference. 


  2. And so I decided to join a forum I have heard much about, in a hopefully attempt at unloading the series and discussing it with some others who are fans like me. 

    I look forward to unwrapping this series as I have heard this sites users have done for years with the utmost love and intrigue. My only disappointment being, not being able to discuss events in the books and future books, as they were being written with others. Though this came with the luxury of being able to do a full read through without breaks which was nice as I waited about a nano second before picking up each next book.  Anyway, I loved most every book from start to finish and all I can say is wow, without going on for ages about every detail. 


    Great to be here,


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