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News item Comments posted by Mardragon

  1. Concerning the statement that the dead don't cause any harm to the living...


    While it's true that the ghosts themselves don't attack anyone, there is an example of someone dying a horrible death due to apparitions. I forget the name of the book, but there was a scene in one of Matt's POVs where a someone wanders into a ghost village, which then sinks into the ground taking them with it, them screaming in agony as their legs go into the ground.


    I'm not convinced the Dark One has access to the dead either, (apart from those that purposefully  sell their souls to him like the Forsaken and possibly Dark friends) . So does that mean the phantom village was actually a bubble of evil rather than actually ghosts? Or a mixture of both?


    Personally I'd put it in the category of the harm being accidental, much like someone stepping in front of a truck. I.e. those caught in the phantom village would be killed as it vanished, but I don't think it was intentional. Merely people being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


    But the harm was still done, albeit it was the ground, village rather than the actual ghosts of people.

  2. Considering the Seanchan beasties that one of Matt and the Velociraptor isn't as far out as you might think!


    Of course the raptor would be squashed as Velociraptors were actually around the size of a turkey...Don't believe Jurassic Park. (Good film though.)

  3. "Sweet's Wheel of Time covers are SO bad!"


    They're not bad. The art is wonderful in fact.


    There certainly is inaccuracy though. I'll agree with that. What's with Mat wearing that full plate Samurai armour, for example. Strangely that was one of the pictures Robert Jordan loved too, according to that video.


    Then again, maybe he was just judging it as an art piece. And maybe the armour should be interpreted as symbolic rather than literal... but I'd have preferred something more accurate.

  4. Oops. I live that side of the pond, and I missed this! I saw it advertised, it just came quicker than I expected. Mind you, I'm a bit broke so I'm not sure I'd have made it anyway. Looks like they all had a good time anyway.

  5. Heh. I'm not sure how much of her accent is her own and how much she is putting on! It's actually not as twangy and slurred as I imagined. Or more specifically it doesn't twang in quite the way I'd imagine.


    I'm English, so to me Americans have a twangy slurred accent, but some are more slurred than others. I imagined the Seanchan sounding like Southerners US or possibly Irish. This girl certainly doesn't sound like either of those though (I wonder what accent Robert Jordan had in mind?) although her performance is cute. (I don't mean that in a derogatory way.) Actually she seems to have a middle-eastern quality to her voice if anything. Listen to how she says 'leader'. "Leadr".

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