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  1. Its been a few years but I did read the series twice and have a little going on in my mind. This is undoubtedly my favorite story but some things just do not add up. A big part of it is Moridin. He is suppose to be Rand from another time line that became forsaken yet early in the series Rand lives all of his lives and directly claims he never gave into the dark one in any life. Sure that is minor but the physical tie between the two also does not make sense. If Rand could cut his hand hurting Moridin why didn't killing him in the great hunt also harm Rand? Then there is the Shi Tan. A creature from outside of the pattern that is suppose to be evil incarnate. But Padan Fain combines 2 other kinds of evil suggesting Shi Tan is not evil itself but simply 'something evil.' Yet the ending has Rand recognizing that eliminating Shi Tan from existence would also remove evil from existence making everything morally hollow (in line with the philosophy that you can not have an up without down in terms of good and evil.) This bothered me simply because of how well thought out the entire world was and how poorly that ending fit. If the entire plot line of padan faign is removed its an excellent ending to the story but with it the end makes no sense especially if we consider the potential implications of Rand in the end. So when Rand finally comes to understand himself at the near cost of reality itself his mere existence weighs on the pattern in opposition to Shi Tan. Trees grow apples and babys are born reflecting a 'balance' leaning back towards life. But what should we take from the end of the story where he is in Moridins body but cant channel.. ...yet he can light his pipe.. This hints that he may actually be the creator as a balance to the dark one which 100% balances the story with the exception of.................................. Life is short. I love this story and I hope you will help me understand the things I dont in this world.
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