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Posts posted by asrid

  1. Asrid walked in the dreary daylight that didnt seem that it could ever support life. He was in a hurry to get to a lesson that he wasnt to sure he wanted to be at.


    he found himself standing before a man bearly shorter than himself, But had a presence that said other wise. '"You must be my new class, names?"' "Ostindel, Asrid Ostindel, sir."


    '"Very well, from now on forget all you know of your former life, you start over today and when you are done with training you will be a Dreadlord."' Asrid didnt think that was going to be very hard to forget his past, the only thing he couldnt leave behind was the burn scar that covered his left side, which he now covered much of it under his heavy black cloak. Only from his shoulder to his jaw showed.


    The second part was going to be the most difficult of the two. Having just learned that he could touch the one power, and that he was to learn how to control it, was just a little overwhelming.



    '"Now lets sit down"' Asrid followed the man to a small patch of grass, '"Close your eyes and form a flame to the inner side of your mind, feed all emotions into it, let it be the only thing in focus in your mind."' That part was easy, he had learned to bring the void on when his father taught him to use his knives. Putting his mind at ease he let the void close all thoughts off from his mind, leaving only his teachers voice sounding like a distant hum, bearly understandable. He saw himself enclosed like a steel wall, impenitrable by nothing but his own exictance.


    '"It is important that you remember to stay calm and in control, saidin is like a furious storm, you must bend it to your will or else it will cary you away."' Panic brushed across the edge of his awarness, but he ignored it. this was his life now and he was going to learn every thing he could about the one power even if it killed him. The only thing that he worryed about, was that it very well could.


    '"Now if you are at an emotionless stage you should be able to sence saidin howering outside that calmness, try to seize it and hold it, do not draw on it just let a litle of it trickle in, but hold the rest back."'


    Asrid let his sences drift to the wall, and he could feel the the power just on the outside buffiting his steel wall, do as he was told he reached for it, meaning to take as little as he could. As soon as he touched it his insides seemed to want to be his outsides, The power struggling to consume him, He felt as if he would be swept away in a molten river. Stuggling to get ahold of it he faught for what seemed years, The void quivered but held, despratly he realized if he couldnt get ahold of it now he wasnt going to walk away from this experiance.


    He took hold of the power surging through him, pushing it back, his life depended on this, and he was slowly gaining control. finally he held it off and was able to hold it at bay, there to call but not flowing any more. what seemed years, was only seconds after he pulled on the power. he was dreanched in his sweat and his cloak was sodden from the struggle, there was a ringing in his ears. looking to his teacher he waited sillently, wasting no effort, it took all he had to keep hold of the raging river.


  2. Help wanted:  Trainer for new dready... must have experance


    Ive got to get my Dready to the fortress for the training and i have no idea how to start it, and i need to know if there is any one intrasted in the rp for that.



  3. Whats you mostest favoret song in the whole wide world?


    artist  and name of song?


    and why its your fav.


    Mines josh turners Firecracker...


    "we might not ought to take a roll in the hay"


    I have my reasons and ill let you know... i know understand what it actually means...  :-X


    and thats proly the reason i now have a little one on the way...



  4. *walks up to Ata*


    Quiet... a little too quiet...


    *pulls out a box o' crickets and lets them free*


    thats better *listens to crickets for a moment*


    crap... i forgot i hate crikets.... *begins stomping on the hundreds of crickets he loosed on the world..*


    oO0 (im gonna need bigger feet) :-\

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