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Posts posted by Essy

  1. I am not sure if this has been said before, but here's my take.


    I disagree with the 'creator' aspect, however, do we have any information on the first age? I have not seen any.  I just finished aMoL today but here's my spin.  Is there any indication that the dragon was a man in the first age? The way the meal tasted, every thing unspoiled that Avi ate.. what if she is the Dragon still roaming from the first? The same how possibly Rand is going to roam, as it seems he can manipulate the pattern now.

  2. Welcome back!  The CoTS is going to be attacking a bunch of WTers and FLers using the Bowl of Winds, so if you are interested in that, let me know when you have your dreadie reapproved and I can get you added to the list of attackers :D




    My reqs and bios are still up, no need to post for re-approval if they're still up and active :).


    And yes, definately sign me up!

  3. Hi to everyone that remembers me, good to be back.


    I'm wondering if anyone can catch me up the last 6 to 10 months of anything that's happened.  I unfortunately had to leave after I became the leader of the Aiel.


    A quick recap would be great, thank you in advance!!


    Still deciding which character I'll be bringing back for casual writing, but here's a list of my characters from back then:


    Justin lan Valere - My gleeman of awesomeness.


    Cenn - Leader of the Hama N'dore , well that was before he was made Aiel Chief.  From what I can see Ghaul is back, so obviously he's the real Aiel chief.


    Jodeen Vias - My full fledged dreadlord.  He was fun to write, don't know how that part of the world is going though.


    My other characters I don't feel that I would like to write them, just these three.

  4. He knew that he would be lashed out the moment he said the words, but he stood his ground.  The things had to be said, for the short amount of discomfort that he would have to uphold would be worth it for his people.  She grieved for his husband, which was understandable; he was an honorable name.


    He thought of how he could help Ghaul, but he mostly dismissed the thoughts.  If he wasn't dead by now, he'd be in the center of Shayol Ghul.  One of the Forsaken knew what they were looking for; trying to weaken the Aiel by taking off the head.  He grieved for his friend, aswell, but in a different way then most.  He knew that it would be a loss cause to send a force into the heart of the Blight, but one day he would plan to do it.  Not now, they were too weakened and demoralized.


    Cenn bowed his head as the Wise One effectively tongue lashed him; it was working well.  He pondered the final words that came from the womans mouth, letting it sink in and adjust to himself; "For once a Clan Chief will know that the Wise Ones will not be brushed aside."  In order to have their support, he would have to be obedient to the Wise Ones.  He figured as much, Ghaul never listened to the Wise Ones, and that could be why she feel responsible.


    He accepted the defeat that the Wise One laid out to him, she had more experience in this type of thing then Cenn did.  He was a warrior, not a politician.  Though, despite the small loss, he looked up and stared into Eqwinas eyes; a fiery passion that very feel Aiel maintained throughout their age.  He dared not stand up to her, but he had to show her that he was strong for his people; they both had to be.  He couldn't be the Chief without them, but alas they couldn't rule without him.  They both had to work together.


    "Do you wish me to wait 'till you are ready, Wise One?"  His tone was sympathetic, but he offered no apology for his previous outburst; there was no room or time for apologies.  "What do you wish to do?" The fiery passion returned as he stared defiantly into her eyes.

  5. --Character Name - Cenn




    --Email address – aielbios[at]hotmail.com




    --Division - Aiel



    --Aspiring Society - Hama N'dore, now Clan Chief




    --Physical Description – Cenn was your typical aiel in some eyes.  Average height, 'round 6'4.  Medium build, sitting at about 220 lbs.  He had a black mustache and a black, thick fully grown beard.  His short hair was slick and looked as if it was oiled; which obviously it wasn't.  He had no noticible scars, all his limbs, and from what you could see; perfect working condition. Although that wasn't the case.  He had a problem with his lungs; he only had one when he was born. 




    --Age - 28




    --Place of Birth/Raising : Three-Fold Lan




    --Weapon of Choice: Spear




    --Character History :


    Cenn was raised a normal Aiel.  He always found it a bit harder then the others, though, not being able to run as far, not being able to fight as long.  But gradually as he got older, he learned to cope with it.  He started running as long as the other boys, and even longer then others.  Some of the Wise Ones thought this was miraculous, for they thought he would be dead by the time he was ten. 


    The dust from Three Fold Land didn't help, either.  It clogged his lung sometimes, and he would have spazzing fits of coughing.  What didn't kill you, made you stronger, right? As Cenn grew older, he began using more and more of the spear.  But one thing that impressed his own parents was his balance.  Sometimes he would just sit on the edge of a plank, and think.  It was the most peculiar thing, that he would take his disadvantage of being able to train for long periods of time, into something that he could just sit; and basically sit any where, at that.




    As Cenn grew to his middle-teens, he began his training with his spear more vigorously then his other weapons.  It took several years before he went to his first battle; and it wasn't even glorified to be called a battle.  But, it was indeed a confrontation.  Ten of his Aiel Men, including his brother and father; and himself, were all sent to The Blight.  Needless to say, twenty or so Trollocs didn't last long against a few Aiel.  It was his first real kill; and he loved the feeling.  After that one raid, he began going on more and more.  As much as he could, from his clan.



    His parents never died by trolloc hands, his brother was never murdered.  No typical reason for leaving.  He just up and.. left one day.  He was raised right, he was never beaten, sexually harrassed.  He decided that he would find a new place in the Spine.  Yet he didn't exactly know where he would go.




    He wandered the spine for several days, and eventually came upon the camp of more Aiel.  Hoping they weren't from Shaido, he approached them with caution.  Suprisingly, they greeted him warmly and to share their shade.  They called themselves the Dragonmount Clan.





    6-8: Spear and Dagger Training - Complete

    8-10 Unarmed Combat and Bow Training - Complete

    10-14 Fighting in small groups - Complete

    14-18 Raid/War Fighting - Complete

    16-18 Leadership Training - Complete

    18-20 Advanced Leadership - Complete




    Society Raising - Complete

    Rhuidean (Chief & Wise Ones) - Complete**

    Any you'd like to comment


    ** Note posted yet, waiting for the 'right time.'


    CURRENT WS: 20

  6. Cenn had arrived at the Hold maybe fifteen minutes before he settled.  He walked casually across the scarce Hold.  Many of his men were near Cairhien, or stationed in various parts of the Car'a'carns land.  He had just arrived back from Cairhien, spending nearly a week there to reacquaint and tell the warriors that stationed there of Ghauls disappearance and his raising.


    The dragon tattoo that slid up his right arm still felt awkward, as he could feel the scales sickly attach themselves to the base to the shoulder of his arm.  It was gold, yet had a tinge of green towards it.  He closed his eyes for a moment to catch himself, trying to put what he say in Rhuidean in the back of his mind.


    He arrived at the tent he was looking for, and began to dismantle his cadin'sor.  The two large spears on his back he took off, placing them in a neat pile ontop of his worn clothes.  He breathed in deeply, closed his eyes, and opened the tent flap.  It had been nearly a month since he had been raised, and the people were beginning to adjust.  His friends that he had known before looked at him different though, and this left an unsettling aftertaste in Cenns mouth.


    Friends he had known before had left, or disappeared. Cor, his blood-brother from the Stone Dogs; he had not seen him for too long.  He often missed the company of him and his pet, some sort of giant-like cat.  He missed the companies of Sullyn, the only female Thunder Walker he had ever known.  Ghaul, the Chief that had brought him in and offered him shade and water.


    Most had gone missing, some had died.  He missed them, but his duty was to his people now.  He must be strong if his Clan is to be strong.  It is time for new, a time for change.  He looked around the tent, the majority of the chatter had stopped or died down to mere whispers.  He felt awkward.  A month ago, he would be laughing and joking with these people; now they looked as if he was not one of them anymore. 


    He sat down next to a lovely Maiden and a Hama N'Dore, which used to be his society.  He belonged to no society now, he was in all but none.  Some nodded at him in grimace, others frowned.  Some were receptive, and smiled gleefully and hysterically like the old days to Cenn.  He offered a weak smile back, and nodded to others.  His head bowed down to admire the dirt below his feet.  He looked underneath him and took a staera from the neat below him.  He casually wiped away the dirt and grime from his thighs, working down to his ankles.


    Every once in a while, someone would open a small talk conversation with Cenn, but often to not he left the conversation dwindling in the air.  "Congratulations, Cenn.  We are yours to command!" Some were sincere, others mocked as if he was not a true Chief.  It would pass, eventually, but it made Cenn feel uncomfortable.


    A young aiel, much younger than Cenn, looked at him and began to speak,






    Clan Chief

  7. Looked at Barm as he was staring at him, and began to wonder why Barm was glancing at a naked man in a tent.  I know I'm good looking, Essy thought, but I think there's a line and Barm just crossed it.  He then proceeded to read Barms mind, because he was a Male Aiel Warrior Wise One.  A rare breed, really.


    "Empyyyyy," Essy moaned like a twelve year old, "Barm is making fun of yoooou."  He winked at the two, then leaned across from his bench, whispering sweet nothings into Barms ear; "The name means he's overcompensating for something, friend."  The sheer look of terror drawn across Barms face was enough pleasantries for Essy, as he sank back into his seat.  He then proceeded to, once again, lose himself within the constant conversations throughout the large tent.

  8. The man glanced at the fallen Mydraal but seemingly paid no attention to it.  He looked to Jodeen, "If by 'him' you mean your new 'partner', then yes. Who are you and where are we supposed to be going."  Good, Jodeen thought, atleast he has a sense of humour.  He would like working with this one, hopefully he wouldn't blowing himself up like his last partner.


    Jodeen grinned brightly, standing from the stool he had sat on and shook his pants to get the dust off.  He was wearing a elegant white button shirt, half done up but not all the way so some of his chest hair was flopping out of the top.  The strings were undone, and hung loose at the side of his chest.  His pants were blackish blue, a soft velvet feel that hung down to his ankles.  They fit in perfectly, hugging to him tightly to show off his posterior but not too much to be uncomfortable.


    "Jodeen Via.  My name, that is.  You must be Ti.. Ti something; I can't fully remember.  The agent was a bit.. preoccupied." Jodeen quirked a smile as he cocked his head slightly to the right.  "Right, right.  Down to business.  Godan, Tear.  We're supposed to make sure that none of those damned Black Tower soldiers or the pesky Aes Sedai," he spat the conclusion of the syllable of 'Aes Sedai' as if he had ate a rotten apple, "..are occupying the area. Never know, might find a overzealous guard that wants to try his luck too." Jodeen grinned again, hoping at the chance to incinerate someone.  It had been a couple weeks since he had gotten to kill anyone, and Mydraals and Trollocs just weren't keeping him content anymore.


    "Can you travel?" Jodeens grin had vanished, and it became it was time to leave.  He drew on Saidin, feeling the power rush through him.  It felt so good.  He drew on just enough and cracked his right knuckles.  "I can only skim, if you can travel it'll make it a bit easier."  He hated not being able to travel, it was a pain in his ass.  He grimaced again, making a promise that he'll try to open a rift when they got to Tear, to atleast try.

  9. The womans voice was as elegant as her soft body, as the sweat slowly dripped off the naked body.  "I see you, Essy." She had said to him.  Oh joy, she knew his name! Essy smiled and blushed, and began to scan around the room again.  A tall aielman, even for an aiel, had entered the tent.  He knew the face, he had seen him over along the Seanchan Hold before.


    He nodded in respect to Barm, and smiled obnoxiously to him.  "Shade and water for you, friend! Come, sit and talk!" He prodded at Barm.  He returned his gaze to the maiden, who seemed to be staring at Essys beautiful tanned, muscled, perfect body.  He made his pectorals flex, just like he saw as a kid in the Aiel-Weightlifting-Shows.  He always liked watching the naked men lift weights.


    "How does the hunt, Miss Tess? When are you going to lay down the spear and lay a wreath for me? It's been due too long, I say!" He grinned defiantly as he joked with the maiden.  Or was he joking?

  10. Essy twirled his staera within the palm of his hand, staring subtly around the room as he glanced from person to person.  A young maiden caught his eye, as he stared at her bewildered in excitement.  He tried to make small talk, asking here how the dance went; but she only laughed and hand signed her other maidens, and then abruptly laughing hysterically again.


    He began to scrape and forcefully drag his staera across his hairy, bronze legs.  Another maiden caught his eye, a young woman named Tess.  He winked at her and laughed, asking her stupid dainty questions like "What tree did you shade under? The beautiful tree!?" He was so comical.


    He smiled to himself, and leaned back; drowning himself within the constant chatter of the sweat tent.

  11. Character Name: Synnove


    Email address: tessandra[a]gmail.com


    Aspiring Society: Far Dareis Mai


    Weapons of Choice: Spear


    Clan: Dragonmount


    Place of Birth/Raising: Three-Fold Land


    Physical Description: Synnove looks like a rather typical Aiel. She has short-cropped blonde hair streaked with white-blonde in the style of the Far Dareis Mai. She stands tall at 6’3” but this is only natural for Aiel. Her body is toned and lean from the rigors of the Three-Fold Land and her face, neck and hands are tanned by the harsh sun. Her eyes are a lovely shade of sea green and framed by long blonde eyelashes. Synnove’s laughter is truly rich and a smile from her is like a gem.


    Personality: She appears to be on the reserved side and her personality is somewhat concealed from the general public. She likes her privacy and does not wish to wear her heart on her sleeve. However, she is actually very fierce, wild and loyal underneath her distant exterior. Only those truly close to her see her inner core. Contrary to her appearance as reserved, when she is pushed she can lash out unexpectedly with a wicked sharp tongue. Most people do not know that she is a free spirit and will take personal risks for the joy of being free.


    Character History:


    One child out of five, Synnove was the oldest daughter and the second oldest child raised by Nalani, Roofmistress of the Dragonmount Hold. Being a roofmistress, Nalani found it important that she drilled all her children on the protocol of the Aiel ways more so than usual because her role in society demanded that she pass on her knowledge. Hence, from an early age Synnove felt the confines of traditions and laws that tempered her wild spirit. Besides this, however, Synnove was like any other child. She played childhood games that only existed in the Waste; games to improve balance, speed, accuracy, all the five senses and their bodies as well. These games were fun but also educational. What you learned as a child could save your life or someone else’s life in battle one day.


    Thus, it was at a young age, Synnove was found beyond proficient in the spear and coincidentally, it was during this stage in her life that her older second-sister joined the Far Dareis Mai society. Having admired her second-sister very much during her childhood, joining the Maidens became Synnove’s dream and she worked hard to reach it. As she grew older, she trained harder and harder and while her body became toned muscle, her personality grew more reclusive and precise. With the wildness of her childhood on a leash, Synnove was a weapon.


    Feeling a turning point in her life at the end of her teen years, Synnove went on a solitary mission into the Waste and spent many days and many nights out there cleansing herself of things she no longer wanted in her life and getting in touch with her self-awareness. This mission would confirm to herself that she was ready to become a Maiden. In this journey, she would eradicate any self-doubt or weakness she possessed and if she survived this undetermined amount of time in the desert, she knew she would be ready to enter the Far Dareis Mai society. Running through the Waste and pushing herself physically and mentally until she collapsed into whatever make-shift shelter she could find made up most of her days and her nights that were not spent in a deep slumber she spent reflecting.


    When she went back to her hold, she was worn but she felt an elated satisfaction. She had run the risk of killing herself but survived and she had been as free as she had ever been. The same day she went to the Far Dareis Mai society and petitioned for acceptance. Since then she has never looked back.

  12. Jodeen sat in a vacant inn of Ravinda, on the outskirts of Kandor.  The city was pretty much vacant aswell, but the inn especially so.  No one stirred, and even the mice lay dead to the corner of the stenched filled tavern.  Jodeen felt some trollocs wandering outside, and even the occasional fade scattered throughout the city.  The occasional scream was heard, but it was muffled out soon after.


    An agent had told him that he was to meet one of his Brothers here, in this light-forsaken city.  It had been taken in the conquest for Kandor, and one of the easier to fell.  He sat at the dusted table, slowly picking his fingernails and glancing at the door every few minutes.  A fade would often come into the tavern every hour or so since he had been there, sensing someone inside the inn.  Apparentally, it was that hour.


    The tall soul-sucking creature entered the room, and seemingly glanced at Jodeen; though it was quite apparent he didn't exactly have said tools to glance.  He crooked his head, and began to speak without actually moving his mouth, or rather what appeared as a mouth.  "What business does a Dreadlord have in Ravinda?" He had a coarse tone, and a raspy voice as if it had not tasted water in several weeks.  Or whatever they drank.


    "Meeting someone." Jodeen said, and obviously in small frustration.  He hated being bothered.  "What business does a Mydraal have speaking to me?" The fade crooked his head to the otherside, staring lifelessly with those non-existing beady eyes; he could tell if they had eyes they'd be beady. 


    The Mydraal made a 'Hmph'-like noise and left the room, the unmoving cloak behind him as he dissapated into the shadow of the door. Jodeen remained unnerved, and never seized Saidin.  "Filthy creature." He said under his breath.  Almost instatenously the Mydraal appeared from the shadows again, sword drawn.  He flung himself at Jodeen, but Jodeen had already seized the source.  Several strands of air were woven before the Mydraal took a step.  Half a step later, not even fully inside the door, the Fade was frozen mid air.  Jodeen stood, his eyes staring wildly at the disobedient Fade.  He sympathized for the creature; stationed in a desolate city with nothing to converse with but trollocs.


    Jodeen pondered what to do, whether to let him go with a warning or to dispose of the unloyal creature.  Worrying whether or not he could sit in peace with this thing lurking on the outside, waiting for him to let go of the source, Jodeen decided on the latter.


    A strand of fire was weaved and set the Mydraal on fire.  The Fade let a shriek, a chilling sound to any man.  One of the previous strands of air was bent to cover the mouth of the tortured Mydraal.  "Wrong move." He drew a handful on the strands of air and pulled tightly, crushing the rest of the Fades body that was not charcoal.  The creature fell to the floor, twitching; they seemingly never died.  Stubborn, Jodeen thought. 


    The door opened again, and Jodeen held the source.  He looked up, and saw another man.  "Are you him?" Jodeen said with a smirk as he broke the weaves he had placed on the twitching creature.

  13. As the title suggests, me and Tigara are looking for one or two Aes Sedai for a small skirmish with two Dreadlords.  Red would be best, cause we're both male, but any will work.  No character deaths, just some fighting and a retreat on one side; it'll be discussed.


    Please check me out on MSN at essy[at]essygaming.com or e-mail me at aielbios[at]hotmail.com


    Thanks, later :D!

  14. (Taken from the SG site)


    Acolyte to Adept




    Intro to Saidin- Complete http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=13536


    Adept Test- Complete








    Social Interaction- Complete http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=13541


    Additional Skill- Complete http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=13626


    Learning with a Dreadlord- Complete







    Adept to Dreadlord - Complete http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,27244.0.html

  15. Jodeen sat quietly in his dorm.  Several years of his life he had spent here, quiet and brooding.  He stirred not once unless called upon, he said not a word unless told to.  But today he would forgo the subtle behavior he had to endure, and he would be himself once more; serving the Great Lord.




    Thom, who had been his mentor since he had arrived, walked down the cold corridor.  The fortress was chilly this time of night, and he was worried that Jodeen, who had been but a son to him, wouldn’t make it past his final testing.  He remembered his Judgement, and it was brutal; the most painful and exhausting experience that he had ever endured.




    The door opened, and Thom stepped in.  He was tall and came to the brim of the door.  He looked down at Jodeen, and Jodeen looked back.  They said not a word, for they both knew what today was.  Jodeen stood up, and refrained from seizing saidin.  Thom left and began briskly walking down the corridor once again.  Clank clank clank, his boots made a ringing sound throughout the hallway.




    Several minutes of twists and turns, through hallway and alley.  They stood infront of a large wooden door, and Jodeen could sense Saidin being channeled through the door, only one though.  He had heard the stories, but he knew not the details.  His hair was on end, and he knew that there was atleast one woman channeling Saidar.




    Thom opened the door, and Jodeen walked in.  He stared up at five Mae’shadar, veteran channelers of the Great Lords ranks, and four other channelers; Mae'shadar or Dreadladys he did not know.  They stood on a podium, maybe three or four feet above Jodeen.  Thom turned to Jodeen and quickly bowed his head, hoping not to make it too obvious that he was compassionate.  Jodeen returned the gaze, fighting not to show weakness within him.




    Thom left the room, and slumped against the side of the wall outside the large room.  He closed his eyes, and could feel that they were about to start.




    Jodeen seized Saidin, for he knew it was coming any minute here.  Finally, the Male Mae’shadar said with a rough, gruff voice; “Begin.”  Two of the women began channeling strands of air and water, attempting to bind him; the male channeled fire to incinerate him on the spot.  One of the women threw a air weave at him, Jodeen rolled to the side, and before he knew it another weave of air from the other female slashed him across the cheek. 




    He stood as fast as he could, and another weave of air and water came flying at him. He slashed at it, breaking it but not obliterating it like he normally could; the Dreadladys were stronger than he was.  The wave broke in half and split to the sides of him.




    The taller Dreadlady sent several threads of air at him, to try and cut him apart.  Jodeen returned the favor and channeled air and fire to try and halt the deadly weave.  One of the females threw a seemingly ball of fire towards his direction; Jodeen attempted to channel his own fire to absorb it.  While it hit the wall that Jodeen had spun, a trickle of the flame came through and hit him thoroughly in the chest.  He was knocked back, and quickly spun a small amount of water to put it out.




    They stopped for a moment, but he could feel that they were still channeling.  He didn’t know what was about to happen, so he prepared as best as he could and made the origin of a small protective sphere of fire, earth, and air.  He breathed in slowly, felt himself blink and relax for a moment.  The Dreadlords above him all seemingly struck at out once, air and fire from one; water and fire from another; straight air from the center female, fire and earth from the male, and on the end straight air aswell.  They came at him, and he managed to absorb the majority of the shock through the shield he had weaved.  The two who weaved the air sent it late; possibly on purpose, after the shield was down.  It hit him, one cutting him across the face, the other pushing him in the center of his belly.  It blew him back, against the back wall, and he lost his breath.




    He stood, and channeled a weaker shield.  The air flew to him like daggers, and he managed to deflect two of the weaves.  The two females on the end seemed to stop, but the three center continued the onslaught.  A gush of water and fire came at him, as if they had all weaved together, he threw himself to the floor and managed to get out of the direct path of it.  A stream of water came from the taller Dreadlady, and Jodeen drew a sword-like material out of air and cut the stream through the center, stopping it completely and on spot.




    There was no way he could win, he thought to himself.  He just had to stay alive for aslong as he could.  How could they expect him to win in these circumstances?  The woman on the left stopped, and only the center woman and the taller Dreadlady were still channeling.




    Rocks seemed to almost be dropped on him, and one hit him squarely in the foot.  He locked him in motion and he couldn’t seen to move from the spot.  The man drew a deep breath, and threw a weave of fire and earth at him. 




    Jodeen had to react within a split second, and he didn’t know what to do.  He was exhausted, nearly out of weaves, and trapped.  The fire was nearly infront of him now, and Jodeen quickly threw a final weave of air to lift the rock that was on him.  He threw it infront of him, at the great ball of fire.  He fell to the ground; out of exhaustion and to get out of the way of the reaction.  The ball and rock merged and dissapated into a dust of a greenish cloud.  The male Mae'shadar, sitting in the center of the others, almost looked as if he would smirk, but the emotion faded as fast as it had come.


    He felt the male let go of Saidin, why he held it Jodeen knew no, but Jodeen held on; afraid there would be a counter attack after he let his guard down.  The Mae’shadars turned and faced eachother, as if reading and conversing with eachother.  They all looked towards the male, he nodded; then numerically the women glanced at each other women, each nodding with a single bob of their heads.  Jodeen felt a coldness within the room that no temperature could be read, and no thread could be spun to solve the problem.


    The man spoke, "Tomorrow you will be woken and taken to the pit.  Your training is completed, Dreadlord Via."  Jodeen wanted to shout or scream with glee, but his training taught him otherwise.  He nodded meekly, bowed his head and left the room.  Thom was still leaning on the cement wall outside.  He smiled at Jodeen, obviously overhearing the verdict.  He gave Jodeen a clap on the back, "Well done boy.  Well done." With that, he guided him back to his cot through the damp and chilly fortress; for hopefully the last night that he'd have to remain here.  He thought about that for a moment, wondered what would happen to Thom.  Could Thom come with him for his travels, could Jodeen stay?


    Thom glanced up and shook his head, "My place in the outside world is over, my job for the Great Lord is in here now, training the likes of you.  You're welcome to stay, but I don't know why you'd want to."  He understood, and they walked the rest of the corridors in silence.




    Day broke, and one of the females from the previous day stood at his door.  "Get up." She commanded, in a hasty and dominant tone.  Jodeen changed clothes when he got home the previous night.  His face was still fairly bloodied up, the scorched and drenched clothes were flung on the floor.  His chest hair was singed,  he may of had a broken rib or two; but in generaly he was fine.


    They made their way down the steps until they were out of the fortress.  He looked up for the last time at his old home, and could feel several of the students he taught, Thom, and other various teachers looking through windows.  Well, atleast he could feel Thom.  The woman met with another of the Mae'shadars from the previous night.  He led him to the opposite side of the field and opened a gaping black hole, but this time making no attempt to try and hide it.  Jodeen watched the weaves and tried to memorize it, hoping he would be able to reproduce it another time.


    He stepped through it, and entered a land of near flame and despair.  Screams were heard throughout the valley of the occasional prisoner; but Jodeen paid no mind to it.  That's not why he was here today.


    "Channel and you will die." The male Mae'shadar said.  He led him down to a opening in Shayol Ghul.  The opening looked as if it would eat Jodeen, as it seemed to have jaws.  He walked to the center of the "Jaw", looking into an almost wall of fire.


    "WHAT DO YOU OFFER ME, DREADLORD?" A voice of power reemed through his head.  The sheer amount of energy and evil within the voice made Jodeen drop to his knees in agony.


    "I give to you my soul, my mind, my body.  I am yours, Great Lord of the Dark!" Jodeen defiantly tried to yell, but it was nothing but a mere whisper compared to the bounding voice within his head.


    "YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MINE!" The final words lingered as if making Jodeen taste what he was thinking.  He felt the rotten core within him lift, and someone seemed to hold his inner emotions and squeeze.  He was the Great Lords now.


    He will always be the Great Lords.

  16. Cenn was dressed in a shoufa, as he walked around the Hold.  Some faces were drowned in tears, others had a fearful face of dread stripped across them.  Many of his Brothers and Sisters were in tents, pondering what to do.  Some threw down their spears, and left the Hold in this time of need.


    He did not enjoy telling Corvina what had happened.  They had entered the hold, silent and mourning.  Corvina could see that something was wrong when Cenn approached her.  "I'm sorry." He had said to her, but she did not hear him.  She appeared to break down, but held strong. 


    He wished there was more he could do, but he knew it was past him now.  Grieving had snuck into the camp, and only time could heal the wounds that sought so deep within his people.


    But never the less, he knew that soon he would go to Rhudien.  He knew what would happen then.  He felt the longing within his heart, and the feeling that he was set to be the Clan Chief, to bear the mark of the Dragon.


    He wished not to break the time of mourning, but he knew the longer they waited the faster the Shadow would move.  The Sigh Blinder knew that they were weak now, leaderless and in chaotic times.  They would strike, soon, if his people did not organize.  These times were crucial.  War was not underestimated by an Aielmen or a Aielwomen, but the loss of a Chief was great for them; especially one as strongwilled as Ghaul.


    He had led them for a long time, aslong as Cenn had been there atleast.  A good fighter, a good man, he was indebted to him.  But now was not time for grieving, thought Cenn as he made his way to the tents of the Wise Ones.


    On a normal day, Cenn would be fairly scared of these tents, for a tongue lashing by Corvina was far worse than a blade if a Fade.  He approached the tents, and the Wise Ones looked strangely at him, glancing at his two spears draped on his back, the determined expression across his face, and the shoufa flapping in the wind.


    He walked past the Wise Ones, they merely nodded at him; they knew what he was here for.  Past the Gai'shan, they ducked their heads to avoid eye contact with the tall Aielman.  He reached her quarters.


    "Corvina."  She looked up at him, "It's time, Corvina.  I am sorry for your loss, he was a good man, a friend.  Roof and shelter he gave me.  But we cannot daddle any longer, for the Sight Blinder watches our every move.  He knows that we are weak, now."


    He breathed restlessly, he would dread what he would say next for years on end, but he knew it had to be him.  "We must go.  I will bear the markings of the Dragon.  Ghaul is and forever will be my Chief, but we must press on, Wise One.  I.. I will need you, for you are the Head Wise One, and the Wife of Ghaul.  I must be the next Chief of the Dragonmount Clan." He looked at Corvina, expecting a tongue lashing; one he was truely not in the mood for.


    "We must go to Rhuidean."

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