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Posts posted by CrystallineTart

  1. I realize this is a WoT only forum so it might seem weird to bring up Harry Potter...


    If igure figure I already brought up Game of Thrones in some other thread.... and I'm still here which mens means its at least ok....


    Um, so really I actually read Wheel of Time before Harry Potter virtually certain as a matter of fact.... and quite enjoy it....


    Then harry Potter comes along and is like this massive revelation/ginormous explosion of everything.... and by the time the fervor died down

    it's been hard to get many other series in the spto spotlight....


    Just the other day though.. for sone reason or another while reading parts of Wheel of Time I'm like wait Wheel of Time has it's own kind of

    magic academy....


    I mean really Tar Valon vs Hogwarts their both schools for magic... almost like the public vs private schol school debate..... and essentially

    the debate is all about which is better and why at least in my mind since I don't know if strangely enough anyone that I've seen on the internet

    or anywhere has even tried to have this debate.


    It could be that one is good for some type of wizards ands ome the other... btu I'd like to start with the idea that one is simply better... better

    design better ideas better everything, better outfits lets say (or lack thereof perhaps)


    So here's some basic points....




    - Hogwarts: It's definitely got the edge in terms of complex hierarchies I'd say... for starters there's multiple players first years 2nd years 3rd years...

    then you have rival houses and stuff Hufflepuff and Ho er Raven claw and stuff like that... and then you have perhaps even different types of

    wizarding pagentry and stuff connected to those things like 3rd years go to Hogsmeade ands tuff like that.... lots of crazy ideas basically like

    that... that make it even more clear there's a lot of regalia and  h changes and ideas that go into it....


    - Tar Valon: Tar Valon has a clear kinda singular sorta track system in my opinion... novice... accepted... wizard... kinda... in my opinion... sorta like

    that more or less... it's clear what each one means and where you are goingl... and it's just sot sorta straightforward.




    - Hogwarts: Well for starters Hogwarts is a castle... a proper European  medieval castle in allr espects... you have glass windows, dark corridors... you have

    basically all kinds of stuff on every level that is a very serious intense thing... roman cn candles... moats.... it's all very much like that in every respect... it's basically

    very very lage a in a kind of manorial sort of way.... it's also very isolated and is basically in a remote region of I guess Scotland or something and you have to take

    an incredibly long train ride to get there because it's so far away and everrything about it is so desperate and desolate in many ways I guess from that point of



    - Tar Valon - Tar Valon by comparison is like a city-state sorta feel almost with the tower being specifically dedicated to the wizarding parts but the town around it

    being basically normal I guess in many ways... it's more or less just a bunch of people who are like normal and not wizards or magical and they all interact with the

    white tower in unique ways.... so I think that's pretty different. Also the White Tower is very litterally a tower of some kind instead ofa  castle much smaller you could

    say probably in many ways....


    More or less actually I think by comparison Tar Valon is probably considered a bit barren... like it's just sorta empty... perhaps might be the wrong term

    but it's hallways and corridors, rooms perhaps... not necessarily the grand illustrious traditional medieval European thing... not being insulting or anything

    by the way! Just comparing....


    Relations witht he exterior etc.


    -Hogwarts - Hogwarts basically has a fairly rigid view of the whole situation... seeing it as a wizarding only community at the outskirts of everything.... and just

    overall has all kinds of issues I guess arguably... the ministry of magic views them as troublesome and different... they are completely invisible from muggles etc

    it's just one kinda crazy approach in many respects....


    - Tar Valon: Tar Valon's approach to humans c by comparison is more fluid... there's a lot of give and take and infact many close connections between

    the White Tower and the surroudning population... for example many Aes Sedai (to use the term of course now instead of wizards) take on local

    companions and stuff such as with Gawyn and others it feels like ther'es overlap in many respects with just the local community, then you have

    proper warders like lan who are definitely connected even though Lan himself isn't really at all magical and could probably be found around

    Tar Valon in many respects.


    Ok so there's a few points... I think it might be sort of an interesting topic to talk about.

  2. The ONe power versus the True Power vs Saidin separately vs saidar separately II think it's all a bit



    Like I think what was intended is just to state that there is the source... period.... and then Saidar ie is se

    essentially just the source as used by women and Saidin is with w men...


    it can obviously be overcomplicated and stuff and I'm sure there's just ways of making it even more confusing but

    essentially that....


    Rand's saidin sickness is because there is some kind of connection with male channeling and the source and the

    dark one and stuff so it all gets t boned....


    That's kinda all we know... I think...


    For all we know there aren't any reasons why there's really like in all honesty maybe there

    isn't a sickness... maybe there isn't even a taint...


    Maybe the Dark one is just a fantastic liar and it's all presentable backstory/hearsay stuff

    designed to confuse everyone... I mean seriously.....

  3. WEll yesterday was a really good game as well in my opinion...


    Sharks and Blues... shame for the whole game to end on the controversial no cl class on the er no call on the potential hand pass....


    But outside of that just a really intense game... Sharks had the av advantage ina ll respects in the beginning

    seemed like they were going to go away with it....


    Then Blues made a sharp comeback and it started to seem as if Sharks had no chance at all outside of the one

    counter goal scored in the middle there....


    Basically it turned and it seemed like the Sharks had no chance until they went with no goalie int he finalll...


    portion there a strategy which paid off completely as they got a goal in to force OT.


    OT was intense as well and again no call on the final play made a lot of Blues players upset but I also think

    that there were a lot of good plays by the Sharks and they could have asily won anyway at least IMO.


    Next game between them is tomorrow!

  4. I'm probably not the best expert on books I actually haven't read that many trilogies or anything....


    However it seems to me that this series mie might be interesting for people and in general a diversity in the tyhpes

    and manners of stories available seems like it's healthy for the book industry as a whole and the sub-genres of

    fantasy and sci-fi as well.

  5. Well I daresay I just came across this idea and it sounds kinda cool....


    One of the interesting things about WoT to me I guess is it's like just the book series.. which makes it feel very

    pure.... it almost seems like these days if you have figures soon people we'll be wondering those are canon in

    some strange way or something.... but I guess that's probably being really paranoid.


    I think what it really boilw boils down to though is these can be additive and interesting and cool

    they're just figures which people can get as a way to show being a fan.


    So that's nice......


    Er anyway basically yeah I suppose if they're really authentic things then it probably is sort of a copyright IP

    thing in some way to be able to make them....


    But the thing is yeah the author should be or perhaps the author's representative or perhaps both I guess

    can I'm almost certain get over that hurdle and yes better late than never somehow.

  6. Er... probably not the person to make this thread and/or any number of other things....


    But here I am.....


    So Sharks and Blues played yesterday watched that whole game wow really intense on both sides wasn't sure how it was going to go....


    For some reason the Sharks played best when the Blues were on a power play the only way they got their two short handed goals....


    Overall the Blues Goalee I think had a whole different level to his game and made it really hard in general in addition to St. Louis's

    strong defense overall.


    That said the Sharks are clearly a good ta team and we'll see I guess how the next game goes potentially.



  7. So er I don't know if it's accurate but I feel like this place is sorta... the kinda not on the topic of books

    and stuff but just where people chat well honestly I think that's fine.


    I guess the only concern I have is it really this thread? Like there's quite a few sections here and people seem active on a number of them my guess is it might be best to present to people who might come here that this is an

    ok place to just talk and discuss whatever might come to mind.


    But like this thread precisely or this forum in general or multple forums in general just some consideration.

  8. Hm...


    This is one of those deeper analyses that happens with a lot of other series and it attracts all the Eglio

    er Elios and people but I think people assume in general WoT is fairly simple where I disagree completely


    I think the series as a whole has a lo tof genuine subtext and things like this that might have real meaning

    and interactions.


    Admidttedly I'm not great at this  topic here but maybe if we encourage this then Wheel of Time can get a

    kind of treatment of this sort.


    For those wh who don't know there is 100% no Wheel of Time show happening... this is one of those hit jobs

    byt the elite where they go oh we show interest but it's a red wedding and they're plan is just to get the original

    peoiple involved invested and then suddenly it's in development heck for 10 years....


    It's pretty awful really.


    Although come to think of it now they might make one anyway just to ... you know once the Red wedding fails

    have an actual wedding... kinda deal.


    ....yeah this is silly in some ways dangerous horrible but also and silly....


    Where was I...


    But yeah Wheel of Time isn't strong int he way GoT was... it feels like nothing is acceptable and it's all

    bad because somehow it's older even though it predates Got by like 6-7 years...


    But posts like this show me that people then or now haven't forgotten about it/and o/or still find it interesting

    by moderns tandards and so I'm glad and hopefully people will analyze all things kinds of things like this.



  9. I'm not as into Pokemon as some I guess but there's no denying it's popularity and relevance...


    It's one of those  franchises that brings in a ton of new people every era which is kinda great...


    Personally I have really on some level no problems with it... I just frequently play other games and engage other media

    but with more time I could definitely increase the time learning about it.

  10. Dislike.... to like


    Mat dislike to like....


    Perrin... like to dislike....


    Thi sis part of my own read of Wheel of Time I'm doing... where I'm sorta imagining crazy things that would turn a lot of the series upside down such as the idea (might as well say it now, ) that Perrin was actually a Darkfriend the whole time and it's on this super deep meta level that the readers themselves are supposed to figure out somehow


    Suffice to say though, even if that weren't true, I would still kinda honestly hate Perrin and Faile and the whole angle they brought .... what were they even doing in Two Rivers? They seem like these vboring steadfast/hearty types... and Two Rivers is clearly rural and distinct in many ways... just doesn't make sense I guess.


    The fact that they're all infused with such intense personas unredeemingly straight arrow makes them sorta hard to believe also... and the whole natural/woodland take is just bizzare because it's redundant with the setting

    which there is pretty rural...


    I mean hawks/Wolves? It's almost distantly vaguely kinda corporatists.... oh your the nature people well I sure like Hawks and Wolves... like the most basic recognizable obvious things right?


    So yeah I don't know what the ln language filter thing is here but screw Perrin and Faile...


    Mat on the other hand....


    I also don't want to sound savant ty But I also never really bought Perrin's character...

    So even the idea that I ever liked him is in question.... or Faile for that matter...

  11. Come to think of it though it's pretty obviously south wales... if it's Wales in that analogy....


    Because the map ce clearly has Tarabon etc everything with the coasts/water to the southwest and west of the land mass or rather the sea plainly spoken is southwest of the land mass....


    It's a southwestern thingbasically ... well or a southwestern quadrant of a larger land mass surrounded by sea... there's dozens of way s to phrase it I guess.


    Thep oint is it's both at the edge of a world and connected to the larger world...


    The most ioslated points though are Emonds Field... as distinguished from Two Rivers....

    And then Two Rivers in general I think that's quite explicit in the series.


    One of the reasno I've taken to studying maps o a bit...


    Perhaps an analogy can be drawn to like the Cambro-Normans of South Wales... during that era where they settled largely in the south adjacent to the water... with the more mountainous regions to the north and west remaining native tribes of various kinds...


    But then infused with all this imagination it makes it quite vibrant I htink.


    It's even more odd when I think about it because isn't RJ originally from, or was rather...

    South Carolina? Which is south and east... kinda ironic I guess maybe....


    ...well not really but just random interseting note to me I guess.



  12. On 4/5/2010 at 10:20 AM, Majsju said:


    Rahvin is never described as black, just dark, which is usually a very different thing.

    I think it might have raised an eyebrow or two if he had waltzed into aemlyn, claiming to be fron Andor, while sporting a colour of skin only those who had met the Sea fold would have ever seen before...


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