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Posts posted by MayEastRise

  1. 20 minutes ago, Ascended said:

    I'm of two minds on it.


    One on hand, Berelain is a character who *could* be cut without having too deep an impact on the overall story. It'd save a lot of screen time that could be spent on better plots.


    But on the other hand, I'm not fond of the idea of cutting anything or anyone that doesn't *have* to be cut. I don't want someone else's remix version of WoT, I want Jordan's story, with only as many adjustments as is absolutely required for the adaptation to television. If it can be kept at all, it should be kept.

    You’re setting yourself up for disappointment. The TV show will a Rafe Judkins remix just like LotR was a Peter Jackson remix.

  2. Does she have that much of an influence though? Berelain has in my opinion 5 important roles in the story. 


    1. Trying to seduce Rand.

    2. Stewardship over Cairhien.

    3. Chasing Perrin

    4. Providing troops and some moral support during the hostage crisis

    5. Romantic “target” for Galad


    1 and 5 could be scrapped outright without loosing anything. If you really want you could replace her in 1 with some unnamed woman who just appears just once.

    For 2. you could just have Dobraine be the steward from the beginning IMO.

    I have made my opinions about number 3 clear in my first post.

  3. I think Berelain could be cut without changing the plot much. She doesn’t have much impact on the plot and when she does it could be argued to be some of the worst moments in the series.


    This whole rivalry with Faile was one of my least favorite parts of the series and there isn’t really a point to it in my opinion. Every reader knows that Perrin won’t cheat on his wife and there isn’t some grande resolution that justifies wasting so much time on her. Add to that that much of this happens during the hostage plot which is also one of my (and many other people’s) least favorite parts and I think cutting Berelain might the show better.


    What do you people think of this?

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