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Moridin Sedai

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Posts posted by Moridin Sedai

  1. Ok, maybe Faile's not the worst as I said earlier. There are much worse characters (Gawyn, Elaida, Alanna, Tylin, etc). She was pretty annoying at first but steadily got better. I just disliked her because of her impetuous manner, and her taking advantage over Perrin, though that could mostly be blamed on Berelain. 

  2. 1- Nynaeve-Great temper tantrums. Very good character because she has her flaws (Not a Mary Sue ? )

    2- Ishamael/Moridin--Amazing appearance as Ba'alzamon, etc.

    3-Moiraine--Actually cared about Rand. Was willing to be subservient for the greater cause. Probably the first Aes Sedai to not be a jerk.

    4-Rand-- He's the Dragon! Of course he's great!

    5- Logain-- Great role as false dragon & Saidin-wielder  

    6- Mazrim Taim--Very imposing and awesome (book six especially)

    7- Lan--All around cool guy with a sword

    8-Loial-- Always "loyal" to Rand and company

    9- Perrin-- I like his relationship w/ the wolves a lot. Adds a lot more character to him.

    10- Siuan-- Very stubborn. Good Amyrlin.

  3. There will definitely be a lot of plot twists and exciting revelation to come. Keep reading! The Eye of The World is actually one of my favorites in the series, mostly because of all the foreshadowing that comes into play later in the series. (And yes, the prologue is amazing, right?) In my opinion, its a great start to the series. Definitely worth reading....

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