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Posts posted by Captainwilhelm96

  1. GRRM has recently been giving updates on his progress on Winds of Winter and the level of optimism in those seem to match those of his Dance with Dragons updates that were made about a year and a half before the book was released. So, there's some hope for at least WoW to be completed. If GRRM dies, hopefully someone else will finish the series.

  2. GRRM knows how the books will end and gave the showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss (also known as DnD for short) notes on the ending. The problem is that DnD aren't good writers when they don't have much material to go on and more importantly they wanted to end the show at seven seasons (the show being 8 seasons seems to be a compromise between them and HBO). The show needed more seasons to be able to finish properly leading the show ending to be terribly rushed. The ending of the books will likely have the same basic ideas as the show (like who becomes king in the end) but it'll likely be better written and make more sense then the show.

  3. Min had a viewing that Avi would have Rand's children and that they will be quads. We just don't know if they are conceived before or after Rand body swaps with Moridin. If it happens before then they would have to have been conceived when Rand and Avi slept together right before the Last Battle which is soon enough for Avi not to have any signs of pregnancy during the battle.

  4. RJ has said that the events of the books are the source for some of our myths and legends so what you suggest wouldn't work unless human civilization could somehow survive long enough to migrate to the new universe.

  5. IMDB is not very reliable when it comes to upcoming movies and shows so unless it was confirmed by a social media post by someone involved in the show or by a major news outlet consider it to be rumor. That said the only thing suspicious from what was posted is the name of Ampadu's character as I haven't seen any name attached to the character before.

  6. They're not filming multiple seasons at once. They're doing post-production on what had been filmed for season 1 before production was shut down due to the Corona virus and writing for season two (which so far hasn't officialy been given the greenlight yet).

  7. "We're not doing Robert's Rebellion either. I know thousands of you want that, I know there's a petition... but by the time I finish writing A SONG OF ICE & FIRE, you will know every important thing that happened in Robert's Rebellion. There would be no surprises or revelations left in such a show, just the acting out of conflicts whose resolutions you already know. That's not a story I want to tell just now; it would feel too much like a twice-told tale."

    GRRM May 14, 2017  source is https://grrm.livejournal.com/536859.html 

    I haven't seen anything more recent from GRRM or HBO on the possibility of a Robert's Rebellion show if there is please post it.

  8. AB is after the breaking and marks years since the end of the breaking of the world. FY is Free Year which marks years after the end of the Trolloc Wars as there was so much destruction during the conflict that what year it was couldn't be agreed upon. NE is New Era and marks years after the end of the War of the Hundred Years due to the same issue arising. Whether they change the dating system or not will depend on if they actually use dates in the show as they're rarely if ever used in the books outside of the glossaries.

  9. On 12/8/2019 at 11:48 AM, Dagon Thyne said:



    They are planning to make one on Robert's Rebellion, and they may decide to contract him with so that hewill be available when they do.   If he signs wirh Amazon for WOT, he would't be able to do their show most likely.  HBO likes to sign people to no compete clauses to make sure they are available for future projects if they are sure that the person is their choice.


    What's your source on that as the last that's been heard about such a show to my knowledge was GRRM shooting the idea down a few years ago.

  10. 23 hours ago, Dagon Thyne said:



    He might not be available because I think he's HBO's choice for their GOT Robert's Rebellion prequel series.  So HBO might end up signing him so he's under contract and they can keep him from signing onto shows that would interfere with their scheduling.  


    There's no Robert's Rebellion show in the works. The only prequel GoT prequel in the works currently is House of the Dragon a Targaryan focused show that will be pulling material from Fire and Blood.

  11. On 9/20/2019 at 2:43 PM, mistborn82 said:

    No that was Nakomi and I don't if we're ever told who she is but she wasn't Lanfear. She already tried to kill Aviendah once, I don't she would forgive and try manipulation again.


    We're never told who or what she is even outside of the books with it being one of three questions Sanderson won't answer. The other two being how the body swap worked and how Rand lit the pipe.

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