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Posts posted by Ramza

  1. Ramza made his way to the throne room, for surely there were needs for stone dogs this day, just as in every day.


    He stood tall and straight and glanced around the room at the wetlanders.


    Ramza made a face.


    This place is covered in water, even what they call a drought is still more than i have seen in my life.


    Ramza stopped looking at the wetlanders to watch Jarron, there were more Maidens around that man than was good for him. Mayhaps the man needed to get away from them if only for awhile, go off and drink some. Surely that would help ease the mans mind.


    Then he heard the name "Rahvin" that was the name of a darkfriend wasn't it?


    When that sentece hit the room some of the wetlanders squiremed, and to tell the truth without his conditioning he would have too. But this was none of his business he was simply a fighter.

  2. Rowul was wrapped on his head when he heard an all to familar crack in the air, at that sound he ducked and rolled as if he were on fire, when he was up he saw his nephew with the a commander, "Carhain don't give up, use what you know about him against him."


    Turning back to his own fight he smiled,


    "Now let us truly dance"


    Rowul swayed in with a knife blow, and lanced in the top of the ax. The knife blow was a deception to get him in way to close with an ax....Or so Logain thought. The ax was pulled back then shot out forward with all his might connecting with the mans stomache. Knocking hte air out of him.


    Then with a savage knee to the growing he swayed away.



    There is nothing, and in this nothing i am one with the world.


    I will have no fear.

    For fear is the mind killer

    I will let my fear flow through me

    When all is said and done there will be only me


    Rowul flowed back in hacing and slashing, there was nothing for the man now, no room for error, no compassion.......was there mercy

  3. Kraken gutted the deer and was having the time of his life, he muttereed about not having the right spices but when all was said and done he was starting to make venision with what he had, granted it would taste gamey but that was no big deal, he had eaten worse...much worse when he was in the militray.......



    "hows this going so far?"

  4. Rowul might have been scared of that smile, had he not been Commanders of the White Cloaks long ago.


    Rowul only smiled back with a look as innocent as possible.


    Watching the charge Rowul only shook his head. This was as different as day and night to him, there was no spliting off to harrass the eneimes flanks, no arrows flying. This was not going to be a good day, no not a good day at all.


    "....so lead the men in a charge." said his leader extrodinar.


    "Well i suppose i can try though differnt that my training be, try my hardest i will, no more can you ask."


    Rowul mounted Iron Heart, his overly muscular war horse, and made a gathering motion to the men. "Well hows everyone doing today?"

    Grumbling insued.

    "Yes, yes i know, you were woke up to do this because i have never lead a calvary charge like this, so lets make the best of it, Rage squad on my left, Spartans on my right, well mount up."


    Rowul had given up praying to the light for some time, after seeing what had happened to a young Leutneant that had been assighned to him by the questioners. Never had he prayed agian.


    It was said that there are no aiethists in combat, Rowul was the exception, there was no longer any room for this "Light" if a "creator" would let that happen to one of his charges then "it" deserved none of his praise, or prayers.


    "Line up, we will begin at a walk,"

    "begin at a walk" echoed the sergeants.


    The line held smoth for a time but teh outermost men were starting to flag.

    "We will advadce at a trot"

    "advance at a trot." echoed the sergeants.


    Yes Rowul could see it but he knew of no way to reform, he line was going to become a "V" any second now.


    "Charge on my command"


    Seconds can sometimes feel like eternity, there was nothing he could do to stop now, it was a V or nothing.




    Rowul leveled his lance and found his crook, Pointing it slightly left the men turned to meet his new direction,,,,,,,,but a V was still there....



    After hitting his imagionary targer he troted the men back down there Himself in front then begind him both squads acting as platoons with one on his left and the onther on his right.


    "How was that to your liking sir." said rowul with a smile

  5. Rowul rushed his oppenent again, and hacked into the mans side, only to fieng a stumble that opened his left side, when teh sergeant took the bait Rowul shot out a rough right hook, then seizing the moment, drew a long boot knife... one that he kept for practice nto for fighting.


    Rowul slashed at teh mans throat with the ax, and at teh same moment stabbed in with teh knife at the mans groing, there was nothing the Logan could do but sway and dodge out of the way.


    Rowul backed up and let his mind empty, The Illsusion of Elsewhere pulled at him, and he let himself be taken.


    Now logan had a problem, Rowul nolonger rushed like a anger blinded bull, Rowul simply flowed with the swords man, and the dance ensued again. But this time there was no fire in Rowul's deep blue eyes, only calm.

  6. Ramza hefted a blunted ax adn experimented with the weight then tossed it asside, going throught the few that were there he smiled and fond one to his liking, though it had to heads he should do alright with it.


    "Well then sergeant i hope you like bruises for i shall be giving them to you in plenty."


    With that Ramza saluted and rushed the man, slicing, hacking and fiegning all the time.


    Ramza never stopped moving, for once he stood still he would be a sitting duck, all ax men knew this, so did everyone that ever watched or faced one, so he circled adn cut left, and made a viscous slash at the mans collar bones only to have it deflected at teh last minuet. Then ramza started circling right, a cold feeling entered him, and the scar where his commander had cut him started to feel cold, shaking himself visibly he returned to offense.

  7. ooc just to note ramza is just shy of 7 foot, and he is muscular from the training ghual gave him, and is resilit to MOST pain due to Aragono's training...Ahh teh knife hand SL, how you beat ramza till he nearly died)


    Ramza stretched out his limbs, and looked at the man that was younger than him, Ramza had been training for far longer than anyone else that stood there, he never left a practice before it was perfect, perfection was what he strived for. And in most of his training he succeded. Except for the Archery, God that beating was brutal.


    Ramza stood tall and waited, he had bested ghual by waiting, he had bested Aragono's second by waiting, he could outwait the mountains, once a person was in range he was dead, or would soon be.


    Xin waded in, none of the men spoke ,Ramza just towered over the man and waited, once the man struck with teh dagger, ramza didn't even try to block, instead he grabbed it adn drove it deeper into his leg.

    Then punching the man who in the face he removed the dagger.


    "Now freind Xin we fight for real."

    Ramza threw the dagger as far away as possible.


    Ramza struck out, missing. And kept up the pressure never letting him rest or stop.But no matter how much the tried he could never grab ahold of the man.


    Jeers were starting to to be said and objects thrown, once one hit Ramza he exploded with a right hand into the man that had thrown it, leveleing him, turning around he saw a flying kick come his way, ramza ducked in time to see the man fly straight over him and into (insert myth's character name here)


    "Come now surely you are not as inacurate as a wetlander. or did you mean to kick him cause he laughed?"


    Ramza was then kicked in his ribs by a stone dog, that drove him to his knees, the ribs were still sore, and the kick was brutal knocking the air from him, The the mans punches were coming in to frequent and were keeping him down, so ramza wrapped him up in a hold adn started trying to grab the man in such a way that he could use his size to arm bar teh man.


    Well after several minuets of twisting and turning ramza managed to get teh hold and pull hte Sl's arm out of socket, which made ramza cringe adn pop up so as to continue the fight, the man was now relying on kicks, that hit him square in the ribs each time, there was little he could do so he started backing himself to the edge and manged to land a sweep kick that gave the man an execellent stomp that shattered the healing ribs, but the good news was that the injured arm went out of the circle......

  8. Rowul was tired, and he knew it. But he was so close to his promotion that he simply didn't have time for more than a few hours of sleep aday.. so when he saw his commander he stopped hiim and whisptered.....


    "i have never lead a charge with lances, i have always lead horse archers, could you please teach me how to???"




    (ooc btw did you and kael figure out if we could divide the calvary so that there are horse archers,, ,cause i really want to branch off in that area if not that cool.)




    *tackles the man from behind*



    hows it been


    well ramza is curretnly about to be a stone dog


    *yes ys i know get off my lazy bum*


    so would you still be able to teach me those throwing knife lessons....






    "*cue aeil puppy dog eyes.....the greatest weapon of them all*

  10. i think that i have everything i need for captain...can you say










    CAUSE i can








  11. kraken smiled, "i think that you have made a bad mistake....Rain Spirit is a she....."


    she is quite the cocky one



    rain spirit: she should be carful, i might try to eat her hair if she isn't careful



    me: thats not nice



    rain spirit: neither is your way of mating


    me: that is a very dirty thing to say


    rain spirit: then change


    me: no!!!!!

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