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Posts posted by Brotag

  1. 5 hours ago, Durinax said:

    So far I am more watching it to hope that it improves. Fortunately because it is going so far afield from the books it seems to be getting more enjoyable on first watch. If I do any thinking on it though it becomes much worse. This is mostly because I cannot square the changes they made to the geography, magic rules, and just why they made such changes. Many seem to be almost haphazardly made while they could have more faithfully followed the book (particularly in the first few episodes) and had a much more solid product.


    Take the opening on ep 1 with Liandrin and Co. It is fairly long and only provides world building in that Aes Sedai hunt male channellers for sport. I think the LTT prologue could have been done in the same time and actually done some world building.


    They have a lot of work to do to get me to say it is a great series. That said I am probably going to rewatch this weekend to make sure I didn't miss a ton of stuff, but overall unimpressed (especially when they butchered my favourite scene which is the story of manetheren).

    Yes! I was hoping for a Lews Therin intro too. Instead we got a scene that was inaccurate to the books and their own story(the capture of Logain should have been in the plains of Ghealdan in the books and should have been in Logain’s war camp by the shows own account). Not to mention the out and out write off of the initial relationship that went from a passionate night to, I just don’t feel that way between Rand and Egwene. Smh they had a full year of additional time to figure this stuff out and we can tell they wasted it.

  2. Why would they cut out Caemlyn as the first meeting point. Do not mistake my opening for dislike, I’m elated about the show coming out at all. Even if the entire cast was given 4-5 years from their book counterparts. 2 characters that never existed were put in just to die, and they changed the fundamentals of shielding… I am dragging on.


    Look caemlyn is their first meeting place, it introduces rand to basic politics, sets up a love interest and is the first time we see logain in the books. Changing that bodes ill for the series. Despite that I enjoyed seeing Mathais’s background which was not clearly stated in the books.


    In summation I am disappointed that the first season of WOT is shaping up to be another season 8 GOT. The source material is there and the fans want to see the story brought to life not a Shakespeare on the beach remake. 3/10 desperately hoping for improvement. 



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