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Posts posted by Ayend'an

  1. Nope! I'm 29 and (at least for now) done with school. I have no children at present, which is probably a very good thing. (So...I'm pretty sure any kids I raise will turn out like Mesaana's Children. LOL.) Good luck to everyone doing the back-to-school thing, though.

  2. Yep. I don't really have a favorite canon couple. My only WoT ships are from AO3, and they're all a bit, er...unconventional. I do love Mat, but I can't stand Tuon, and I simply can't get on board with any ship (heh, on board...NVM) where I don't like both characters. I do, however, love when couples troll each other. XD

  3. 5 minutes ago, LilyElizabeth said:

    I'd love to participate in this discussion, but that would require having knowledge I don't possess. Someday I will read more of these books. I promise. 


    Meanwhile, good topic. 15 pts to Adella

    You mean me? Oh, and I forgot to add, if I were to pick one of the female Forsaken, it'd be Mesaana. Lanfear may be my favorite, but I don't think I'd learn much from her except for what color underwear Lews Therin preferred and things like that. XD

  4. No, my dad was actually shot more than once when he was a police chief. The lie is that I'm a chronic insomniac. I'm only rarely awake late at night; generally, I go to sleep little-old-person early, 'cuz adult-ing. 


    1. My favorite canon WoT couple is Mat and Tuon, 'cuz I enjoy couples that troll each other (although I really dislike Tuon as a stand-alone character).

    2. I used to strongly dislike Aviendha and love Min, but now I prefer Avi.

    3. My favorite Elayne moment is when Taim spied on her while she was changing.


  5. If you were given the opportunity to apprentice under one of the thirteen original Chosen (well, thirteen main Chosen, since I know there were others in the Age Of Legends), which would you choose? Let's say, for the sake of discussion, that something about you is so indispensable that the Chosen you chose as a mentor would never seriously harm you (yeah, I know). For example, Semirhage would never torture you, Moridin would never make you explode with the True Power, and so on.


    I know my general order of favorites. For men, it's: Moridin/Ishamael tied with Demandred, Asmodean, Osan'gar/Aginor, Aran'gar/Balthamel, Be'lal, Sammael, then Rahvin. For women: Lanfear, Mesaana, Semirhage, Moghedien, then Graendal.


    I think I'd probably have to go with Moridin, for two reasons: 1) he's (or she's, here) Nae’blis, and 2) I'd really love to discuss philosophy with him. If I were basing my decision on which Chosen I like the most as a person, however, it'd be Demandred. And Asmodean and Aran'gar/Balthamel would be my road trip friends. XD


    I had to exclude M'Hael from this list, 'cuz that would make it WAY too easy for me. XD



  6. 48 minutes ago, Cross said:

    thats not the group that essentially steals art for their stuff is it? i know there's one on facebook that does that for tees and merch, can't remember the name of it though

    Light, no! I hadn't heard about that. No, Ta'veren Tees is the officially licensed Wheel Of Time store. Ariel Burgess is one of several WoT artists affiliated with Ta'veren Tees. All of their products and artwork are Harriet-approved, and Dragonmount.com is listed as a Ta'veren Tees ally.



  7. Hey, all! So the Ta'veren Tees Facebook page just announced the upcoming release of Chosen/Forsaken posters, featuring the art of Ariel Burgess. Moridin, Lanfear, Semirhage, Moghedien, and Graendal will be available for purchase through their website in September. The original series had six paintings, though, and included Demandred! I asked about it, and Ta'veren Tees replied that they'll only stock it if there's enough demand for him! Facebook-ers, please help show some Demandred love! (If he were still alive, I think he'd probably have killed a lot of people by now over this exclusion....)


    Original post was on Friday the 27th, so it should be pretty easy to find on here:



  8. I've seen several threads devoted to Logain vs. Taim and their respective strengths in the Power, but this one is purely subjective. I'm just curious: which false Dragon's your favorite? Mine's Mazrim Taim, but it's a close call. (This was originally supposed to be a poll, but my phone derped, so.)

  9. Nope. It's actually 3. I do sometimes use a recurve bow (which I'm pretty good at), but I prefer sword and shield or spear (unfortunately, I'm about as skilled as the M'Hael with a sword; "I can barely avoid stabbing myself," as he once told Rand). XD


    1. I'm currently re-reading TPoD.

    2. I have an ant phobia.

    3. My favorite store is Hot Topic.

  10. I thought I remembered one of your lies being that you're a morning person. LOL. I'd sleep in 'til 1 p.m., given the chance.


    1. I once cosplayed as Cho Chang (even though I can't stand her) just so I could show off my ability to cry on cue. XD

    2. My boyfriend is a professional stand-up comedian and recently made a dozen teenage audience members VERY salty.

    3. My favorite weapon to use in Dagorhir is the recurve bow, even though I'm not very good at it yet.

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