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Posts posted by Kura

  1. Heh, alright a few more questions. I'm getting good at these.  :P


    When is my vincent going to be on the webstie? There is another Vincent, but from what I can tell he is inactive. Also, sorry if I seem rude, but when am I going to get/know who my mentor is? Or is there some big confusion that I haven't picked up on?

  2. Sereth smiled, she didn't get it. "I didn't spark. I was trained. He discovered my ability by holding a flame in his hand, I focused on it with all of my mental ability, including Ko'Di, and a grin spread over his face. I'd never seen the old madman so happy, it was a great day." So, he had decided to spare her any embarrassment. He liked her. He heard her description of the spring, and shook his head. "The spring sounds useful with a sword in hand, as long as it is not of fire. Channeling Saidin is a battle, and one not easily one, at least for us beginners. To be surrounded by a maelstrom of emotions, even those in your control, may very well lead you to loose that battle. I can only assume its the same as if you tried to force Saidar, not only will it not work, but it will crush you. The 'void'" he spoke the word with a bit of distaste, it seemed far to simple a word for becoming one with everything around you, "Protects us. It is us versus Saidin, we have to direct or control nothing but those waves of molten ice, and the vileness of the taint. Besides,  if you can only use one, we'd need a Spring Master. The void is the only one I've seen taught here."


    As they continued on, he watched more closely to the way she watched him. He supposed it normal for her to want to study him, he was different in so many ways. His sex, his channeling, and he was kind hearted to her. Very few would fall into that group. "A well and a ccoin, eh? Well then what would be Saidin in that analogy? Perhaps pushing against the stone slab as you try to gingery pick up that golden crown?" Another chuckle, my my he was full of them today! Again his overactive mind began to wander, wondering if his chuckling was a sign of his madness already beginning to manifest? He'd heard of men going mad in the first week of training, though he doubted he'd succumbed quite yet. He had kept careful notes of his thoughts, and how he thought them since he learned he could channel. He would have to check, but everything seemed normal so far.


    "Well, I'm going to assume that this little piece of information is either rather recent, collected from the trolloc wars, or the age of legends. That or the Red Ajah." His features remained grim a moment longer, but quickly brightened. She told him a piece of the puzzle, he would have to puzzle the rest out. "Well, I expect a full demonstration of your abilities soon. Though if you ever want to impart some of these skills personally, I am a quick learner." He tossed her a wink, which quickly turned into a sigh. His face raising to shield his face, as her words caused it to shake. "Yes, I had thought the same myself. So my plans all fall on your shoulders. I wish you the best of luck." He looked around, looking for weaves for spying, or any black coated men. "Another question regarding my future trip," he expressed doubt over her chances, but not about his chance of going."Would I have to be shielded if I went to the White Tower? Or would the Aes Sedai let an Asha'mon roam as free as the opposite?"


    As he talked, they walked a bit out side of town. Closing in on the manor. He sighed, "Not all that much further now, Annias Sedai." He looked into her eyes, a smile touching his own, "I suppose all I can hope for now is that he is out giving lessons, and those not in his yard." Another laugh rolled off his lips, perhaps he was being a bit of a flirt. Though it was hard to say if it was for her, or the knowledge welled up in her head. "I've only time for another few questions before we reach Arath's house. Though I'll only ask you one, and it is alright if you do not answer. What will the white tower do to the black, after the Last Battle?" It was a difficult question, but one that would eventually need to be answered.

  3. Hehe, well Ata gave me a rather grand opportunity to get Arcon friends, and new RP opportunities in the future with her sending Arcon and others down into the darkhound pit. (Thanks again Ata.) With this in mind, I was wondering if any others would like to join us on http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,22534.0.html. Help clear up some reqs with either rivalry against M'Bela, or social interaction with Arcon. Be against or with Arcon on the slight division that is already occurring in the pits between him and a NPC female initiate.


    So, any takers?

  4. Arcon had almost forgotten the prank he had pulled on the dreadlady. Forgotten in weeks of grueling training, the Fortress was not a gentle place to learn. Then, he was suddenly summoned by her. His teeth gritted as she spoke. So, he was to clean the darkhound's pen? Wonderful. Poisonous saliva in the sand, and what if one decided to attack him? He looked at the others gathered, and sighed. If the hounds got hungry, his best bet would probably be to use them as bait to get away. Looking at the girl who had thrown that saddlebags at him with Saidar, it was not an unpleasant thought.


    Without a sound they were led down to the Pit. As they descended, the girl ahead of him turned. "It was you, wasn't it! You angered her and now we're suffering for it!" His eyes narrowed at the accusation. How dare she accuse him of such, even if it was true. "Listen girl, you handled the bags, you threw them at me. All I did was carry them up to her room, and I passed several dreadlords on the way, ask Michael if I had embraced the source once on the trip up." His tone was harsh, and the thought of asking any dreadlord, particularly that dreadlord, such a trivial thing made her face loose color. Arcon silently thanked his father for all of those lessons in his youth.


    He looked at the others, looking for allies down in the pit. He doubted that the girl who obviously had a short temper, judging by how she reacted to his simple act of delivering a message, would miss an opportunity to feed him to the hounds. He hoped the superiority he had briefly shown would allow him to get a small group of 'friends' should the offended woman already have some.


    Finally reaching the pit itself, his nostrils were assaulted by the myriad of smells. The sands looked murky, and the walls basted in blood and darkhound footprints. How much he would have loved to have high ability in water right now, or earth for that matter. Cleaning would be oh so much easier if he had a more normal male power distribution. A couple females looked at him expectantly, "Earth is not my forte, so don't expect me to simply flip the ground under the sands to be done with it." He looked at the other males, hoping he gave them the idea to try such a tactic. Breaking his normal rules, he decided to take charge, if only in a small manner. He needed to appear strong, "So, let us begin." His skin tightened, and he and every other man down there seized Saidin.

  5. Sereth nodded listened to each word she said, nodding periodically. What she said made sense, the white tower had no time constraints, or, had none. With the Last Battle approaching, who knew how long either tower had to survive?  He noted how she reacted to watching men channel, he really didn't expect any different, but a confirmation of her and every other Aes Sedai's feelings toward  his brothers wasn't comforting. Still, she seemed sympathetic, and he couldn't blame her. So many remnants of the Age that his kind destroyed littered the land.


    Speaking of left overs of another age, his brow raised at the mention of ter'angreals. The tower used items of the power to raise their novices? All he'd seen were pins being handed out. Another difference. Just how many were there? A representative of the tower, objects of the power, fifteen years to learn how to channel? So many factors almost made it impossible for any man here to live fifteen years. The taint, dieing in battle, and of course, what if they lost the last battle?


    "My family? Oh, I left a note and my teacher to explain. They would never have accepted me going off to learn to channel. I was," he put the emphasis on the past tense, he had a new life now. "far from lower class, and they couldn't have had a son who was a channeler. It would have been bad for business, not to mention I didn't feel like ruining that glorious moment that my teacher told me I could channel by watching my mother cry. Oh, don't get the wrong idea though! I loved my parents, and they loved me, but imagine what would happen if the common people learned of just what sprung from my parents loins?" Of course, his reasoning wasn't very sound. They'd find out anyways, but then again the idea was put into his head by a mad man... "As to why my teacher would love it hear, is there a man like me out there who wouldn't seek this sanctuary? Well, I suppose would-be dreadlords, but that is a different story." He spoke casually of these particularly nasty breed of darkfriends. He knew full well he, and most of the other Asha'mon would have to face these monsters personally. It did no good to be afraid of them.


    His steps faltered as she spoke of surrendering to the source. His voice grew loud, and laughter mixed with his words. "What? Surrender to Saidin! Forgive me Aes Sedai, but I ride the currents of lava and ice, wrestling it with my spirit to do what I command it to do. The only protection I have is the Ko'Di, I believe it is the same trick a Warder would use in battle?" He rose his hand to tap on his chin, a clear sign of him entering deep thought. "Well, this makes me wonder just how plausible linking is. I could never know without experience, but I would assume to link with a woman would be to embrace Saidar. To fight Saidin, while surrendering to Saidar? What a test of will that would be!" He seemed even more eager, thinking it yet another challenge to his mind. "Ahh, I apologize again. My eagerness gets the best of me. I have heard almost nothing of linking since I've been here. Enough so that I doubt two men can link together, and I'd like to know how two sisters link?"


    He turned another corner, walking by two black coated men. One with the sword pin, and one with neither. Each embracing Saidin at the site of an Ageless face, and each practicly bore holes in his own black coat with their glares as he walked by. He resisted the temptation to embrace the source himself, it was wise not to issue any kind of challenge. When they passed, he took a deep breath. "Each one of those men just held enough of the source to make us less than dust on the wind. Did you feel anything? I've past a bonded sister when she held the power, and the skin on my arm tightened into goosebumps." Again the thought of the penalties of the knowledge he was gaining. How many enemies had he made by revealing himself as an Aes Sedai sympathizer? Would it be a mundane weapon that took him in his sleep, forever ending his quest to learn? Or the obliterating weaves that he was being taught? His face grew grim with the thoughts, he'd have to be more careful of expressing his views.


    "Ahem, yes. You said you were a negotiator, and have obviously done well with the M'Hael, so I assume you to be a good one. Is there a way to moderate zealots, without force? This seems like a skill that we both may need very shortly." He let out a half-hearted chuckle, trying to lighten the mood again. He wanted her to remember him fondly, she would be of great use later. "Oh, and what kind of argument would I need, to say, study in the White Tower?" His eyes moved to her face, searching for any kind of shock or disapproval. If she didn't want Asha'mon in the White Tower, than he doubted any would. She didn't loathe his kind as many other Aes Sedai were must. They had an Ajah devoted to hunting his kind down. "Talking with whites and browns would be most educational, not to mention studying in the Tower Library."

  6. Sereth laughed, "Well, the general education that you received is probably more than my old teachers gave me. After all, your Aes Sedai. The White Tower has had three millennium, and, if my teachers are to believed, even has fragments of the Age of Legends. Not to mention that each individual Aes Sedai has centuries to horde knowledge. While we, well.." A note of sadness entered his voice, "hardly have years. Some hardly have hours after they come." His thoughts swirled around the taint, how long before his body fell to the waisting? Insanity he could deal with, it was to him merely another lens to view the world through, but falling apart as the taint stole your body. That would be a challenge.


    Quickly he stomped out those thoughts, he was with a sister! He had so much to ask, and so little time. "I have a broad range of interests, history, language, though admittedly I show no promise in the Old Tongue. So many other things, but my greatest thirst for knowledge is tied into my greatest love in philosophy. The Source. Both halves, the differences between Saidin and Saider, what a man can do that a woman can not, vice versa, and what they can do together! Do we weave differently to get the same effect? Though most of these I fear I will only know if I could convince a woman to link with me, and that will be when I am a fully trained Asha'mon." His smile returned, and his voice picking up speed as he spoke.


    "As to our separation, none that I can see. I don't believe the Lord Dragon Reborn ever intended us to be a rival to the white tower, but more of an Armory. To pick us up as tools, use us until we break, and grab another. Though I doubt I'll ever know unless the opportunity comes to speak with the man in depth, and he seems rather busy." He turned another corner, taking a deliberate route to pass by the training fields. He watched as solders, just like him, lifted boulders into place with air or earth, and incinerated them with fireballs, shards of earth, air, and a variety of other methods. "This is  an exercise for new recruits. It develops skill with the maneuvering of the boulder, and strength with blowing it up. Normally, each solder is expected to raise their own rocks. Do you train differently? I hear it can take novices over 10 to 20 years to become Aes Sedai, if they do at all, not to mention the incredibly low mortality rate." He watched a man strain, breaking down. He doubted he'd last another week.


    He moved on, moving back through town on their path to meet someone very special. "As to who I am taking you to meet. Arath Faringal, an Attack Leader. He is a gifted Asha'mon, and one of the few who should give you a chance to talk to him. He hasn't shown the hatred of Aes Sedai that most other Asha'mon have demonstrated. At the very least, you being on good terms with the M'Hael should protect you." He deliberately passed by houses that contained women who were married or simply with a black coated man. "Families are allowed to come and stay on the farm, it helps men deal with the strain of being pushed so hard, or so I'm told. My family is far away, though I'm half expecting my old philosophy teacher to show up. He'd love this place."


    He let out a chuckle, thinking of the insane black cloaked man. "Well, its about time for my first directed question, though I fear in my ranting I've asked many already." His hand raised to scratch the back of his head, a sign of embarrassment over just how much he talked. Old habits die hard. "How do you embrace the source, and how do you control it? I've heard it said that a woman can not teach a man to even embrace the source, let alone control it, and I've always wondered why." His steps slowed slightly, giving him more time to question, and her to answer. He didn't know how long he would be guiding her, but he knew it wouldn't be enough to ask all of his questions, or for her to ask hers. So, he would give them all the time he could together.

  7. Vincent was a bit surprised when a woman approached him. The way she moved, seemingly without effort moving like a wolf on the prowl. He was impressed, and knocked off one rumor about Warders. Her voice carried a stern tone. It seemed used to barking orders, and the emphasis on my yard told him everything he needed to know. "I've come to learn how to protect." His answer was simple, to the point. Like so many other of the man's habits. All hiding that tight bundle of emotions, which he simply referred to as his fuel.


    "So, ma'am. Where must I begin?" Again his voice was void of the excitement within him, he'd begin his training today. The first day of years of training, in order to protect those who had protected the world for three thousand years. They deserved his life, and again he waited eagerly for the words that would let him begin.

  8. Vincent had a grim look on his features. He had traveled long and hard from his home of Camelyn, and it was obvious on his fine wool clothing. Scratches, tears, and he'd probably never know where his cloak went. A fool attempted robbery, but learned his lesson soon after. Still, as the glorious shining walls of Tar Valon entered his site. All of these experiences meant nothing. I made it... A chuckle rolled off his lips. His self training would finally end, and he'd be able to live up to his dream of becoming a Warder. He would be able to protect Aes Sedai.


    He quickly made it through the villages surrounding the island, coming to a beautifully crafted bridge, and he was stopped by a guard. "Light Shine on you, what business do you have in Tar Valon?" Vincent smiled, "The light illumine your soul, and I have come to realize a dream, and to learn to protect Aes Sedai." The guardsmen let a smile creep onto his face. "Go in, the Warder's Yards are by the tower. Can't miss it." Vincent nodded, and continues over, turning a corner, and catching his first glimpse of the White Tower. It was a moment he wouldn't forget. The Ivory sides spanning into the skies. He looked at the dual sheaths at his side. Long dagger, almost a sword, and bastard sword. He drew both, and sank to his knee, blades crossed on his knee. He gave a silent oath to himself. He pledged his blades to that Ivory Tower, and all it stood for, and when the time came, to one Aes Sedai above all others. The one that would hold his bond.


    This done, he continued on, each step lighter, until he arrived at the base of the tower. "You, with the swords! What is your business at the tower?" Vincent shook his head, "I've come to train in the Warder's Yards. Can you help me find them?" With that, the man jerked his thumb in the direction of the training grounds. "When you get there, wait. You will be found soon enough." Again Vincent nodded, and followed the man's finger to his dream. He did as he was told, waiting just inside the grounds for whoever would approach him, his hands resting idly on the hilts at his hip. Waiting.

  9. http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,22630.0.html


    If someone needed his bio for following questions, its there. Moving on, this is (obviously) my first WY character, and I have a few questions that I can't find the answer to on the site. Plus I'm not quite sure who to PM, so meh. Onward, with ignorance!


    • When/How do I receive my bio-assigned WS? PM, E-mail, some guy coming up to me in school saying I got a WS of 3 for my Gaidin in training?
    • When do I choose my path/discipline/philosophy? I get that it has a mention in the essay, but I'd believe that there would be training for these items before hand.
    • Do I request a mentor, or is one assigned. In case its a request, requesting a mentor! See requirements in a bit.  ;)
    • The Path of the Blade mentions having its own way of thinking, is this a specific philosophy? Or what?
    • When/how should I get started with my Vincy-poo (which I later found out was popular among Trainees...)
    • Last one, I promise. Who should I bug should more questions arise?  ;)


    As for a mentor, assuming Path of the Blade doesn't have its own philosophy, I'm interested in the Spring. Hard/Easy teacher doesn't matter, Vince is just here to learn and protect. So, help?  :)

  10. Sereth blinked. Was that a feminine voice calling after him, he turned, and sure enough it was. As she continued to talk, especially that word 'Sedai', he wasn't sure if he was supposed to smile, or run. <i>The M'Hael asked her to get a solder or dedicated? Why not a full Asha'mon? Light, twenty Asha'mon?</i> His thoughts led in circles, as they often do, before coming to the conclusion that Brent must trust her. So, he smiled, there were so many things he'd always wanted to ask an Aes Sedai! "Oh, I would be delighted Annais Sedai." He felt death glares bore into his fresh black silk coat. Giving him the strange feeling that he would regret his phrasing. Damn.


    "Oh, yes, my name. Sereth Arian. This way, I know another great man, that you may like to meet." The solder took his place, only a hair in front of her to lead, his eyes far from where there going. "Well, I hope you don't mind, but I have a habit of talking, and I'll confess I've always wanted to have the opportunity to speak to an Aes Sedai. I hear the largest library in the world resides in Tar Valon. All the knowledge that could be gained from staying there..." is voice trailed off into thoughts. His mind picturing what his teachers had called the Shining Walls, all those beautiful spires with the cross walks high in the air, and most of all. The Tower. The home of most of the known world's knowledge, and of course, women who would like nothing better than to gentle his Asha'ass.


    "Annais Sedai, would it be appropriate if I ask you questions about a wide variety of subjects? Most of the knowledge around here is extremely useful for my chosen path, but being a weapon is always going to be second to my greater loves of Philosophy and Knowledge." They took another corner, his eyes though, hardly on the road. Instead, they searched her ageless face for any signs of agitation. After all, the number of Asha'mon thinned as they distanced themselves from the M'Hael's office, and he hardly knew how to grasp Saidin.

  11. Soldiers


    Learning Saidin: 0-

    Non Saidin Learning: 0-

    Free Roleplay: Thread One - 2 posts(myside)

    Accepting the truth (Sereth's Arrival)-http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,22347.0.html

    Thread Two - 0(will begin Tuesday escorting the negotiator)-


    Figured I'd get this up and running, probably won't be updated for a bit though.

  12. Hehe, Sereth would kill for an opportunity to talk to an Aes Sedai. He is only an initiate, and a new recruit at that, but he still could have something to offer. As for how he'd act, he'd be outwardly friendly. Asking questions about the nature of female half of the power, and general questions about her views, and what it would take for him to be allowed to study with some browns or whites. He is a knowledge seeker, and what place has more to teach? So, interested?  :)

  13. Arcon felt the skin on his arms tighten into goosebumps. Great, shes embracing the source.. He wondered if he too should draw upon the One Power, but decided against it as soon as she opened her mouth. She spoke with authority that she felt couldn't be challenged, meaning she was either an Adept, or much more likely a full Dreadlady. Secondly, his training thus far hadn't included how to defeat another channeler. It was a shame, he would have liked to tie her up and let the Fades have their fun with her...


    She continued to speak, telling him to kill with purpose, and that he wouldn't make it. It took all of his father's lessons not to let his anger show. When she finally finished her berating rant, he nodded his head and muttered, "Yes ma'am." What else was he to do? As she turned to leave him alone, he briefly embraced the source to wipe the sweat from his body with air, and bring his silk shirt and coat to his hand. Donning them, he began his walk down to the stables.


    His well trained mind was in loops for a way to get revenge, without the risk of gentling. Well, the way to do it would be to not get caught, and hope that his skills with the Power were at least great enough over the majority of his classmates to let it slide. Though he doubted she cared enough about new recruits to let a man with Chosen potential live if she was mad enough.


    His brooding was intense enough that he hardly registered that he had reached the stables. He sighed, looking for the girl who had readied the Dreadlady's horse, Of course she couldn't tell me which bloody horse it was... He found a slender, pretty girl with blond ringlets adjusting the saddle girth of a particularly fine black mare. It looked to be a fine enough horse for the Saldean Cavalry, That just has to be her's..


    "I take it this is the horse of that exceptionally moody dreadlady?" The girl nodded, "I believe so, that sounds like Lady M'Bela to me." A nod was given, "Well, she has decided against setting out, or something, and has ordered you to restable her horse before getting back to your studies. Now, I'll take her bags up to her room." The girl's fists curled up, it was obvious that stabling horses wasn't something she was used to. Probably a minor noble, most likely Andorian.


    Goosebumps, and the saddlebags flew into his chest. With a loud harumph, he stabilized himself, and narrowed his eyes. She stared at him, but Arcon had no idea her power, skill, or rank, so he simply turned and walked up the stairs.


    Half way to her rooms, he finally examined the bags. They were of fine leather, worn, but still in great shape. There was however, a bit of strain on certain straps, and the idea for his revenge came to him. Embracing the source, he wove a thin air razor, one of his favorite weaves. He scraped the weak points carefully, thinning the worn straps. He made sure cut away any signs of fray or other evidence of his foul play. Then, cutting just a small notch into the thin leather, he set them in front of her room, back peddled away from her door, and knocked with a flow of air. By the time she retrieved her bags, he would be around the corner, trying not to make a sound, and releasing the source.


    The result of his tampering would be simple, if she handled her bags roughly, the strap would break, probably breaking anything delicate within when it came into contact with the ground. He hoped that M'Bela would assume that the worn straps had broken of their own accord, or better yet assume the stable wench was to blame. Either way, Arcon prayed to the Great Lord that he couldn't be proven guilty. He didn't want to be on the receiving end of the power..

  14. Arcon stood, stripped to the waste in the garden of the Fortress. Saidin filled him completely. Sweat beaded on his brow, but still he wove. A tight ball of air, with strands of fire mixing with the first layer of air, and coating the rest. With this done, he whipped his arm, throwing a simple fireball. Or so it seemed. With a thought, he caused the inner weave of air to expand. The result was almost impressive, but far from the desired effect. The fireball simply expanded, instead of exploding. "Blood and Bloody ashes!"


    All Arcon could do was stomp his bootless foot for the tenth time. The temporary anger gone, forgotten in the Void. He wrapped a glass of water in flows of air, and brought it to his waiting hand. A sip; it was a bit warm. Spirit drained the heat. Another sip; Perfect. Arcon did as much as he could with the power now days. He wanted to be the best of his class, well, in the entire Great Lord's army, but he doubted he could compete with the Chosen.


    These thoughts aside, he again floated the glass away. He would have to rest soon, he only had one more experimental fireball in him. He felt like he was missing some piece of the puzzle, some crucial factor, but he wouldn't let that stop him until he was sure he wasn't simply weaving to slow. He was new; it was a possibility. Again he wove the pre-detonated fireball, and flicked his wrist.


    Perhaps this was one to many, as it turned to the right, aiming for the walkway. He clenched his teeth, but wouldn't let bad aim stop him. Pulling on the tailing strand of air once again, he caused it to expand outwards. A satisfying 'pop' filled the air. Before it crashed into the stone, he heard the sound of steps coming around into the garden. Releasing the source completely, he fell to his knees, satisfied.


    Fear entered his now unprotected mind, but he ignored it. He doubted he'd be in any real trouble; Especially if he designed a new weave. He steeled himself, rising to his feet again. Just in time for a woman to come into view..


    ((Have fun Ata. ;)))

  15. Sereth sat, toying with a glass of spiced wine. Perhaps he was young, but nothing got the mind into those obscene corners of thought like alcohol, right? His glass was raised partially to his lips as a new patron entered the inn. The man's gaze fell directly on the young philosopher. Well, it seems my patience won't be tried today.His voice rang snugly in his head, leading him to wonder if another would soon join it. His thoughts were interrupted by the black coated man's voice.


    "I am Attack Leader Faringal.  Welcome to the Black Tower.  I assume you're here to learn to see if you can use Saidin?"


    A grin widened on his thin lips, eying the man. He looked strong, confident, and a wide arrange of other rather impressive qualities. Hmm, Attack Leader? Well, I suppose that makes sense... Idle thoughts, but he responded promptly enough. "Oh, me? No. I already know I can channel Saidin, I just need someone to teach me how. My old philosophy teacher told me. I suppose his madly enlightened views of this world, make just that much more sense now." A short chuckle rolled off his tongue.


    "But I digress, back to business. Is there some sort of introduction I need to hear? Or will you simply be taking me out to the field and teaching me how to blow things up with the Power? Or hell, will you even be teaching me?" Sereth fell pray to the one weakness of a philosopher: Ranting. Yes, an absolutely priceless skill he never learned was how to shut his mouth. Still, one could hope that the Attack Leader would let this annoying habit slide, at least for now. After all, he wasn't even initiated yet.

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