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Posts posted by Asmodeanisdemandread

  1. That in itself is a curious quote, an interesting little piece if anyone is interested in that kind of triva.


    In EotW only those 5 Forsaken are mentioned. 3 of them because they were actually in the book (Ishamael, Aginor and Balthamael) and then Lanfear and Demandred.


    All of the others are only mentioned when they appear, or when one of the characters stumbles into their domain or upon their plans ala. Sammael, Rhavin.


    Ishamael (who, while he appeared, we did not know it was him first time round) and Lanfear have turned out to be the two most important Forsaken in the series. What to make of Demandred's random mention in EotW, when we don't get a sentence from/about him until LoC, when he actually appears?


    If you are like me, you would think it was Foreshadowing by RJ. As mentioned, excluding Aginor and Balthamel, who were directly involved in EotW - thus the obligatory mention - the other 3 are seemingly "random" mentions. We can semi-exclude Ishamael, as he was actually posing as the DO, but we are not supposed to know that until tDR. So Ishamael and Lanfear went on to become two of the most important Forsaken in the series. I would say this is Foreshadowing that Demandred was the third of the most important Forsaken, Foreshadowing of what was to come.


    You could also say that he was mentioned just so that the fans knew he even existed, considering his considerable absence for most of the series. However, at the time EotW was written, RJ had planned it to be a much shorter series, so you would conclude that we would have seen a lot more of Demandred if it was - say - 6 books. Thus, the only reasonable conclusion you can reach is the former, a Foreshadowing of the 3 most important Forsaken. :smile:


    That makes even more sense than my "he wasn't mentioned because he's important" idea. I always assumed his lack of mentioning was a foreshadowing of the fact we never know who/where he is.

    I do agree he's one of the top three. His back story is one we hear most about after ishy and lanfear/Meirin.

  2. The man loial talks about coming to the stedding in EotW. Was that Farstrider? Ishy says something to the affect of "i sent him to the ogier thinking he was free of me."

    Aye, it be Jain.


    Awesome. I did a reread before/during joining the site and now that I've read most of the new stuff I decided to do another one. I'm glad you guys have made me more "open-eyed" so to speak. Granted, I'm sure that most of you noticed that once noal was introduced

  3. Just came across this one one my reread chpt. 13 CoT elayne pov

    Sometimes, there were lessons in stories, if you looked for them.


    I kinda think that was one of the ways RJ was telling us to flaming pay attention to what we read. Lol


    Edited for WoT appropriate curse

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