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Posts posted by Ramza

  1. Rowul goggled again "if you know that many than your your lesson is over, the next nember is one thousand, after that is yoru hundred thousand, then milliions, then billions then trillion, quardaillion, (word for five)illion, sexillion, septillion, octillion, after that even i don't know."




    (ooc done)

  2. thats what he thinks


    you know he could have a point



    no he can't






    cause i rock





    you heard me i rock


    mabey with that ax of yours


    hey i can kick butt with what ever i want


    you do not


    Hell fire and brimstone.. i will prove it by learnign the tonfa....


    you are crazy


    yes thats what wins me battles i do things no one else will do or think of, like firing chickens from bows.


    now that is crazy


    thank you


    Ramza pulled a dirk from his boot and began a whirlind suprising his nephew into doing what he wanted, backing up.


    Rowul kept his sword and dirk moving alwasys strikeing never relenting, but in what seemed days (actaully 4 hours) Rowul could no long move his arms, staggering forward he gave his last trick, dropping his sword he fell to his knees, carhian come forward and Rowul blew out all of his speed and strength adn place his dirk right next to carhians throat....


    "Draw" said rowul

    (sorry i messed up a few temes with teh names

  3. Okay with that in mind i need to send this too



    Character's name:Tomas Malkin


    Age:18 about to be 19


    Place of Origin: Shienar


    Hair Color:Black


    Eye Color:Blue




    Weight:180 pounds of muscle


    Weapon of Chioce....Twin Tonfa, *think of the night stick police carry, only made of All Metal*


    Secondary Weapon....Two Short Swords


    Weapon of last resort..... wooden clubs....(ohhhhhhh baseball bat's :lol: )


    Fighting style: Path of strenght coupled with Path of Knowledge.



    Breif physical description, Standing at 5'9 Tomas was of an average hieght, with dull black hair that was braided into a club at the back of his neck, his eyes were of a blue so pale as to be almost white, the only outstanding thing there was about Tomas was his size, he was built like a small bull oliphaunt, his arms had grown large in his constant struggle to not only cut wood and learn to fight with tonfas, but in the very way he moved, alwasy flexing his muscles to strenthen them, his legs had grown big by trying to out muscule the oxes, hitching himself beside one he would test his strength to see who could pull the hardest, Tomas never won but got better with every passing season........



    (OOC NOW WHAT??? please say hello to Tomas the Tank ) *think a1- abram*





    Brief History:

  4. (*gsap* no not the dreaded running...lol)



    Rouwl growled, i joined the calvary so i wouldn't bloody have to run everywhere like a commoneer.


    Rowul knew that he lifting of wieghts had taken a major toll on his body but not in his legs, starting a slow jog he kept running,,,,,,,mile after mile




    Rowul was tired, after only 7 miles he was about wore out to the poitn of collapse, not running fast had saved much energy but he couldn't run forever no matter how the jogging speed went. Looking around he jogged back to Daruun and leaned aganist a pole.

    "I.....(breathing sounds) Hate...... Running, how do you (breathing sounds) blasted Infantry stand it?"

  5. Rowul growled and spun his calvary saber in hand rushing the man spinning it around with a pure whistle, (A cavarly saber is a blade-heavy cutting weapon) when contact was meet Rowul would lightly twist his sword adn try to force it past a guard, sheer brute strenght could sometimes win a battle, but in this case Rowul knew he was out classed, but that would never stop him from tryiing.


    A simply slash to the gut turned into a slash at hte knees, oh how that alwasy was his first attack, didn't really know why just was.


    Then a high guard became a sweeping blow to the head.


    just imagion it as your ax and you will do fine



    what if i don't



    then try harder

  6. Kraken looked towards his "mommy"


    Care to help me?


    Rain Spirit seemed to laugh Not as tough as you thought?


    I just need you to flush the deer past this tree,,, theni will slice it open with my sabers


    Rain spirit did just as he need to be done, waiting and listening, slowly he began to hear the elks gasping breath and the lumber in its steps, it sounded... no, well actually yes it sounded as if it were lame in one leg, as it struggled by Kraken struck swiftly taking out the front legs then backing off he waited for it to quite its struggle with death, once it was nearly done kraken thrust his saber through its neck. dragging the kill back to the camp kraken smiled, "Is this good enough?"

  7. (me and myths bubble)


    "I would be alright but here comes a second wave of those blasted sand creatures"


    veiling himself Ramza was one of the few that leapt forward hearing a deafining roar and seeing a figure run beside him ramza smiled, "May you not wake from this day spear brother, there are only a few of them this time i hope this is the last wave"


    (ooc myth do you wanna keep going or not?)

  8. Rowul saw carhain standing at a cliff.... "YOU BLOODY IDIOT I AM GOING TO FLAMING KICK YOU SO YOU FALL FOR SCARING ME"



    Rowul limped over to him and roughly grabbed his nephew and drug him back 3 steps, before the young man had a chance to resist.



    Thats when rowul caught the words "animal" "insane"

    "not worthy"


    "If you think some of those things you need to be beaten, and i mean to do it, listen you mean more to many people than they could ever say to you in a life time. You inspire loyalty adn you have saved the lives of many men, if you have a beserkers blood rush so what, that is not what matters, Blood adn Ashes boy if you feel so strongly about it i can train you to assume a void where your feelings will never reach you. Don't throw away the most precious thing the creator has given you, with a life you can do so much you can protect the weak care for the injured and love the lost, there is never a reason to end it."


    Rowul waited to see just what his nephews reaction would be

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