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News item Comments posted by Cindaking

  1. Fun theory but this doesn't seem to fit with the whole "slay them with the sword of peace" bit. I'm holding with most of the Aiel being wiped out during the battle: the Maidens at Shayol Ghul, most of the rest possibly while defending the Tinkers, especially if the Tinkers have some special task like fighting the Blight.


    The rest will be slain by peace when they turn to the Way of the Leaf, likely after the last battle.


    Cool stuff here. Just a few thoughts from a neophyte:


    A minor tweak on the Halls of Mourning. I like the connection with the Seanchan Empress's death but I believe its referring to Seandar. Matt and Tuon have to secure the Crystal Throne for the Last Battle, so they need to make that momentous trip, with Elaida's help. Seandar is also a lot more worthy of mention in a prophecy than Ebou Dar. As well say he's going to Baerlon because its burned out.


    As for the Broken Wolf, Metal Head has some great points



    I think "knowing death" in the Shadow's Prophecies means something much more personal. The only ones that could say they have "known death" personally in this series (out of the major characters) on the side of the LIght are Rand, Mat, & Aviendha. Rand knows Moridin, whose name means literally "Death" and Mat & Aviendha both died were brought back by Rand at the end of TFoH. Mat also died (or nearly so) in TSR in Rhuidean.


    Is there any possibility that the "Broken Wolf" is currently someone working for the Dark One? That expands the list of those who have "known death" to include all of the surviving Forsaken, or possibly just the ones the DO has brought back at some point and are still alive.


    We should make a list. A "Broken Wolf" list of possible contenders.



    I agree with Metal Head, that "the one whom Death has known" is a lot more intimate than just someone who knows someone who has died. That would include all of Randland. Saying its Perrin because he knows dead people is weak. Saying its Hopper makes it unlikely to shake the will of the light.  This must refer to someone like Rand or Matt that has a direct connection with Death. Or someone that is, or has been, under the control of the Shadow. 


    I like the last interpretation because you could certainly see where a major character like Ituralde turning to the Shadow, at a critical point in the battle, would shake the will of men. Although clearly Ituralde held up to Rand's Circle of Protection from Evil, 1000 yd radius. So it can't be him.


    While I favor Lan here (I think his death wish and actions that occurred during his infancy might bring the Death connection), and Rand is growing on me (though Rand as Wolf is really starting to turn him into a Noah’s Ark of totems), I will offer up a new interpretation:


    Fallen Blacksmith = Perrin, no surprise right?

    Fallen Blacksmith’s pride = Manatheren

    Broken Wolf, the one whom Death has known = Manatheren


    "His destruction" remains a weak link because its hard to imagine Manatheren referred to as “his”. However this could be considered the destruction of Perrin’s spirit/pride, or destruction here could be a noun (gerund?) instead of a verb. That last would suggest we read the final line as "[Him Who Will Destroy's act of] destruction [of Manatheren] shall bring fear and sorrow …"


    Happy New Year! So glad the world didn't end on my birthday so I can read the last book.


    Edited to remove a double quote

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