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Isaiah Lur Fane

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Posts posted by Isaiah Lur Fane

  1. My good men and women of the Shadow!  Some of you possibly have heard of me, others of you might vaguely remember me, while a small amount of you actually know me..  My name is Ian, and years ago I used to be the Division Leader for Shayol Ghul, before that I was a long standing member of Shayol Ghul, and the Dragonmount community.  I have a few issues I would like to bring up, and I would like to see some input from everyone.  I believe I should give some back history though.


    Shayol Ghul; Largest, and most active Division(Organization At The Time)

    Back when I was a wee little Darkfriend, a small fish in a very large pond, SG was arguably the largest and most active Orgs around, next to The White Tower.  It was important that we hold such large numbers, and active numbers, as we are the "bad guys".  We give everyone else someone to fight.  We are the antagonists of Randland.  We had very active Chosen, Ja'avaran, Lanfear, Demandred, many Trollocs that would spam our boards with hunger, dining, and growl, Roka, Narg.  Our Assassins, The Don, and our Dreadlords, Riordan, were a Blight to many nations and many divisions.  Our Darkfriends, though not as many as other circles, spanned from beggers, to Lords and Kings of nations.  We gave everyone else something to do.


    So I realize that people have real lives to attend to, but I would really like to see some activity both here on the OOC boards, and most importantly, IC.  I would like to see a combined effort of several SGers, putting together massive RPs between other divisions, subterfuge, attacks deep into the borderlands, torturing of Aes Sedai and their ilk.  Our Chosen should be plotting against one another, allying with some, and plotting to turn on their allies quicker then they became allies.  The Chosen's circles should be scheming and fighting amongst each other as well.  Unlike the other Divisions, we don't have to play nice, hell, we can play downright violently with one another, and by all accounts, it is heavily smiled upon!!


    Another thing we need to do is bring our numbers up.  Recruitment is a big issue here I am starting to notice.  If we can get a few people from every other division to pick up a character here with us, and give them reasons to remain heavily active, I feel we can once again get the RP moving in a good manner.  Our own members need to be able to pick up activity as well.. Not forcefully of course, but we should feel motivated and want to use our SG characters more frequently.  I know we have a good amount of Talents that haven't been tapped into, which can be used to reward good attendance.  Another thing we can possibly do is to tap into the SG OOC Org, or any other OOC org, and get some attendance from there.  Ultimately, our Chosen should be our recruiters, getting people to join up into their circles.  


    I don't intend this negatively, but our DL, second in command, and RP Coordinator/Bio checker has not even greeted me since my return, and that may feel like others who think about joining up feel less appreciated.  I figure you guys are actually rather busy with real life, believe me I understand that one, my RL situation required me to step down as DL.(It's hard to be a DL and be on a fishing boat for months at a time..)  Anyone who joins up should be completely welcomed by any members as well though.  "Welcome to the Shadow! Grab a knife and cut somebody! Woo!"


    I just wanted to bring some of these things up, and if anyone is really interested it spicing things up around here, I have a bunch of ideas for RP, so let's get the ball rolling!!



  2. oh dear.. You said EZBoards.. If I never heard of those ever again it would of been too soon.. now me personally, the boards we had before those were filthy!!  You could select your handle when you logged in, depending on what handle was selected certain boards were show up (If I chose Juda Sword the BT OOC board showed up) You could select an icon to put up so everyone could see it(Your rank icon, back then we had some sweet icons for Asha'man, and Storm Leaders) Oh.. I miss those days..


    But again..  EZ Boards... how I despised you EZ boards..

  3. Oh, okay well here is the last known information on Juda Sword


    Rank: M'Hael

    OP Strength: 50

    Skill: umm... 20?

    WS: 22 ....Yesh..


    Juda's labored breaths came in deep, painful gulps.  His sword, shattered half the length of the blade, dripped blood from the cross-guard, before it clattered to the wood plank floors of the inn.  The room was a slaughter.  Black coated men littered the room; over crushed tables and chairs.  Various limbs, coated in, and laying in pools of blood were commonplace.  The body in which Juda stood over, whose face was no longer distinguishable, still oozed blood from countless gashes and puncture wounds.  It had been a painful death, drawn out, and very personal.  The putrid air of the room seem to scream out the atrocities witnessed therein, and the silence that followed was that of a buried tomb. 


    Finally, after an eternity of silence, Juda spoke to the bloody corpse.  "Storm Leader Skechid, I find you guilty of calling me a monkey, and I sentence you to reading this horribly written script.  May you always find yourself cuddling with Trollocs, and snuggle with Mandi Sedai and Asha'man Feran for an Eternity!!"


    Uhh.. okay I apologize, I couldn't help it. MUAHAHAHA


    More Ooosquai?


    It's great to see you again Skechid, it's been a very very long time!!  So where do I send my bio after I write it? I may decide to completely start anew.  Who knows my friend, who knows.



  4. Howdy Gentled-men, er, Gentlemen, just dropping in for a moment to see if anyone is still around that might remember a Juda Sword or a Zio Curselight, I mean not that I don't enjoy you people who have joined in recent years, I'll probably be joining up and messing around with this while I am on land, but basically just wanna know who is still here?


    See, obviously the taint or age has made me completely nuts, I keep repeating myself..


    I think it's nap time..


  5. Hello out there!! *Echo*


    Any Darkfriends, Trollocs, Dreadlords, Myrddraal, Chosen, Gholams, Nitwits, Dimwits, Doodledats, Ooglerats, or spingspatters out there?


    What's an old Darkfriend Extraordinaire to do?



    I thought I'd drop in and see how my old division is getting along after all these years?


    Zio Curselight

    Darkfriend Extraordinaire

  6. Well, before new, lets start old.. I am no longer SG's DL. TRIPPY HUH? No longer Asmodean anymore either, and... No longer working a shitty job. ;) I'm a fisherman in Alaska now(That explains why I fell out of here the way I did) My old computer is down, and I haven't a clue on how to get my old ICQ number from it. I have AIM, and it's DiscardDischord , I use it more often then Yahoo so give me a jangle whenever you feel like. Sometime in october-november I'll be down in your area(just for shits and giggles, and yes, I can afford it easily BUT I WORK EVERY PENNY OF IT. Dude, I dun wanna tell everything here, hit me up. I get home from shipyard around 3:30, so I'll try and be online after that. If not, PM me and I'll give you my number

  7. ..There's Dali.. and uhh.. not very many people left from when I existed here. Oh well. Just dropping in to say Hello!!! And if anyone else remembers me(Juda,Zio, or better known as Ian) don't hesitate to say hello!


    *Sips some of his beer* MMmmmm...

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