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Posts posted by ariethninja

  1. You see her as this i'm going to simplify it and say "selfish brat" 


    I see her as a girl who in the beginning is, yes, a stupid, selfish brat. She bullies her way into the party when they leave, she bullies Perrin, she tries to bully Elyas. 


    I'll admit, I dont like her in the EotW. 


    But she grows. My favorite part about her is that here is this strong female character, who is flawed, who still tries to do what she sees as what is best for the white tower.  Flawed being a key word there. and for the white tower is the other one. Not for the world, not for the people, for the white tower. 

    And incase you missed it. She was "kidnapped and held hostage" TWICE. 


    The first time, was a mental hell. They tried to make her sub human. 


    Go look at the other damane, go look at how they act. Me personally? If i could be a caster, I'd be one. but i'm naturally submissive, it matches who i am in a nonsexual bdsm way.  Egwene has a very vanillia look at this life style.  She believes that NOBODY should be treated like that. (I'm of the opinion that nobody should be forced to be treated like that) 


    Wearing that collar scars her until one of the forsaken put one on her in a dream and she breaks free. 


    Mental abuse? its freaking horrible and guess what, its baggage that most people carry for the rest of their lives. That Egwene came out of that experience as whole as she did proves to me how strong she is. 


    The second time? they treated her like a novice. and they beat her when she refused to play thier game. 

    One of my favorite scenes with her is when she learns how to laugh during the pain.


    She is flawed, she makes mistakes, but honestly, those mistakes are in character of her. 


    To me, the mistakes make her more real and relatable.

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