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Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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Posts posted by Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  1. 6 minutes ago, Thrasymachus said:

    Hint at what Moghedien...what?  I think you left out a word.


    One of the things that I have come to appreciate is that the books deconstruct the Forsaken from these big, bad scary monsters of myth and legend, and showing that, for the most part, they're just people.  And not particularly competent people at that.  Many of them joined the Shadow because they were incompetent, or at least, not nearly as competent as they believed themselves to be and wanted everybody else to acknowledge.  Moggy was an investment advisor who joined the Shadow so she wouldn't have to face the music for all the fraud and incompetent advice she doled out.  Asmodean was basically Kanye, if you gave him the power to wipe out his competition and any critics he didn't like.  Lanfear was arm candy who thought she deserved credit for the accomplishments of those she clung to.  Many of the Forsaken joined the Shadow out of petty jealousy. 


    Far from people to be feared, the books, at least while Jordan was writing them, progressively demonstrate the Forsaken to be the kind of people who are not to be feared, so much as they ought to be pitied and scorned.  Their danger comes from the fact that they can wield more of the One Power than most 3rd Age channellers by a wide margin due to the effects of culling out the channelling ability for 3000 years, and because they have the support of the Dark One.  Pretty much every one of the good guys is smarter, more resourceful, more determined, braver and more reliable than any one of the bad guys, barring perhaps Ishamael, who I reckon is also overrated, in spite of his much greater accomplishments in service to the Shadow.

    Yes to this, I enjoy this audience and character ignorance to knowledge and understanding arc in regards to the powers of the Shadow and the Shadow wrought. The Forsaken literally start out as bedtime monster stories to get children who are misbehaving to mind their manners during the introduction of TEOTW. Of course we come to learn and understand that while what they have can and will do is abhorrent and unforgivable they are not the monsters many seem to think they are even when they think it of themselves. 

  2. I don't think cutting Birgitte would be a good idea. I get where you are coming from with Moghedien coming off as inept throughout many of her sequences in the story particularly after the defeat you referenced, however I can't see that as a good enough reason to cut Birgitte if that's what you meant?

  3. Fair enough but it says something that the discussion brought up if you are concerned about mature content and want to watch the show w/out being exposed to mature content, which leaves me with the impression that if you want/need to avoid mature content than you're probably watching a show with mature content. This all in response to concern about being able to watch the show if it is TV-MA and not TV-14. I doubt the show will be TV-14 there's enough graphic violence to push it to TV-MA within 10 chapters of The Eye of the World excluding the prologue. Yes the people in charge could choose to not portray these scenes as they read in the books however I think this mild censorship would be slightly offensive in particular to the authored works and their creators and a mistake to boot.

  4. I doubt it'll run for 14 seasons. I think if it's 8 episodes per season at 60 minutes duration or less per episode and presuming the show makes it through to the end of the story then I think we''ll get 7-9 seasons to portray the content of 15 books worth of story. I think New Spring prequel content will make it since it adds so much to the overall story.

  5. On 7/30/2020 at 1:32 PM, Thrasymachus said:

    I don't see them doing two versions.  That's a lot of editing work at the very least.  And it can't just be cuts between the two making the difference, because it'll affect run-time and commercial slots, particularly if one's intended to be syndicated.


    Regarding nudity, time was, in the US, you could get away with ass-shots and topless shots and not trigger an "R" rating (this was before there really were TV ratings and before PG-13 was around).  They just had to be brief, ~ a second, and not be involved in a sex act, and not be more than one or two per movie.  Rafe may decide to push that envelope back in that direction a bit more.  Quick flashes of Egwene and/or Nynaeve full-frontal when they're stripped for their Accepted's test, for example.  Ass shots of the boys, and a few of the girls/side characters like Aviendha when she flees from Rand, Melindhra when she and Mat jump out of bed upon being attacked by Darkhounds, or Perrin after waking up buck naked in Berelain's tent.


    In my opinion, I'm fine with that.  US TV and movies have gotten way too culturally accepting of graphic violence and gore, while remaining very prudish, indeed getting moreso, regarding ritualistic or casual, i.e., non-sexual nudity.  I don't have any problems with my kids seeing that kind of brief nudity, as long as it's not just gratuitous or distracting, and I'm there with them.  There's nothing "wrong" or "dirty" about the human body, after all.  Graphic depictions of sex, on the other hand, would make that quite a bit more uncomfortable.  Sex is for adults.  And while I'm fine with them knowing about sex in general, there's a lot more they need to learn and understand before they're ready to be titillated in that way.  Besides, watching sex scenes, even obscured and tame ones, with one's parents is never very comfortable for anybody.  Even if the kid is old enough to be watching such things.


    Whether you see it or not the question was asked and answered at timestamp 1:22:20 as I pointed out in this livestream from July 22, 2020 less than 2 weeks ago, to be clear Sarah Nakamura works on the Wheel of Time on Prime and she was one of the people who answered the question about the show rating. I trust her when she says there will be versions available for those who are concerned with on screen depictions of nudity sex and violence and honestly it makes sense to reach as wide an audience base as possible.


  6. 19 hours ago, Elder_Haman said:

    One of the more intriguing aspects of the TV show is how broad of an audience Amazon will go for. I think the possibilities realistically range from TV-14 to TV-MA. TV-PG (the next 'lower' rating) calls for minimal violence, which I just don't think will work. The difference between these basically comes down to two things: nudity and gore.


    While TV-14 will have some blood and violence, TV-MA will have realistic violence and gore. TV-14 shows will have brief, "tasteful" nudity and implied sexual situations (think side boob and strategic placement of blankets during sex scenes) while TV-MA can include full frontal nudity and more graphic sexual depictions. 


    Personally, I think the creators will head for the TV-MA rating. Violence and psychological terror are integral components of the plot. And, while Robert Jordan was not overly descriptive when it came to sex, the books do contain nudity and sex. Seeing that the trend is toward "Game of Thrones" type realism, I would be very surprised if the show went the other direction.


    What do y'all think?



    Based on what was said during the answer to the question from the last call-in at time stamp 1:22:20 asking about the ratings for the show I think they'll have both TV-MA and TV-14 available. The TV-MA version being the truest to the books which honestly are not for young children or as we euphemistically put it "family friendly" as well as a TV-14 version available to get a wider audience base.



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