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News item Comments posted by AesSedaiGuy

  1. *claps AesSedaiGuy on the back* No worries, mate. If anything, this would have had RJ rolling for a while, knowing his sense of humor lol :P So look at it that way. Also, anytime lol. XD I'm a wordy kind of a guy.

    "wordy kind of guy" . . . that makes two of us. I like the way Leigh Butler described it . . . I'm set to Maximum Verbosity. :D


    No matter what, I'm reading that book on the 8th.. I don't care if it was penned by a 3 year old, I'd still stand in line and read it, disappointment or no. ^_^ 


    The Light shine on you, and the Creator shelter you. The last embrace of the mother welcome you home.

    Agreed! The 8th can't get here fast enough. "Getting into" DragonMount has really been great to get me back psyched about this series, what it represents, RJ's legacy, and the final novel.

  2. @WinterSong I am sorry you are leaving, and hope you reconsider.


    I assume You were posting as I was posting my response above, since it wasn't visible to me when I started typing my response.


    I have sympathy for the burdens you bear, and again, I was wrong to say "get a life" ... We do not know a man until we walk a mile in his moccasins ...


    I think your suggestion of how YOU would have handled the Tower Guard/Memory Keeper mishap is actually a good suggestion.


    Everything else you said and feel, I respectfully disagree with the content, rationale and approach.


    That being said, I wish you peace, love and joy.

  3. @nightmare ... Fair enough. The line about getting a life was a zinger and unnecessary. Perhaps I was taking the impossible expectations of perfection too seriously/personally and I reacted inappropriately. I apologize for that to WinterSong, you and the rest of the thread. I have/had no desire to be a Memory Keeper, etc, so I was insensitive.


    However, as for the "fan" part, I do stand by that. If you are not going to support and buy the last book of this decades long series simply because you are disappointed and upset over the way a release event was handled ... You aren't much of a fan. I didn't mean that part as a zinger, I meant it as a statement of fact. However, I can see when coupled with the Get a Life comment, I can see how it lost its relevancy.


    Thanks for pointing it out and taking the time to compare and contrast, I am more aware now because of it. :)

  4. As someone who is new here,(but a unregistered reader for years) and as someone who works in "customer service" for a non-profit, where there is a very limited Supply and an infinite Demand ... I want to say WinterSong is Wrong. Point. Blank. Period.


    What did you expect? These are part of a Decades-long series of NYT Best Selling novels. Did you really think there would be a way that didn't leave some people disappointed. And Armchair Quarterbacks always think they would do the organizing and delivery and notifying better. But they seldom do. When dealing with humans and human lives, NOTHING is simple or straight-forward and EVERYTHING. Is complex. There is NO right answer, there is only the best someone can do and Jennifer and Jason and the rest of DM staff did an astounding job of figuring out someway to offer a longed-for award to a handful of people in a handful of cities. AND it was done over the holidays. Patience with others is the key to human interaction.


    Finally, if something like this upset you that bad, you aren't really a fan. In fact you don't need to buy the book, instead you need to get a life.


    Thank you Jennifer for the time you spent and spend and will spend. Let the haters be your motivator!

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