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Posts posted by Kaylan

  1. Muirenn was the first to replicate the weave, which didn't surprise Kaylan - the old Red was worthy of respect, and had been even back when Kaylan was new to the Shawl, but she didn't suppose that the younger Aes Sedai would know that, or even care if they did. Aleanda was the first to speak, with a question about safety, and the young White hung back, obviously not sure about the idea. Picking up her skirts with a smile, Kaylan stepped into the void and onto the platform. She kept smiling into the darkness even though there was no reason for her too, it was almost as if she wanted to prove to herself that she wasn't scared.


    There was a distinct possibility that it wasn't safe. She looked at the small square at her feet, extending only a small amount into the darkness, bordered by a rail that seemed horribly ineffectual in the face of all that... nothingness... Kaylan smiled at the red and white marble, wondering whether her own platform would have had green or not, and wondered again just how these things happened. She'd seen the weave enough times, now, that she could replicate it herself without doubt, but the old Green wasn't going to attempt it until Muirenn had taken them somewhere. Perhaps she'd be able to take them back - or perhaps they'd end up somewhere completely different. Either way, it would be interesting, and the idea of keeping it from her sisters was tempting enough, but obviously there was no question. Still, this might give some of them a jolt, and she couldn't help but smile back at the Grays in thanks for the opportunity.



  2. Though Fawne introduced her as Cari, from Cairhien, Elia couldn't think of her as anything but Matalina. The polite response from the woman was echoed by Elia, though she'd met Matalina years ago. Things changed, though, and things would always change. One short trip off the island for Alex had proved how much things could change. Not so short a trip in the end... The last trip he'd ever made.


    She was drawn out of her thoughts by Matalina's words, and Elia nodded, seeing the tear on the woman's cheek and taking it as a sign of grief. That horrible feeling tried to rise up, but Elia couldn't blame Matalina for Alex's death, no matter what she wanted to do. The Tower Guard couldn't say anything to the comment about her child, though, and both women turned away for a moment. Elia put her hand on Fawne's arm, smiling at the girl though it was not a happy expression as much as an attempt at normality, and Matalina's words brought her attention back to the conversation.


    "Of course I will take care of Fawne, Cari." Elia wondered for a moment why the woman hadn't even bothered to ask if Fawne was going to be going back to Cairhien, but then Fawne's home was in Tar Valon, and always had been. Elia didn't know what had happened in the north, and she wasn't going to ask right now, not when they were all trying to deal with such emotions. "Will you be leaving soon then?" It was not a hint, though it could be interpreted as such - Elia just wasn't sure how long Matalina could stay in the city before someone recognised her and questioned the apparently dead Warder's presence. That line of thinking could be dangerous, Elia reminded herself, so she simply looked at the other woman and put one hand on her belly unconciously.



    Not fantastic, sorry, but didn't want to hold things up any longer

  3. "Of course you can stay here with me Fawne, although I don't know if I'll be staying here at the Siren's Call now that... I... I might go stay with my father a while, he's alone now too and I know he'd love to have the baby around the house... You could come and stay of course, or we could maybe look at getting our own house." She thought about them as a family, the three of them, or the four of them with a doting grandfather in the mix. She knew that he'd treat Fawne like one of his own, because her father had always been a big pushover like that, and she knew he'd like the company. But if Fawne was going to stay with her, where they lived was partially Fawne's decision. All Elia knew was that she didn't want to live in the Siren's Call and expect Alex to walk up the stairs any moment, or find them with a batch of fresh baking, or any of the things that they'd done in the inn. Tears threatened again, but she didn't want to cry all night.


    Instead she thought about Fawne's talking to the baby and decided that she would do the same, and she smiled at the thought that her baby was already practicing with a sword. It was something she hadn't done for a while, not regularly at any rate. She'd been keeping her fitness up, but her training was certainly not going to keep her to her normal level of skill, she'd need to get back into daily training once the baby was born for that to happen, and she didn't know what was going to happen. No wonder Matalina had gotten a nursemaid, Elia was glad she'd never gotten Bonded because it allowed her some time to spend with her child, but she couldn't leave the Tower Guard forever, it was part of who she was.


    "Oh, Fawne." Elia put her arms around the girl once more, wanting to cry but just feeling empty now that she had to face the prospect of life without Alex. We'll be together soon, my love. Her mind went back to another thing Fawne had said. Her mother is back in Tar Valon? The city thought that Matalina was dead, and Elia had never corrected them though she knew from the letters that had been sent to Fawne for a long time that Matalia was in fact alive.


    "What about... what about your mother?" Elia didn't know how much Matalina remembered of her, it had been a long time since they'd last seen each other and Matalina had been ill, or acting very strangely at least. A pang of resentment floated up, but Elia pressed it down before it could take hold. He's gone, and it is the will of the creator, not anyone's fault. The thought wasn't comforting, though, and she felt herself wanting to cry once more.



  4. As Rodrik trotted off without asking her leave, Elia cursed softly to herself and wheeled around to approach the scene from another direction. She'd seen them, of course, but her mentee needed to learn a few good lessons before she could even consider him ready for being off his mother's apron strings, let alone to be a Tower Guard and responsible for other people's safety. Gallivanting off like that, he had no idea of what he was doing.


    She dismounted, patted Grim, and approached the group, where Rodrik was now talking to the two men, and they were at least lowering their weapons. Fool child. Two months without any action and you rush off at the first sign of anything that isn't trees. Not that he got a whole lot of action back in the Tower, he was a Trainee after all. A foolhardy, headstrong trainee who was going to be cleaning the armoury from top to bottom every day until he showed patience enough to be allowed to handle a weapon again.


    And now the two were asking about her, so they'd obviously seen the two of them as she'd seen them in turn. She was wearing her heron mark, as she'd decided to upon leaving the Tower, and they had no doubt seen it. Rodrik returned after a cursory glance to try to find her, and now he was asking them for help. With an exhasperated sigh, she walked out of her place and to face him.


    "Just because I was born in a city doesn't mean I never learned to be silent, Rodrik." She looked at the two men for a moment, then whistled through her teeth for Grim. They were stuck with these two now, since he had rushed off like a fool, and so she might as well give them a few things to think about. Patting her charcoal grey pants to draw attention to the heron mark hanging from her right hip, Elia straightened up and stood tall. Her white silk shirt was dusty, it was true, but it was still silk, and her hair was fixed so that most of her black curls spilled down her back, but it was still up enough to stay out of her face if she needed to fight.


    "Elia Darnel, friends." She could only hope that neither of them was overly familiar with the goings on of the Tower Guard, or her name would stand out like a beacon as a former Commander. She'd only resigned recently, so they might not even know of her replacement. But all she could do was hope that she hadn't been the stupid one by introducing herself, and she glanced at Rodrik again with a slight raising of one eyebrow to show they would talk about this later, but what she really wanted to do was slap him on the side of the head for being such a wool headed fool.



    Tower Guard

    Edited to make a sentence actually finish. :oops:

  5. The rich aroma of the kaf reached her nose before she reached the kaf house, and Edie breathed in deep, enjoying the scent and even more enjoying the anticipation of the taste. She could have kaf at home, it was true, but sometimes she just wanted to get away from her parents, who were beginning to chafe with all their lectures of what was the right thing to do and the right way to act to be true to their noble house. Edie snorted at the thought. She was considering going down and training with the sul'dam for a while, even though it would gain her no prestige, unlike some of the girls who were the only hope of their families. Still, training damane could be interesting, though Edeline was willing to admit - to herself, if no-one else - a slight nervousness about holding her sister's collar. She is not your sister anymore.


    Her name had been struck off the records, true enough, but her mother was adamant that if Edie reminded anyone of the family's weakness in producing such a daughter she could lose face not only for herself but for her future children as well. Edie wasn't worried - she hadn't told her mother about it, but there was a young man from another house, slightly higher in standing to their own, who was interested in her, and since she could not marry anyone that she wanted, she might as well marry someone who would let her behave how she wanted.


    She pushed all the thoughts from her mind as she reached the source of the scent, though, and she entered the kaf house and took a seat that would allow her to watch the people going past, ordering a pot of the potent brew and a selection of pastries and sweets to accompany it. She knew that she would not eat them all, and so she left the other seats on her table empty and facing in such a way that showed she was not wanting the table to herself, which some might have presumed from the parts of her hair that were shorn. Taking a deep sip of the brew, and enjoying all of the sensations that it gave, Edie settled down to watch the people going by.


    ~Edeline of House Jadien

  6. They were off on a mission, some fool noblewoman wanting an escort because of bandit activity, or some such, and Elia had been told to take her mentee along to get him some experience out in the field. She doubted that they'd see much action - from her own sources, things weren't too dangerous out in Andor, and as long as they looked like they meant business the majority of petty thugs would avoid the party altogether. She gathered her uniform, making sure to bring her heron mark with her, even though she usually preferred a plain blade, and wandered down to the stables. Rodrik was already there, no doubt excited to be going off into the world on his first 'real' assignment, and she smiled to herself, not wanting to explain to him that in all likelihood it would just be dust and boredom and a foolish noblewoman trying to assert her 'authority' over them. Still, she had to be alert, no matter what she thought would happen, because in the end you never could tell.


    Her grey stallion, Grim, didn't look too fearsome, and plodded along at a leisurely pace whenever he could get away with it, but he was a fully trained warhorse in reality, and had stamina that made up for his lack of speed in the short sprints. She'd had him for a few years, now, but didn't get as many chances to ride him as she'd have liked to, so she often let other Tower Guards ride him - those who knew how to handle him, and that he was familiar with, at any rate - to make sure that he got enough exercise. She often joked about him turning into a fat old thing but he was in good shape, and she was glad that he got the extra exercise that she couldn't always give him.


    As they rode through the first of many days on the road, Elia kept a watch out through the towns along the way. Situations could change overnight, but it was always useful to know of any conflicts or any issues that could pose a problem on the way back through. In a few days she would doff her red cloak, only putting it back on again once they were almost to Baerlon, but for now she smiled down at the children who looked at her red cloak and heron mark in awe, and smiled wider at the girls who looked at her in disbelief. The path of the blade was not an easy one to walk, but it was rewarding to those who went down it with determination, and she wondered if any of those girls would go to Tar Valon to prove to themselves that they really could do anything they wanted, even if their brothers laughed. The Tower Guard smiled wide at the thought.


    ~Elia Darnel

    Tower Guard

  7. "I..." Fawne faltered, clutching at Elia, and her panic grew. The older woman started to shake her head, denying what she knew Fawne was going to say, and as the young woman spoke once more, Elia looked down at her in fear and confusion.


    "I could not bring him back, he is gone and we had to leave him in Cairhien," The Tower guard pushed Fawne away from her and looked down into the girl's eyes, wanting her to say something, anything, but what Elia knew she was going to. "What…?" At Elia's words, Fawne began to cry, "He’s dead, my father is dead…" The girl was sobbing uncontrollably, and the older woman joined her in outpouring her grief, the tears spilling down her cheeks, her chest heaving as she sobbed without knowing it. Why did she lose the ones she loved? As Elia clutched at her belly and cried out in pain, Fawne reached into her bag and pulled out a single shirt. A pleasant smell reached her nostrils and she looked back at Fawne as her almost-daughter spoke, saying, "We buried daddy under a flower bed, these wild roses grow there and I brought one with me so I’ll always remember where to find him," they grasped for each other, both crying, and Fawne said, "I miss him so much."


    Elia didn't know how long they held each other, letting out their grief with the only other person who could really understand it, but her tears were finally stopped when she felt a kick from the baby in her belly. "Oh, Fawne, what are you going to do? Are you going to stay here in Tar Valon with me? At least until the baby is born, I..." I don't want to do this on my own, I don't want to have the baby and miss him so much and have no-one to share that with... She didn't know what else to say. One day she would take her child to his grave, but until she died she would not be with him again, and she did not want to face it, did not want to face the memory of him without someone else to help her. Why? She could not understand how the Creator could take a man such as Alex, not when they needed him, when his life meant so much... Her tears began anew.


    ~Elia Darnel

  8. They'd finally gotten something to work with, but before Elia could go and inform the Guards to begin the search, Lyanna gasped and quickly spoke. The Commander nodded, mute, and stood. "Very well, I'll send the Guards to ask the Mistress of Novices for help, and to search Milena's room. If there is anything there that will verify Rosheen's story, they will find it. And if she has moved it... Perhaps the Mistress of Novices will be able to find it." Elia could well remember the Mistress of Novice's office from her testing, and it looked like a forbidding place for a young woman who had been misbehaving. Not to mention the Mistress of Novices herself.


    Elia nodded to them all, leaving them all where they were to knock on the door and leave the cell, and she spoke quietly to the Guards outside, telling them about the story and to stay and keep an eye and an ear out for anything that might prove suspicious. She still did not want to believe Rosheen guilty, but there was nothing to say that this Milena was simply an Accepted that the Tower Guard had seen months back, and was trying to use as an excuse. No use in making judgements until they'd at least found the girl, though, and she continued walking until she found a pair of Guards that she knew she could trust with the assignment.


    "I need you to go to the Mistress of Novices..." as she outlined what they were to do, the Guards nodded, showing their understanding of the assignment. One was to go with the Mistress of Novice's to find the Accepted for questioning, the other to search her room - if the girl wasn't there anyway, which could make things much more simple. The Commander pushed back her dark hair and watched as they set off, preparing herself for a long wait and not wanting to return to the cell. I failed in my duty... How could I let this happen?


    ~Elia Darnel

    Commander of the Guard (in this timeline)

  9. Leila. So they finally had names, at least, though there was nothing to say that Leila was telling the truth. And in many people's minds, regardless of the Three Oaths, nothing to guarantee that Adine was telling the truth either. The whole truth was not a part of that Oath, and many Aes Sedai had made a life's work out of sliding around the meaning of 'no word untrue.'


    "This seems to be an odd place for one such as yourself," Leila spoke once more, nor that she'd eaten at least a bit, "The Two Rivers is not accustomed to many visitors." Adine smiled at the woman's words.


    "I could say the same about yourself. I can't imagine that your eyes are native to the area." Adine made the first direct mention of the woman's golden irises, though she didn't say anything more. "And the Two Rivers is not so odd a place to come to collect old stories of battle and victory. Have you heard of Manetheren?" Before Leila could eat the entire meal, though Adine had no doubt that she would be able to after the Healing, the Aes Sedai took a piece of bread and tore off a piece to give herself something to do. It often made people uncomfortable to be eating by themselves while being scrutinised by an ageless face, and it let her put a break in the conversation, before she said too much. Skirting around the oath indeed. Not her favourite passtime, but even her relatives that still lived in the area were unaware of her true purpose in the Two Rivers, and unaware of her true identity. Adine Sedai, she'd replied, when they'd asked her identity, and while her nephew looked at her with narrowed eyes, he hadn't said anything to reveal that he knew just why she'd picked their house and not the inn to stay in. She was sure that he knew, though - or there was a hope there, at any rate, that her brothers hadn't entirely forgotten her, that she'd been mentioned at least once to her relatives as the sister who'd gone off and become Aes Sedai. Then again, the attitude to Aes Sedai in the Two Rivers hadn't been the most ... informed back when she'd left for the Tower, and she still didn't know exactly how much that had changed during the long years of her absence.


    ~Adine al'Thoram Torfinn

  10. One hand lay over her stomach, unconciously holding the bump that had swollen to obvious size over the past few months, but Elia's mind was elsewhere as she lost herself in her book. A tale of high adventure, of beauty and wisdom and power, but also a sad tale of love lost tragically. It was only coincidence that Elia had picked it up, and while she did enjoy the story it was slightly depressing to read about the hero losing his love to the Shadow, so she was tempted to put it down and find something more cheerful to read. The story had her gripped tightly though, she desperately wanted to know how it ended. All that disappeared as she heard the knock on her door, and she looked up to see Fawne entering, calling out with the name that Alex had given to Elia so his daughter could better cope. "Aunty Elia?"


    "Fawne!" She stood up, rushing to meet the girl at the door and gripping her in a deep hug, or as deep as she could manage with the bump of her pregnancy between them. She looked down at the girl, who looked like Elia imagined her own child would at Fawne's age, and gave her a radiant smile. "I've been waiting for you to get back, it has been quite a while. Come, sit down, you must be tired." She led Fawne to the bed, presuming that Alex wanted to surprise her by coming in later.


    "Tell me about your journey. What happened? Are you going to study in the Tower now?" Fawne looked at her mute for a few moments and Elia jumped back up again to fetch the pitcher of water and pour Fawne a glass. "You're dusty, you'll need to have a bath soon... Where is your father?" She'd expected Alex to come in by now, smiling and holding out some gift or some prize, with a joke about her and kisses to show her that he was really back, and a hand for her belly. One of her own hands strayed back there - the baby was due in just a few short weeks, and he'd promised to be back in time. Looking back at Fawne's face, Elia began to worry, and she looked at the doorway as though she could will him there. Where are you, Alex? Why haven't you come back to me?


    ~Elia Darnel

    Tower Guard on leave

  11. She raised her glass of water, not wanting to drink anything alcoholic now that she knew she was having a baby, and drank deeply to the news. Alex's reaction didn't much surprise her - they hadn't discussed it, after all, because it hadn't been an issue that had ever come up before, and she wasn't surprised that all of the news was a bit much. It was a bit much for her, knowing that Fawne could channel and that Alex was still going to be going away with her to Cairhien, to see Matalina - or whatever she called herself now, the rest of the Tower thought her dead.


    "When are you going to be leaving? Fawne, why don't you open the rest of your things." Elia wanted to help them get ready, help them off, to reassure Alex that she would be here waiting for him when he got back and that she understood why he had to do this. She wanted to make sure that he'd be back for the birth, though - she didn't know if she'd be able to do it all on her own. She had things of her own to do, arrangements to make for her leave from the Tower Guard for the pregnancy, and as she watched Fawne opening the rest of her gifts she thought about exactly what she was going to have to do.



    Tower Guard lady

    Proud mum-to-be

  12. Eyebrows raised slightly over the teacup as Muirenn entered the room - one of less than a handful of women in the Tower older than herself, and Kaylan wondered at the significance of the two of them being called to the same meeting. The others were all younger and less experienced, but a meeting with two such as them... If she'd been politically minded she'd have stopped to puzzle out the meaning behind it all, but she merely smiled at Muirenn and made small talk with them until the rest of the group arrived. One of each Ajah, though the Gray was represented by more, since it was their own quarters, and Kaylan wondered for a moment at the significance of that before pushing the thought aside in favour of a muffin.


    Phaedra - the sitter, and the older of the two who has invited them, though still young enough that Kaylan might have taught her back when she was just a slip of a girl - stood and spoke, thanked them for taking up the offer and then embraced the source, her eyes fixed on the Green, before she stepped forward and was gone. Kaylan's eyes shot up without hesitation, this time, though she did not move beyond continuing to chew her muffin. There was Spirit in that, and Air and Earth, but she hadn't caught how they were put together, and she still didn't know exactly what had happened. The Grays all looked smug sitting in their places, trying to look nonchalant as though it happened all the time, and then Phaedra was back holding a small white blossom. A familiar flower, but certainly not a flower that had been in the room. So, what was it then?


    "Sisters, the Grays have discovered an old weave, a weave long forgotten and thought to be lost, we have found the ability to travel through space instantly, Skimming." Her question was quickly answered, and while Kaylan wanted to speak, she waited on Muirenn. Phaedra continued, however. "We have gathered you here not just to show you that we can, but to show you how it is done." Nyssa, the other one who had been named on the invitation, stepped over to the table to reveal several angreal, though Kaylan could tell from her memory of the weave that she would not need one. Her Earth may be weak, but her Spirit was stronger than almost everyone in the Tower, and as Phaedra sat, Kaylan looked to Muirenn for first comments. The old Red didn't seem to be saying anything at that point though, so Kaylan opened her mouth and spoke.


    "Not quite instantaneous, but certainly more efficient than a horse. Will you show me the Weave again? How do you change it for where you wish to come out?" Obviously Phaedra had gone out somewhere near the Yards, and then come back to the room, but Kaylan wanted to know how she had chosen where, and what she changed in the weave to achieve as much. The old Green may have avoided politics for most of her life, but this was one meeting that she was glad to have been invited to - it was not often that an old weave was rediscovered. If only it was Travelling, though... but they could only dream of that, along with all of the old Talents. One step closer, though. Her tea was forgotten on the table as she concentrated, wanting to make sure that she got it all correct for her Ajah. She was tempted not to tell them, and a small smile graced her lips at the thought, but she knew that she would have to. Still, she was going to learn it first, and she was the one that would be teaching the rest of them. A moment to enjoy, with the cocky young girls who thought themselves true Greens.


    ~Kaylan Morin

    Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah

    Thrice Bonded

  13. The bundle of irritation was sitting in the back of her head, even though Cassiele was occupied with training the young ones and working on her own skill with the blade, and it amazed Kaylan how her old Warder had managed to stay annoyed for so long. Katerine was finding it all very amusing, and had taken every opportunity before they had left to make jibes about Cassie's age and fitness, though the older Warder was far more experienced than the younger. Katerine was getting along herself, Kaylan supposed, almost into her forties now, though Cassiele was well past what most people would consider Warder material. The Green would have brought them both if she'd thought it appropriate, but a white haired old woman with a heron mark was laughed at by most people - until they tasted her steel. It was not exactly the image that she was trying to present, though, so she'd chosen Katerine - old enough to command respect but not allow for doubt of her skill. Sheena had a Warder along with her too, Eivan - a man, which Kaylan had never bothered with in a Bondmate as of yet. Men were complicated enough in normal dealings, but if they thought that they had to save you? Kaylan didn't want to imagine the chaos a man's emotions would present in the back of her mind.


    She shook the thoughts from her head as she dressed, though, because she didn't have to be Bonded to him, and her mind was better occupied in another manner. Getting herself ready to bargain for passage to Tanchico, for one - as the elder of the two Sisters, she was expected to present a face of leadership, though Kaylan was sure the Blue was much more comfortable with the political side of things than she. A fireball to the torso was more Kaylan's style than intrigue and Daes Dae'mar, and she suspected that by the end of the trip she'd have Sheena doing all of the political movements while she watched for their safety. The whole business was odd, but Kaylan supposed with her Talent for Shielding and her skill with Battleweaves, she was the best choice if it was indeed a strong Wilder they had to deal with. Sheena's Talent for the Weather would help, no doubt, if only to get them to the end of their journey faster.


    Smoothing the green silk that skirted over her curves, Kaylan pulled out her shawl with an almost pained expression and laid it out on her bed. There was no denying they were Aes Sedai, so it was either put on the shawl and broadcast it to the world, or put on a dustcloak and tuck her ring into her beltpouch, and hope that no-one got a glimpse of her face. Channeling was against the law in Tear, but not the ability - she would just have to be careful about what she did, and try to hold her temper. She poked her head out of her door to see Katerine dressed to the nines, everything clean and polished, but her fancloak consipicuous in its absence.


    I wonder what Sheena is doing. The boat was coming near the docks, from the sound of things, and Kaylan still hadn't decided exactly how to proceed. She stood outside her door and looked down toward the Blue's, waiting to see the woman before she made her final choice. Should have thought of this last night.


    ~Kaylan Morin Aes Sedai

    Sister of the Green Ajah

    Bonded to Cassiele and Katerine (in this timeline)

  14. The silver spoon twirled in her fingers as she read the letter, the novice standing outside her door looking somewhat impatient as Kaylan detained her, making the firl wait until she was finished reading. An invitation to tea to discuss something of importance? Kaylan didn't know many of the Grays particularly well, and she couldn't imagine what they'd want to discuss with her, but she merely nodded at the novice and waved her away, closing the door absentmindedly behind her as she walked across the room.


    Might as well make herself look respectable - while the old Aes Sedai was almost tempted to ignore the invitation, it was worded in a way that didn't allow for refusal, and her curiosity was piqued by it. What was so important that they would call a cranky old woman from her quarters? Not simply tea, of that she was sure. Smoothing out the green silk in front of her, Kaylan nodded to herself and began to get dressed for the occasion. She didn't go so far as to pull out her Green-fringed shawl, though she was tempted to. Leaving her appearance simple as usual, though the dress was as low cut as ever, Kaylan brushed her white blonde hair until each strand was shining and smooth, and picked up the spoon once more. Lovely workmanship, and a symbol of the Gray if ever there was one. The old Green briefly wondered what would be on a Green Ajah spoon, laughing to herself at the image of a severed trolloc's head, and looked at the clock. Almost time. She began the walk down to the Gray ajah quarters, arriving quickly enough to find Nyssa and Phaedra sitting together and looking... well, Kaylan could tell that something was going on, and she looked from one to the other with one eyebrow raised just a touch.


    "Sisters. Thank you for the invitation." Might as well go through the motions. She wondered how many others had been invited. Taking a seat close to the two, she accepted a cup of tea graciously, keeping her curiosity to herself though she was normally more blunt. Let them think they had the upper hand, though what they would want with her - notorious for her uninvolvment with politics - Kaylan could not say.


    ~Kaylan Morin

    Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah

    Thrice Bonded

  15. Character Name - Addison Andres Séaghda



    Email address – hingstman@gmail.com



    Division – Seanchan (Exotics Handler)



    Physical Description – Addison is as tall as his father, reaching an impressive 6'4". Like his father he seems to think this height is quite unsuitable for a lad of his standing, so his shoulders droop in a way that is supposed to make him look smaller. His hair would have been wavy and ashblonde like his mothers if he didn't keep it cropped short. His eyes are skyblue, a trait that he shares with neither of his parents, but one he does share with his only living grandfather. He has a fairly athletic build from working around the exotics stables his entire life, and training to become a morat himself. He has a scar on the right side of his lower ribs from a nasty encounter with a Corlm. All in all he'd be a good-looking man, if not for the seemingly perpetual worried frown in his face.



    Place of Birth/Raising – Seandar



    Character History –




    "Come on Rylen… this is a bad idea, and you know it. I'm going to leave you here all by yourself, you hear me?" Addison hissed, which was more of a low rumble than an actual hiss in his case. His long time friend waved his worries away, a look of mischief on his face. A look that meant trouble. Addison imagined having to explain his presence in the Corlm stables to his mother. Petite as she might be, especially when compared to him, she was a fierce woman to deal with when angered. And Addison was getting more and more convinced that she would definitely be furious. "Stop worrying you big oaf." Rylen whispered. Addison snorted. He was one to talk. Even if he did get caught, which was not likely because he was like the commander of sneaking around, people would excuse him because he showed so much potential. Everyone always talked about how good he'd be on a Raken. Addison grit his teeth. They never said those kinds of things about him. Maybe that was because he hadn't picked an animal to handle yet…




    He was distracted from his musings by a nudge from Rylen. "Time to go." He said, mirth clear on his voice. Addison couldn't help but snigger to himself. It really was going to be a good prank. He could just imagine an entire squadron of Morat'Corlm falling from their corlm's because their saddlestraps had been slashed through. Silently the pair snuck to the end of the stables, where the saddles were stored. The Corlms they passed threw themselves against the gates of their boxes, eager to get out and tear the two intruders to bits. "Nasty…" Addison muttered. He'd already decided he was never going to become a Morat'Corlm.




    Just a few more yards and they'd be at the storeroom. Addison could hear his friend giggle, something the shorter boy would never admit to if Addison confronted him with it later. "this is going to be gre…" He was interrupted by a sound at their back. An instant reflex saved Addison, as he managed to leap aside as a loose corlm stormed at them, screeching and generally looking as if it was out for their blood. Despite his training, Rylen was nailed to the ground. "No!" Addison shouted as the Corlm didn't waste time in tearing into his friend. Distracted by his shout the beast turned to him, quite intent on killing both the intruders, it leapt at Addison. A sharp pain pierced his side and he passed out.




    When he woke again he was lying on the floor of the stable, with someone pressing a cloth to his side. "Stupid kids…" he heard someone mutter. He glanced aside and saw what was left of Rylen, covered by a sheet. A few yards away a lieutenant was raging about something. Addison didn't get it. "The Corlm that escaped was his favourite." The man at his side explained. "And this is the third time it managed to injure someone, even if this is the first fatal accident. They're going to put it down, and he doesn't like it." Addison sighed, thinking of what his mother would say of this. He'd managed to let his best friend die, and get on the wrong foot with an important Morat'Corlm all in the same stupid attempt to be funny. She wouldn't be happy with him at all.




    As it turned out, he was right. His mother was more than a little upset when she heard about the events, but a look at her son in bandages triggered her maternal instincts. The verbal thrashing he received for it was postponed until after Rylen's burial, and after his wound had healed somewhat. After the loss of his father, it had been up to her to raise him, and she had always feared that he would get out of control. Addison promised to work even harder. A year later he enrolled with the training program for exotics handlers. Even though he was still a little young, his mother's reputation as a der'morat'lopar guaranteed that he got accepted as soon as he felt he was ready for it.

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