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  1. Yes, in the Tower the Black Ajah can easily kidnap another Aes Sedai, but there is no way for them to take the AS out of the tower or bring in Fades. It would be harder to kidnap AS outside of the Tower. When the BA decided to reveal who 13 of them were it was for a major trap for the Dragon, not to catch one sister too early to be used in the Final Battle. Turning people years before the Final Battle is too dangerous because they can’t hide who they are as well as the regular BA. Also once the Tower figures out people are being turned, the whole of the BA becomes at risk.
  2. Verin gets back with the girls at the beginning of book 3 and she gives the Horn of Valere to Siuan. But she hid from everyone what she brought back so it would have been a well guarded secret. But what did she tell the Black Ajah was in the bag???
  3. Do you have someone in your family (like a grandmother or great grandmother) with a name similar to a character in the book?
  4. And a woman in the black Ajah 😮
  5. Ogier were police in the AoL. I thought the Seanchan Ogier didn’t find the Stedding. And the ruler of Seanchan cared for them until they could live without the Stedding changing them into a harsher personality. Then that family married into the Hawkwing family. 🤷
  6. Healing can’t be an ordinary weave. weaves do a thing. A construct acts situationally. If someone is anemic, it increases their blood clot factor, if someone is suffering clots it reduces the blood clot factor. If someone has a wound in one part of the body, it only “heals” there. we were introduced to the idea of other kinds of weaves that heal specific parts of the body like the heart, and one Aes Sedai can dial in the power so carefully that she can heal someone just enough to live without healing the body so completely that the patient dies from the loss of energy, but she can’t prevent the weaves from healing a scratch while it heals the lung.
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