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Posts posted by churchill83

  1. I have to say I am in Laccy's camp. I tolerated the Seanchan in the beginning, until I read for the first time Aviendha's dream chapter (for me one of the best chapters in the series). After that I started to hate them, and grew worse with the ending of the last book. I understand why RJ did it, but its a stomach thing.  It could also be because I also always associated them to the USSR, as someone higher up mentioned. RJ did an excellent job in creating a culture that shows the point of view of the colective good over the individual.


  2. I had my doubts when I saw the series being set up with multiculture Two Rivers characters, which was stupid considering that Jordan had already set up a lovely and huge multicultured world. As someone higher commented, ideology got in the way.

    I gave it a chance, but after 3 episodes I was so pissed-off I raged quit before the end of the episode. 

    Maybe I am too old for this (40ish), and I'll go back to reading the books every five years. I cancelled my prime subscription, so Amazon will not get my $$ for this bad adaptation.

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