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Everything posted by CaddySedai

  1. So I'm not really sure why Amazon decided to roll with a collectible sword maker to also allowing them to create jewelry which, to the best of my knowledge, they had no prior experience with. They probably should have stuck with Badali at this point but good news on that front is they let them bring back the silver classic Great Serpent ring and Badali seems hopeful they can get Amazon to roll with a full "classics" re-release. So that's lit. That said, we find ourselves with having Jalic Blades (aka Valyrian Steel) putting out the first TV show ring. I am willing to work with them when they are tooling to do something they have never done. Delays and growing pains were inevitable. That said my concern lies in their just terrible unresponsive and frankly non existent communication from a customer service perspective. Preorders opened August 28, with a expected delivery date in late October. Now one goes into preorders knowing full well that timeframes slip. I have a Kickstarter finally delivering in 2023 that was supposed to be completed in early 2021 - that's fine. They keep us abreast of the problems and issues and development update, and the end is in sight finally (it is Firmament, a game by the makers of MYST). That said, the preorders slipped from October to November, and now November to December. Again, this would not be an issue if they were a responsive company and maybe, call me crazy for even thinking this, letting preorders know that the timeframe has slipped. Instead one has to go onto the site, click into the ring as if wishing to buy it, and see the updated preorder expectation. This, is stupid. This also was never communicated and one wandered into it by accident. And the only communication was a facebook post saying "its taking us a bit longer than expected" followed by posts wondering how their followers liked House of the Dragon. It's just, bewilderingly unprofessional, and forget trying to communicate with them via their website "questions about your order" option cuz apparently that inbox isn't even monitored lol. I have no doubt they will come through, I actually have some of their blades and until now have never experienced an issue. But if you are interested in getting a Great Serpent Ring I would suggest you wait until they get their extremely delayed preorder situation handled. And that maybe in the future Amazon pick partners who have experience in the industry they hope to produce goods in.
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