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Status Updates posted by Terez

  1. In some ways, it wouldn't be so bad, Galad. He would certainly change things in Cairhien. But Moiraine and Thom would be so awesome. :(

  2. In the Lion's Den, no less? Just as idle thought. I had to decide whether 'collam' or 'daan' meant 'school'. Decided on Daan. Filipino=path.

  3. Interesting bits about WoT production copies revealed by one Kafmerchant at the Reread. http://t.co/vgxaR9sG TSR originally had a prologue!

  4. Interesting how no one seems to make a connection between black helicopters and Hal Lindsey's locust helicopters.

  5. Is it just me or did @stephenathome have a harder time not laughing at his own jokes 2night than usual? Even the ones he knew weren't funny.

  6. It was true when I wrote it. For some reason, the Wiki never got rid of their low-resolution pics, so you have to wade through tons of crappy images to get a good one. Most of mine were scanned by Marie Curie.

  7. It's kinda like those neighborhoods where they all have the same exact kind of Christmas tree in the front yard, and all white lights.

  8. It's not that. @TinkerPride It's just that your theories are so brilliant that we can only handle them in small doses else our brains melt.

  9. Jason @dragonmount 's review: 'the most noble of intentions', etc. Discuss! http://bit.ly/aivNUD

  10. Jenn @Dragonmount I should have put my 30 on the Draghkar 15-1. Lian seemed safer 10-1...

  11. Just discovered that people actually write WoT fanfiction. Who knew?

  12. Just saw a new chronology bit has been posted since I last checked #wotgh Exact days on Elayne/Melaine's pregnancies! http://t.co/EleaO4B4

  13. Just saw that I had misattributed one of my quotes in the database to be @JamesLuckman's. Oops!

  14. Just wanted to say that I am very happy with the announced #AMOL release date, and all you people who are whining about it should calm down.

  15. Just watch; I'm going to lose my mod powerz right after getting them due to excess accidental edits...

  16. Last resort option: STAY AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER.

  17. lol @ Malazan: "Two characters are mentioned in the above link, Eleyne and Nyneve. Is this coincidence or was merlin an inspiration for RJ?"

  18. LOL. Someone is attempting to do a @TinkerPride at Theoryland. http://t.co/ixPrpCX0 Or perhaps attempting a Goodkind. Or both!

  19. LOL. Something is cracking me up right now...and I can't say what!

  20. lol. You say that like being a girl is a bad thing! I see -thera at a WoT forum and I think Amathera, aka Thera. Sorry. :p Looks like you are doing a good job with the blog. Nothing has caught my eye as being incredibly convincing yet, but that's because I usually have to convince myself of things. :D

  21. Looking for an Italian translator again. Thanks again to @sleepinghour for digging this one up! http://t.co/XI6Smpx2

  22. Managed to hijack a gay marriage thread @Theoryland and turn it into a discussion of Lincoln and the history of socialism in the US. Yay me!

  23. Maybe we should take a poll. @Theoryland I realize you like orange, because you use it a lot, but I think you are in a minority.

  24. More later, but for now @zas678 remembers that Brandon doesn't know about the knife of dreams = Moridin thing. He said to ask Alan.

  25. More like a Mirror World where something went horribly wrong. RT @TinkerPride ...GOP candidates field for President is in a 1980s time warp.

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