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Posts posted by Kura

  1. "I cut your weave just then." The man looked puzzled, for sure, but if Arcon's fine tuned eye could tell, he saw hunger more than anything. "It is the single greatest weapon against another channeler, and not all that difficult a weave to do, but for now, it is far beyond you." Arcon ran over the events of the past few moments, thinking of all of the mistakes the man had made. Rather it was a lack of skill in general, or just in experience, the adept couldn't tell just yet. "Reduce the amount of the source you are holding, until it is just a sliver. You are weaving threads, similar to the ones in your shirt or cloak. Think of the frayed edges of a cloak, visualize just a single thread of earth, and sink it into the ground."


    Under his watchful eye, Shad succeeded in burrowing the hole, and planted the flower into it. "Alright, now keep your power low, and watch very carefully." Arcon wove mostly spirit, but twisted in the other four elements. It was a simple weave, for sure, but one that he was willing to bet would be infuriatingly difficult for the man before him. When he was done, he looked up at the Acolyte. "This is called a keeping, and it is an infinitely useful weave. It quite simply stops rot. Food under the keeping will never rot, and this flower will never wilt. For two years I have been here, and I have a flower from my first few weeks, the dew from that day still trapped upon it."


    With hardly a thought, he burned the flower to cinders. "As such I do not need another, now, weave the keeping, and I suggest keeping the flower, but that is your choice." Arcon waited, seeing if the man could be forced along. He knew if the elder dreadlords got wind of his treatment of the initiate, than he'd likely be flayed alive, but this one was meeting his challenges one by one. He heard that the Black Tower expected all initiates to follow this pace, and now Arcon could see how they expected it... "Go slow, no harm shall come."

  2. Arcon watched the man struggle to go through his first bit of channeling. Spirit and fire were easier, that much he could tell, but he didn't appear to have a glaring weakness like Arcon had when he first started. Good, he might be able to shield some of my weak spots... "Good, Shad. Now, stop channeling, and listen very closely. It is time to start weaving. Pay attention, extend all of your senses." Arcon wove bitterly slow, first letting a thin strand of fire, and he began twisting it around the flower he had plucked, a petal ignited, slowly turning the flower to ash.


    Quickly, wove water, the most basic of ways to extinguish flame, and rinsed the petal, ending the flame's life. With that, he wrapped it again in air, floating it around slowly, before opening a small hole and planting the flower in the ground once again. "Alright, that was simple for me, but might be infuriatingly difficult for you. Don't get upset with yourself if you accidentally set the flower aflame completely. Now, pick a flower with air, and bring it to you, and do as I did. Don't worry, I can stop any flow and the source if you mess up." Arcon was silently marveling at how quickly this one was learning. Most Acolytes took weeks to get to the point where they were now...

  3. Arcon waited a moment, seeing if the man could hold onto the source. This was a critical moment for the Acolyte, and by extension the Adept. Satisfied, Arcon continued. "I know, as you can not have done this to many times before, that it is hard to hold onto the source. You probably can't even imagine doing anything with it at this point, but you will. Look inside of the source as it fills you. You should notice something, it is not a solid thing. It is in fact made up of five elements." He began weaveing the strands as he spoke them, "Fire, air, earth, water, and spirit. I do not know if you can see what I am doing, so I'll actually do something with each." Again he wove, twisting the fire upon itself, forming a floating flame. With air, he plucked a rose from a bush, and floated it over, again naming the elements as he went through. With water he formed a globe, and extinguished the flame, and with earth he rose a small stool behind the man.


    With spirit he slammed the shield into place, cutting the man off from the source. "It is quite shocking, suddenly being unable to channel, and I assure you that feeling of loss you are experiencing, never goes away. Claw at the source all you want, until I will it you will not be able to channel, and you are at my mercy." This time, Arcon kept his face neutral, "Or you would be, but here in the fortress, there is something known as the Peace of the Shadow. No killing inside these walls. Be very sure you abide by that rule, it is not pleasant to disobey it." That done, he released the shield upon his mentee.


    "Now, I want you to embrace the source again, and try to pick out the strands of the elements, and just drag them out, extending them with your will. Don't try to weave anything, just, hold them out, one at a time, release, and then the next." This time cutting flows and a shield were readied.


    Arcon was having fun.

  4. Arcon nodded, as he suspected, the man showed no hint of emotion. He was a beginner in hiding his emotions then, not yet having learned how to project other ones instead. Arcon almost offered to teach him then and there, but they did have more important matters to discuss. "Alright then Shad, the first step is hard for most, but you look quite capable. You must first achieve Ko'Di, or oneness. This is often called the Void. The first step is to form a flame in your mind, usually a candle. Then, feed your emotions into the flame, then your memories, until everything that you are is consumed by this flame. When this is achieved, you will have achieved the Void, a near emotionless state that allows for supreme concentration. Within the void, Saidin should be waiting, a pulsating sphere of power, covered with the taint of the Great Lord of the Dark."


    As Arcon suspected, it took only a try or two for Shad to assume this state of oneness. "Hmm, you are either a swordsman, or you have received previous training. If I might make a suggestion Shad, don't try to manipulate me. I assure you I am better at it." He flashed him a small, fox like grin, and prepared to slam a powerful shield into place. "The next part is a bit trickier. Fill yourself with Saidin, prepare to go to battle, it is a raging torrent of ice and flame, filled with the taint. It takes a good while to get used to any of the effects, and to be safe, do not draw to much. I warn you, you can burn the ability to channel right out of yourself, or even commit suicide by drawing too much." He watched, more with his senses than his eyes. He was looking for the strain of holding to much of the One Power, prepared to save both of their lives if need be...

  5. Arcon let a small smile spread over his thin lips. Two sentences, and he already liked the man. He seemed like he would be the perfect little tool, now all he needed to do was figure out the job he would be used for. "Shadar Al'niende, eh? Well, I suppose you have been found again." He had no idea if the man before him knew his name and it's meaning, and quite frankly he didn't care. "Before we get to any formal training, I suppose I should show you a bit of the Fortress, though I honestly doubt anyone knows every corner of this blasted place. Afterwards, I'll teach you the first steps of Saidin."


    With that, the Adept spun on his heel and began a leisurely pace through out the complex. He introduced the places as he came upon them, the mess hall, the library, dormitories, showing him briefly where he would be staying. "It isn't much, but you can survive here. I'm only a few corridors away." He showed him quickly where the Adept slept. "I don't suggest coming here uninvited, things tend to explode if I don't want you touching them." With that he made it to the classrooms, and finally the courtyard. "Alright, we will begin here. Wide open spaces are good for beginners."


    Arcon inspected the man closely, watching for any signs of any emotions. He had no doubt that the man was bewildered by everything he was shown, Arcon just wanted to know if he would show it. "First I must know if you have had any kind of training, or if I will have to teach you Ko'Di, as well as how to embrace the source." Just in case, Arcon embraced the source and wove a shield, he had learned better than to take chances with the New Blood.

  6. Riadra was lying idly in bed, resting after a night of festive activities, when her door was thrown open. Instantly she embraced Saidar, ready to drown who ever dared treat her as such, until one of the Mae’Shadar stepped through, and she reluctantly released. The man’s eyes were hard; Riadra knew that he could feel her channeling. “You are to report at the blight border, at the pickup spots near Shienar. A dreadlord and new initiate are waiting for you there.” With that, the man turned and left, leaving a disgruntled dreadlady behind.


    She rose reluctantly, slipping on a slip and an alluring Domani dress, even if she was of Camelyn herself. The man sleeping peacefully in her bed finally stirred. She used a lover’s voice, but her words were anything but sweet as she told him he had better be gone before she got back. He nodded, and got up to dress himself, but Riadra was already weaving her gateway, and stepping through to the designated location.


    She didn’t have to wait long, as she saw the pair of men crest the hill only moments after she appeared. She put on her most seductive smile, as she recognized the dreadlord. “Oh, hello Rayol,” she purred, and the man laughed in return. “Riadra? I’m honored; you actually got out of bed for me.” The dreadlady laughed, a sweet fruitful sound. “I suppose that is enough games for now.  There will most likely be an Adept waiting to pick up your tag along, so let’s get this business done with. You know I’d much rather be playing…” Wtth that she tossed the man a wink, and wove a gateway to the entrance of the Fortress.




    Arcon Dadread happened to be walking past the Fortress proper, when he saw the gateway slice and twist into life. He watched only a moment, disappointed that this particular gateway was made of Saidar. Three people stepped through, and admittedly he knew not a one of them. Still, he recognized the bewildered expression on one of their faces, and knew that he was a raw recruit. Noting this, and the fact that he had already missed his opportunity to slip quietly away, he bowed to the Dreadlady and introduced himself. “Ooh, one with manners. I like that in a man, still, business first. Take the boy and show him around, and do try to make something of him.” Her voice could only be defined as sultry, and the Adept thanked the Great Lord for his training in the Game of Houses at that moment. “Yes M’lady. I will do all that I can to whip him into shape.” With a musical laugh, she was gone, leaving just the two men in the hall.


    “I’m sure you heard, but I am Arcon Dadread, Adept of the Fortress, which is where you are now. To put it simply, this is where dreadlords and dreadladies are born. Since you are here, I assume you can channel, and it will be my job to teach you how, at least the first few steps.” He did his best to keep the disappointment out of his voice, he did hate teaching. “First of all, what is your name? I can’t very well be calling you ‘boy’, as you do look a bit older than me.”


  7. Sereth nodded, the man's innocent heart striking a familiar cord in the philosopher's own. Still, there was something odd about him... Ah, oh well. Who on the farm didn't have something to hide? "Then let's begin Kassian. The first weave I am going to show you is made of spirit, and admittedly won't be of much use in a large scale battle, however, it just might come in handy if you find yourself cornered by people you do not want to tear asunder. It is called, quite aptly, sleep." With the intro done, Sereth embraced the source, drawing only partially upon his strength in spirit, he didn't want to flaunt his far superior strength. He wove as deftly as he could, twisting the strands of spirit, "Just aim it at their head, and they will pass out, here, I'll demonstrate on some local wildlife." With that, he slammed the weave against a chipmunk sitting in a tree. Instantly it fell asleep, and Sereth wove air to stabilize the animal, with a small air club to wake it up without hurting it.


    "Simple and effective, it might save your life some day. As you can tell, the weave is easily abused, but I do trust you won't use it to take advantage of a woman, or perhaps rob someone blind, would you?" Again he flashed him his award winning grin, and trying to hide his scrutinizing eyes with a happy gleam.

  8. Character Name: Shadar Al'niende (He goes by Shad sometimes)


    Email address: ethomefone13@msn.com


    Sub Division: Dreadlord


    Physical Description: Shadar is 5"9' 145 lbs, he has dark, stormy grey eyes that almost look black as his hair. He is a fairly nondescript sort with a dimple and a boyish face. His eyes however are generally stormy as the thunderclouds his eyes reselmble. He has many scars across his skin given to him as a young man. These scars are fine and not prominent but when he is undressed, looking closely will reveal them.


    Place of Birth/Raising: Ghealdan


    Character History: Shadar was born in Ghealdan in a town called Sidon. His mother died at birth and his father was imprisoned for murder when he was young. With no parents he ran the streets as a beggar until he was taken in by a mean horse trader Galan, who turned out to be more thief than trader. The man called him Shad and beat him daily. He sent him running for anything he was too lazy to get for himself. A kind, caring soul by nature, Shad slowly turned inward over the years. He became quiet and brooding. The beatings continued but slowly he stopped crying out when struck, stopped flinching when a hand was raised. His face slowly grew more sullen, and his eyes darker. Over time, kind, caring qualities were hammered out by strap and fist. By the age of 23 Shad grew to hate Galan and quietly began to plot his demise. Shortly thereafter, Shad crept into his room with a long belt knife and a rope. The man was drunk as usual, and so was easily bound to the bed. Shad proceeded to butcher the man ruthlessly. He smiled to himself quietly while Galan screamed, not ever making a single sound. Finally he was free. The body was found and his act known that same night. In an effort to flee the town of Sidon into Altara he was caught by a hooded man and confronted about his crime. The man revealed that he served the Great Lord of the Dark and offered him refuge and immortality if he would but serve. The promise of immortality and the power to never let anyone hurt him again led to an easy oath, forsaking the Light. During their escape, Shad found that the man was a Dreadlord in the service of the Great Lord. Expressing a desire to serve the Great Lord in whatever way was needed, Shad was tested and it was found that he could channel. Thus began their journey to the Fortress where he would further his training and his path towards hoped for immortality.

  9. Kain was a bit surprised to find the famous Attack Leader Arath interested in his little project, and wondered if he should add an honorific or something when he addressed the man. Arath answered the question with his cool, easy going tone in the question. Relief flooded through Kain; he didn't want this to be anything more than building a forge. "It is a bit out of the way, but I very much doubt that people will want forge light peaking through their windows through all hours of the night, and it is still in easy walking distance of the residential area. My father always told me the only thing people need more than good forge work, is a good night's rest, and they will almost always prefer the second."


    His brief monologue done, the dedicated turned back to his materials. Looking back at Arath for a moment, "If you'd like to, I wouldn't be opposed to some help with the construction. If the rumors are true, you know what goes into a forge yourself." Taking a step back, he embraced the source and drew deeply, "Either way, it is about time to get to work."

  10. Dhjorn managed to gain the edge over his fellow Fade when she was forced to switch the placement of her large weapon. He ran with his daggers gripped tight in his hands, the ground devoured by his pace. Still, he knew only one way to get away from worms, and that was to feed their hunger. He knew a Trolloc encampment was near, a small one of perhaps twenty of the beats. He had even planned to use them against his opponent, now he supposed he'd have to use them to save both their hides.


    He motioned behind for Calaun to follow close behind him, and even slowed for a few paces to let her catch up. he breathed the word 'Trollocs' as he continued his run, and veered off to the right a bit. He could hear the pack of worms drawing nearer, the ground shaking desperately beneath his moving feet. He resisted the urge to demonstrate what training for speed and precision had done to his ability to run, not wanting to loose an ally so early.


    As such, the Fadeling was downright paranoid, knowing that the trolloc encampment was only a couple hundred feet ahead, but also knowing that the worms weren't a much greater distance behind them. It came as a relief then, as he broke out into another small clearing, leaping over the sleeping forms of the half-men, almost hoping that his companion was right behind him, not bothering to look back for a few hundred more yards. Hearing the bone rattling rumble silence itself, he finally slowed his pace, but never stopped moving away... He looked for his companion, wondering if she would realize that he just saved their lives.

  11. Arcon let a slight bit of shock play across his scarred features. Another teacher, hmm? He had to wonder if there was more to this class than he had thought, or perhaps the teacher needed someone else of skill to demonstrate? That did not bode well for the class... Still, it couldn't be nearly as bad as that infuriating Mr. Sweeper, may he be slowly digested in the belly of a toothed whale.


    That pleasant thought still occupying his mind, the Adept looked again to his fellow Cairhienin student. He hoped that his reputation hadn't spread to far, as he put a bit of lust into his expression to cover his examination. She wasn't completely helpless with those daggers of hers, and Arcon smiled inwardly at the thought. At first glance, he wanted her under his wing, as he did almost every initiate with some sort of useful, if odd, specialty. Now, all that remained was to figure out exactly how he was going to accomplish this... Well at least that opportunity had presented itself.

  12. My early thanksgiving the tuesday before was amazing, bunch of friends who decided since we'd all be with our families on the real turkey day, we'd have one of our own, didn't have anything to do the next day so we all stayed there.


    Never playing truth or dare with them again. >_>;

  13. Well, title says it all. I've got a new Dedicated, Kain, who was a former smith and damn good at his job. He has the standard array of OP scores, F9, E8, S6, WA, 5. I've got a topic started with him http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,37539.msg977776.html and was wondering if anyone wanted to help him out there, or any of his other reqs. Tai for instance, if you wanted to help him learn how to use that big ol' sword he has. Did I mention that? I'm really hoping to get Aligning the Matrix for him, but the talent app is still in the process of being written.


    Anyways, anyone interested?

  14. ((Subject is pretty plain, he wants to build a forge of his own using the power. So if anyone needs a using Saidin req, or just wants to help out, go ahead and post.))


    Kain stretched his massive shoulders, gently rubbing out the tightness as he looked upon the materials before him. He had managed to get a hold of some steel on the farm, and instantly he knew that he had to return to his previous passion of working metal. He had to know how he could use his new found power to shape beautiful, useful things, instead of just using them to cut down others by the battalion. Eyeing the new silver sword pin upon his black coat, hanging upon his massive doubled edged sword as to keep it off the ground, he thought that this was the time to begin his experiments.


    The materials he had were modest, some bars of steel that would most likely be forged as opposed to going into construction, unfired clay and other such earthen materials all pulled up using the source, and various wooden pieces that would become the shelves to hang up tools and to help in organization. It would be modest at first, but he thought with Saidin he could make it grand. First thing was first though; he embraced the source and pulled up a large barrel shaped mound of earth, and wove water to drain its namesake into the barrel, filling it. Finally, a small bowel was raised. Now at least if he got thirsty, he wouldn't have to constantly divert his flows.


    He waited, looking back at the town that the farm had become, knowing a couple blacksmith shops had already been set up. Still, this one would be his, and he felt his location right on the outside of town would be perfect to draw in customers. Perhaps even some one to help out. He had heard that Attack Leader Arath was a smith...

  15. Sereth was going to the inn for a nice glass of mulled wine, but was caught by the hammering of Storm Leader Seriba. Always one to note the oddities, he approached the sign when the man had finished. A tournament? This could be interesting. Perhaps I could make an appearance... This thought in mind, he entered the quickly busying inn, and laughed to himself. Of course there are those far more eager than I. He resolved himself to waiting, knowing that there were far more interested, not to mention physically mroe imposing figures, in the crowd. Particularly a young andorian with shoulders at least an axe handle across, That one was a smith...


    Finally finding a path to the Storm Leader, Sereth offered him his grin. "Sir, Asha'man Sereth Arian. You are looking much better since Shienar." His smile faltered as he relized what he had said, and he scratched the back of his neck, "Er, sorry to bring it up, terrible habit of mine. Be it the taint or that bloody battle I can't seem to talk about anything fun these days, well, they are fun for me, but not others. You see..." He took a deep breath, "I'm ranting again, sorry. Safe to say I'm interested in the tournament."

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