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Posts posted by Abaddon

  1. So I thought this was kind of funny and decided to share...


    My wife and I read books 1 through 4 together about 6 years ago but then life happened and we never continued the series. When I've brought it up to her in the last year she's never wanted to get back into it. To be fair fantasy has never been her genre of choice.


    Anyway, to move the story along, we were driving home to chandler az from Lake tahoe (about a 14 hour drive with 3 kids under 8) and I told her I'm going to give her the series run down from book 1 to a memory of light since we have hours to kill ahead of us.


    So my wife has now finished the wheel of time! I repeated the details as best I could (I know I missed a ton) but I recited the main plots of the books 1 through 14 in about 6 hours haha.

  2. the main problem with Nakomi beeing the Creator/ Patern Avatar is her meeting with Avienda


    why the world (creator/pattern / cosmos..) will care about 1 speicific tribe ???


    do u play favorites with the scale in your hair/ or the ants in your backyard ... ???


    the meeting with Avi had NO EFFECT on the great battle !!!

    her vision show the great battle was WON even if she do nothing after the meeting .


    and if u claim the creator do care in such details... please explain the existenc of any bad thing /evil empire... that exist in Rand univerce.


    Not sure if you're familiar with Christianity or Judaism (as Robert Jordan was), but you'll notice in reading the Old Testament that the god of the Hebrews most assuredly played favorites with them; they were his one chosen group of ants in his backyard.


    * It's also why I think Taim was originally going to be Demandred but the fans picked up on it so fast that Jordan felt a little butt-hurt so he re-wrote Taim's and Demandred's narrative to keep the fans guessing.


    RJ has stated flat out that Taim was never supposed to be Demandred. In fact he was surprised by how strongly fans thought there was a connection.





    I know that's what he SAID. But authors have some pride, too. I don't believe him, haha.

  4. After reading through the debate, I think Nakomi is an avatar of the Creator; I don't care that Jordan or Sanderson said the Creator hasn't had any interaction with the world. (I also think it's clear from the text that the voice Rand heard outside the cave is not the Dark One so I deduce it was the Creator. I think Jordan/Sanderson are just doing some sleight-of-hand.*)


    * It's also why I think Taim was originally going to be Demandred but the fans picked up on it so fast that Jordan felt a little butt-hurt so he re-wrote Taim's and Demandred's narrative to keep the fans guessing.

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