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Posts posted by Carnacarn

  1. The true power is corrupted from the DO's touch. So if it is used on what the Creator made, and saidin/saidar turn the wheel, the corruption would be able to merge human stock with animal stock. Fades are throwbacks to humans from Trolloc offspring. This makes sense if the true power was used in the creation of shadowspawn. Even Aginor was surprised by the discovery of Fades

  2. He was quite the condtradiction to the way the Tower ranks and files. While strength of will is important to Aes Sedai, their strength in the power is what governs their interactions unless they are the head of their Ajah/Amrylin. Sitters do have precadence but from what I infered from the books they still deferred to those stronger. Androl was a good example of how the Black Tower was going to do things, quite differently from the White Tower. Strength in power alone didn't mean they were leaders. Leaders are those who do whats best for the group. Androl does everything for what is best for those loyal to Logain, and thus Rand.

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