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Posts posted by esvath

  1. Well, the Greens' poor performance was already established during the Seanchan's raid to the Tower. Even Adelorna herself came into this conclusion after the raid. I guess hundred years of relative peace do this to any army...


    (except, I think Greens should have regular rotations in fighting with Trollocs at Borderlands. Maybe they were sucks at fighting Dreadlords, because all these times, they only fight Darkspawn grunts?)

  2. Anyone else feel that the flaw in Vora's s'angreal was a convenient invention? I mean, we never heard about this before and almost all angreal have that buffer standard. Really it seemed like Brandon saying, "Oh yeah, Eg's gotta die, better make something up!"


    IIRC, Vora was used by Siuan to Heal Mat. So we know about it since... book three? Book four?

  3. The problem with Aes Sedai (and White Tower) is their basic thinking, that in order to guide and protect humanity, they need to be separated, above humanity. This, in time, make the Aes Sedai deviates from their noble goal and put the 'image of White Tower and Aes Sedai' as the first and foremost goal. This is exactly what Nynaeve thought after her test for the shawl, and Egwene agreed with her evaluation.


    The Wise Ones, on the other hand, live with their community. They are leading the Aiel by being an integral part of Aiel. The hierarchy of Wise Ones is not determined by the strength of Power, so it is open to promotion by merit.


    The Windfinders also live with their community, but imho their position is more restricted than Wise Ones (or even the Aes Sedai). The Windfinders's status is not determined by their own merit, but by their Sailmistress's achievement.

  4. You belong to the Blue Ajah!


    Members of the Blue Ajah seek to right wrongs in the world, and are often on some kind of quest for justice in various forms. While their goals are often noble (though they need not be), it is not rare for a Blue to lose herself in her mission completely.

    This is your result in its entirety:

    Blue Ajah: 6

    Green Ajah: 5

    Gray Ajah: 4

    Brown Ajah: 4

    White Ajah: 3

    Red Ajah: 2

    Yellow Ajah: 1


    Hmm, usually I got Blue, with Gray as the second Ajah. This is the first time I got Blue/Green. My temper must be flaring during the test, lol.


  5. How did they (the characters in book) know how many Trollocs the Shadow had? I read the book and imagined that the Light was preparing for endless Trollocs (endless as in infinite number, not just several millions of them).


    Travelling to Tarwin's Gap, destroying the Trollocs, then move to other battle front was not a sound plan, becasue the moment the force of Light move from Tarwin's Gap, there would be another hordes of Trollocs.


    Caemlyn was the most vital battle front because it open access to souther nations and the one that could be finished fast (kill the Trollocs, seal Waygate, set up defender around the Waygate). Kandor and Tarwin's Gap both were considered as battle front without time limit (since they assumed that the number of Trolloc was infinite). But by focusing at Caemlyn only, Tarwin's Gap would be lost.


    The Light also did not know how many days the Last Battle will last, and how it will end (Rand defeating DO?). So they were preparing for a long, protacted war. One of the most important things about long, protacted war is supply. Most of the channelers were providing supply, like what Lan ordered the channelers with him, not flinging fireballs, but providing supply. Remember, they were preparing for a long, protacted war without time limit and clear victory objective.


    Mat chose a last stand because the four-battle front strategy was failed (due to Great Captains' condition). At that time, he did not have enough resources to maintain three battle fronts, thus gathering his force in one place.

  6. Considering that the DO's forces were split in 4 and that it was Bashere who announced it was fate that this meant that each Great Captain could fight one of them, it seems it is plausible that the forces of the ligth were manipulated into splitting up.

    Yes, this is very much possible.


    But as I said in another thread, committing the troops in one front (say, Caemlyn) means abandoning the other three. Lan, for one, will die without the timely help from the Borderlanders. Kandor was already fallen, but without White Tower stalling the Trollocs, the same forces that destroy Kandor will have the time to destroy other Borderland nations.


    In my opinion, the early plan is sound. It only become bad when the Great Generals slowly destroying their own armies.


    If the early battle plan is stupid because of BS does not understand battle tactics, I think his writing of Mat's battle plan should be considered as stupid battle plan too. But I have not seen anyone complaining Mat's battle plan.


    Edit: Seanchan's army joined the war late. We should not include their 500k + how many damane in this. Or, better, we should counted Seanchan army as possible enemy during FoM meeting.

  7. I think that if a little explanation was provided, on how Egwene mended the pattern the Flame of Tar Valon would be more ... acceptable. Just like how she worked out Skimming/Travelling, by putting together Moghedien's (half-truth) explanation and her experience in T'A'R; or how Nynaeve Healed about everything. There were some thought processes, some mechanisms, not just a "she knew it!"


    Maybe, putting together her sensing cracks in the pattern, the merging of reality and dream world, and her ability as a Dreamwalker, and then using One Power to consciously patching the crack... That would be more plausible than just using her feelings.

  8. I just finished it after a marathon read.


    Wow... The book blew my mind. Sure, the book is not perfect in my opinion; there are too little casualties from main and not-so-minor characters. Faile died, Elayne died, Rand died would be better imho. These deaths will have strong effects on the readers, while the death of dozen minor characters will only be statistic.


    There were also some loopholes during the book, such as where was Gabrelle during Logain's turning? Why Faile's group was sent to the Blight?


    But, despite some flaws the book have, I still found the book very, very much enjoyable.

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