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Posts posted by Noname

  1. Definitely need some time to digest this book. Two things however I really disliked...First would be Demandred. It just seems rather lazy to have him in Shara the whole time and pop up this completely alien an unknown army right at the end of the series. Then he's, as someone said, a giant robot shooting lasers all over the battlefield. Also, he's constantly  yelling for Lews to come face him. Did the moron seriously not know he would be in Shayol Ghul fighting the DO? Second would be Padan Fain. Such an incredibly intense, intricate character comprised of all these different things...and he just shows up for a few pages and get strangled and stabbed. Huge letdown.


    Other than that..I'm still letting things sink in.


    He believed as before, that Rand wouldnt have been able to leave the ones he loved to fight on the battlefields without him. He had shown time and time again that he wouldnt allow it and thats why Demandred believed he was there.



    Ending kinda wasnt what i wanted, but still the books ended on a fitting note.


    Have to say, glad that Demandred actually was considered hard to take down in this book, it seemed alot of the time the forsaken, though hard, didnt live up to what you thought they would. Though arrogance seemed to be there downfall.


    Would have liked to know a little more of what happened later, since there wont be anymore books. Can only hope!

    Egwene's death was a shame, after 13 books of her rising to such a powerful character, but glad more main characters didnt die, killing main's just for the sake of it is quite annoying.


    But a great series and a great ending overall! Have to reread the entire wot again now!

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