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News item Comments posted by tranquileyes85

  1. On 10/3/2018 at 9:09 AM, Conorpow said:

    From all i have seen from Rafe so far i'm hugely excited especially him being such a fanboy, i would have had a lot more fears  a few years ago for this but with Game of thrones being such a good show and Shannara being the failure it was, gives them plenty to aim for and know what to avoid. Totally agree that Casting is going to be essential and if you just write Moiraine as the badass she is in the books it will all be fine. The three Boys definitely need to be the focal point, as was said, they drive the story in the early parts and Rand, Perrin, Nynaeve and Egwene  later on so they all need to be fleshed out well early on. 

    Agreed. Shannara was a MAJOR disappointment and it had such potential. However, it was MTV and Fantasy is really not their wheelhouse. I really think Amazon will pony up and invest a lot in the series because they seem to want to be the "go to" for high fantasy.  

      I think the hardest challenge for the casting department will be the WoT fans. These are characters we have loved and known in our hearts (so to speak) for years and everyone has their own visualization. Fans might initially reject an actor/actress due to them not "measuring up" to their ideal. Hopefully, the fandom will try to keep an open mind and not immediately bash the show on social media after the pilot airs. Unless it ends up being "Winter Dragon Part II" if so, we all need to jump in and dance the spears! : ) 

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