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kevin pls go

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Posts posted by kevin pls go

  1. Pretty sure most of the Aiel were at Thakandar, guarding Rand's back while he went to face the DO


    Only the Miadens and the Brotherless went to Shayol Guyl, as mentioned in the text several times, that's why Rhuarc resigned as clan chief in order to go there, plus, all the rest of the clan chiefs were dead at Merillor and I don't think they would have lef ttheior armies to go somewhere without them, so the "all Aiel went to Shayol Gul" has no foundation in reality.


    200 to 500k Aiel went missing. Thanks Brandon.

  2. @ Monkeyfister


    Agreed with everything.




    "Instead of any sort of feelings of excitement or desperation at the battles, I felt only boredom."


    Agreed once again.




    Let me tell you my biggest issue with the Last Battle. It is not any of the following, although they are all legitimate and extremely annoying:



     - Army numbers and strength off by a large margin

     - Channeler numbers and strength off by a large margin

     - Stupid tactics

     - Seanchan lowered to a regular army power level despite being a lot better than anyone in Randland (except Aiel)

     - insignificant and small units like the Mayen Guards or the Two River bowmen given much more spotlight, mention and ability. When did the Mayners turn into superheroes and since when are 500 people more important to the battle than 5000 or 50 000? Realistically they cannot do anything. The Legion of the Dragon, Wolfguard and regular army are much more capable due to their numbers. The Mayeners are not channelers or super soldiers and couldn't have had as alrge an impact as was implied.

     - Lack of destruction, no one south of Andor even knew or felt the Last Battle, except a month of bad weather. Where is the destruction we saw in the Age of Legends flashbacks? The Forsaken, shadowpsan and darkfriends were pathetic.

     - Shara way underpowered for a continent sized nation that is supposed to breed channelers.

     - Lack of death of characters. The Last Battle leaves all the main and most of the side characters alive. One Egwene doesn't suffice.

    - etc., etc., etc.




    The biggest, most appaling and downright criminal mistake Sanderson made was to ignore the Aiel. The Aiel forces that we know of would be able to SOLO  the number of shadowspan we saw at the last battle. The clans that came from the Waste would have been able to march to Shayol Gul while laughing and telling jokes and kill a couple of million shadowspan on the side as a distraction on the way. Yes, they were hyped up for a dozen books, but there is a reason for that.


    Why make them the best soldiers and then not use them? Maybe Sanderson realized he would have needed ridiculous amounts of shadowspan in order to threaten the Aiel? Anyway, nerfing them was a bad decision. He turned the most powerful force into another Andoran or Gheladanin squad. Exremely disappointing. 


    Please, do not point me about the Aiel who fell to the Belakness as a reason for the nerf. Their numbers were not that great.

    Also, only the Miadens and the Brotherless went to Shayol Guyl, as mentioned in the text several times, that's why Rhuarc resigned as clan chief in order to go there and the rest of the clan chiefs were dead on Merillor, so the "all Aiel went to Shayol Gul" has no foundation in reality.


    Where are my 250 000 to 500 000 invincible Aiel Sanderson? I could have accepted everything else in the books, but not this. This is an insult.

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