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Exception Collection

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Posts posted by Exception Collection

  1. I loved it.


    I loved the little homages to different parts of the series throughout and the hinting at what would come after and not having a 200 page denouement like Tolkien.


    I laughed aloud a number of times, I chuckled, and yes I did well up, twice (Aviendha's farewell wave to Rand and Tam's farewell at the pyre).


    Say what you will about Sanderson, he did an admirable job trying to make everyone happy.  He certainly couldn't.


    Yes, the homages were rather nice.  Still, I wish we'd seen more of the minor characters that *didn't* fight.  There were a few that were just plain missing.





    Speaking personally, I think it would have been a very interesting twist/change if the protagonists had failed, allowing the DO to end the world... and have "The Dark One spoke, and said "the world is not"" as the last sentence of the series. It would've resulted in bloody revolt by a lot of readers, but it would have been one of the most talked about endings in the history of literature (though it would likely end up a "It was his sled" moment).

    Have you read the Sundering duology by Jacqueline Carey? Starts with "Banewreaker" think you might enjoy it based on the above.


    No, I haven't read it.  To be honest, I like the uplifting endings more - the end of WoT was good, though the huge battles were getting rather annoying.  I read it in (almost) one sitting, though - had to spend half an hour eating, but otherwise sped through it at 120 pph.


    I just think that it would have been FUNNY.  The Wheel of Time, one of the longer single-storyline epics of modern fantasy literature, ending with the world being completely destroyed.  With the entire series having been *pointless*.

  2. Speaking personally, I think it would have been a very interesting twist/change if the protagonists had failed, allowing the DO to end the world...  and have "The Dark One spoke, and said "the world is not"" as the last sentence of the series.  It would've resulted in bloody revolt by a lot of readers, but it would have been one of the most talked about endings in the history of literature (though it would likely end up a "It was his sled" moment).

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