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Posts posted by Kaylan

  1. A dull ache in her back had been bothering her all day. She'd been going about her business, quite tired from the kicking that the baby had been giving the inside of her belly all night, when she first noticed it. Gently rubbing her back as she toddled down the stairs, Elia greeted her foster-daughter and gathered some breakfast with a weary sigh.


    Going about her usual routine, the backache was soon joined by cramps not unlike those that sometimes accompanied her moon-time. Elia did her very best to ignore them - since she hadn't had a moon-time in months and months.


    It wasn't until the cramps got much stronger that she realised it. Elia's mother was dead, and had never gotten into the process of childbirth with her. Fayth Sedai had told her some about it, but she'd always thought that when the time came she'd magically know exactly what to do. Women had been having babies for so long that it seemed ridiculous for her to not know how.


    And yet here she was, in the early stages of labour, feeling a moment of panic as she tried to remember what she was supposed to do.


    "Fawne, sweetheart..."


    Oh, dear Creator, how she wished Alex could be here.


    "I think I'm going to need your help."


    She hoped that the girl was around. She was young, still in her early teens, and had much better things to do with her time than stay at home.


    "I think the baby is coming."


    There was a note of panic in her voice.


    ~Elia Darnel

    Tower Guard on leave

  2. "Certainly."


    Kaylan didn't often see the Amyrlin, since she did her very best to avoid anything even remotely political. That had been her way ever since gaining the shawl - and in fact, the old Green spent as much time out of the Tower as she could.


    That was becoming more difficult these days, though - with her 'advanced' age, people tended to look down on it. This new weave was going to change all of that, though. She could take off from her bedroom and no-one would ever know she was gone.


    She wondered if anyone would have seen Sirayn about the weave yet. There were far too many scheming plots around the place for her to be sure, but at least this way they'd be able to say that they had helped. Or Jaydena would be able to say it, Kaylan didn't care either way.


    With a hint of a shrug, Kaylan pushed open the door and started toward the Amyrlin's office.


    [OOC: Rawr! Fear my suckiness! Seems like a good place to end, once Sira gives us a poke we can start a new thread, you reckon?]

  3. Aes Sedai were not accustomed to having conditions imposed upon them, and it did not particularly please her that Owen chose to phrase himself in that way.


    Still, it had become clear that the Two Rivers had changed, and considering that respect for Aes Sedai had been lacking before her departure, she had to take what she could get. The chance to be the first Aes Sedai in the city was enough to make her agree, but she made no pretense at being happy with what Owen had imposed upon her.


    "I assure you, I am perfectly capable of looking after myself." She brushed at one of her sleeves, as if to point out the green of her dress - but she did now know if either of the men would recognise the significance of the colour, anyway.


    She was battle trained and well tried, willing to wager that she had been fighting since both of their mothers were in skirts. Addie had spent a good thirty years at the Blightborder, fighting with the most dedicated men and women in this world against horrors that most never even dreamed of. Yes, Adine was perfectly capable.


    "But I will see you in two days."


    As far as she was concerned, the visit was over. What the two men thought, though, remained to be seen.


    ~Adine Torfinn

  4. Name: Toran Meyer

    Age: 18

    Origin: Amadician/Ghealdan Border

    Physical Appearance: 5'6", 74kg, brown hair and eyes. Barely worn features, hands are only beginning to develop calluses from swordwork. His back carries multiple layers of scars.


    Personality: Helpful but shy, prone to daydreaming and his focus wandering. When attention is centred on him, things tend to go wrong and he becomes rather clumsy.


    History: Raised in an abusive household, by the time he was eleven Toran could take no more and fled. Surviving by begging as he followed the roads south, he ended up in Amador. Begging only went so far, and at times he stole to survive.


    It was during such a theft that he was caught trying to take off with a pair of apples by a Child of the Light. Rather than carry off Toran for a branding, the man was going to give him a whipping with his belt which led to him pulling up Toran's shirt and discovering the numerous scars.


    Laying aside the belt, the man instead took him to his brother's home, where he was taken in and raised. A gentler home he couldn't have asked for, but he couldn't shake off his early years completely. He was never comfortable with attention, or anyone knowing about his back, so he was often the quiet one in any group and always wore a shirt even on the hottest days.


    When he was seventeen, they received word that his 'uncle' had died in service, and after the funeral Toran decided the best way he could thank his 'uncle' for what he did was to take up the sunburst himself. Joining the Children of the Light, he was quickly sent to the der'Algai as his uncle had been one himself.


    While developing into a competent fighter, he was by no means excellent, his wandering daydreaming a contributor to that. But he hopes to do his uncle proud all the same.

  5. "I would be most interested to see these ruins. Could you mark out where they were on a map, if you had one?"


    Adine did have one. Though it had been many years since she had been in the Two Rivers, her memory had not dulled over the years and she had always been a curious explorer as a child. There were no doubt some details that would need to be adjusted, and she and Daishell hadn't gotten far in verifying her memory just yet - no doubt these men would be able to fill her in much more quickly. Being from Taren Ferry had limited how far she'd been able to wander as a child, and she'd been hoping to fill in those blanks now that she had returned as an adult. Not just an adult, a fully trained Aes Sedai.


    "From what history tells us, though, the ruins you found could not have been the capital. Eldrene's final attack is said to have destroyed the entire city." Not to mention herself.


    The story of Manetheren, its fight against the Shadow and final defeat - after a betrayl that was not well known by the general population - was incredibly interesting to her, and always had been. Though her main specialisation had been Borderlands defense, the nation that had once been where she'd grown up had been a large part of the world's defense against the shadow - an example for everyone. Apparently her current residents were doing the same.


    "Perhaps it is Corartheren or Jara'copan." If only she had access to the great library of the Tower - she had not been able to bring along her reference books. But returning to the Tower was unlikely to go well for Adine, since her ajah no doubt considered her a deserter. She considered herself one, sometimes.

  6. Well, these two were quite the pair. Adine didn't know whether to be amused or annoyed with them as she listened to their talking. Well, Owen's talking and John's eating.


    "I've nothing but regret that I was unable to help with the Shadowspawn situation." She'd often wished that her arrival had been early enough to help, but she'd arrived some time too late. She actually found herself wondering whether he'd mentioned it to make some point, to make her feel that she had less right to be here than them.


    "I'm more than willing to share my knowledge about Manetheren, but I'm afraid it is only the same old stories that many people would have heard by now."


    Adine paused for a moment, considering how much she should tell them about herself.


    "As to what my presence here indicates? I've simply returned to where I grew up for a break from life in the White Tower, and to gather any new stories that have emerged since the last time I was here."


    She was quite interested in the history of the Two Rivers, and not only because of the fact that she'd grown up there. Being of the Green Ajah - she still considered herself as much, even though she was likely considered a deserter by her Sisters in the Tower - it was interesting to know of a warrior Aes Sedai who had once ruled in these parts. Her Bond to her husband intrigued Addie, too, who had often been the subject of gossip with her single Bond. She was not in love with Dai, of course, but she had been both married and Bonded and could well understand the appeal of such a deep link with the one that you loved.


    She didn't elaborate on any of what she'd said, particularly the reasons that she was having a break from life in the Tower, rather waiting to see what the two of them had to say. That they had news of Manetheren to share intrigued her, but what interest these men - she didn't know the word Wolfkin, though she had come to an understanding of what they were - had in the place, she could not say.

  7. So, we've got a RP with some Blue Witches coming up, and I'm wondering who wants to be in it?


    Maybe we could make it a der'Algai special project? :)




    A Clash of Interests


    Setting: Cairhien

    Time Period: About a year before Dumai’s Wells


    The Crime)


    About two months before she is arrested in Cairhien, 16 year-old Brianna Pryan flees Amador, closely pursued by the Children. She is charged with blasphemeing by touching the One Power and the murder of Roman Fliance, an officer in the Children of the Light.


    Brianna, a street urchin forced into prostitution by her poverty flees from one of the city’s inns. The innkeeper, the next morning, finds Roman’s body. The officer is dead, apparently without wound. Other prostitutes later confirmed that there had been several odd occurrences around Brianna, linked together with the murder the Children deduce that she is a Wilder.


    The Sisters)


    A group of Blue Sisters (3?), with business in Cairhien discover that a young Wilder (Brianna) is under arrest for thieving and ask the king for her custody. Their request is granted.


    The Children)


    The Children of the Light, who have followed her to Cairhien learn she is being held by the Sisters and plan to ambush the party outside of the city.




    - Parties scuffle (maybe NPC deaths?) and Brianna is killed.

  8. All works for me, OG. Whee! Wasn't sure whether to dive straight in, I can edit if you like. Just let me know :)




    In the months since her arrival in the Two Rivers, Adine had learned several important lessons.


    You could not trust the children of the villagers you grew up with.


    Change was inevitable.


    And a woman in her position had to stay away from black-coated men. Well, she'd learnt that one when she'd travelled to the Borderlands, and while it wasn't for quite the same reasons, the lesson stood.


    She and Daishell had moved into a small cottage in the woods, not far from the graves of her family. It had caused a bit of a scandal for a few weeks, but eventually it seemed that most of the whispers died down and life in the Two Rivers returned to normal.


    As normal as it could with all the changes that had happened since she had left.


    Every now and again one of her relatives would come to visit and share gossip. Almost every time, Dai managed to scare the wits out of them by appearing from nowhere with bare steel in his fist. He'd been particularly adamant about the placement of the cottage, wanting to ensure that it was both difficult to find and easy to defend if need be.


    Absolutely no regard, of course, for what Adine had told him time and time again. He was right, though, that the Two Rivers were not the same as they had been when she was a child. Nevermind how long it had been, she'd swatted him with the Power the one time he'd mentioned that.


    A slight tingling feeling alerted her that someone had crossed her Wards, small enough to go unnoticed by the Black-Coats but effective enough in what they did. Dai was, for once, resting in the main room, and Adine couldn't help but smile.


    She was - had been, still considered herself - an Aes Sedai of the Battle Ajah, she certainly wasn't useless, and it had been a long time since she had had any chance to practice her skills.


    There was a knock on the door.


    With a tight grip on saidar, Addie opened it.


    "What can I do for you?" Her voice was quiet and curious as she regarded her visitors. Not relatives.


    Brown eyes met gold, and there was the barest flicker of interest.


    She nodded an assent to his question, feeling her Warder stirring in the room behind her. He was going to give her a talking-to, no doubt about it. When she would let him get away with it.


    "So. There are more of you." She tapped her lip for a moment then motioned with her head.


    "Bring him in. Daishell, clear a space, please." He knew what to do when she needed to Heal someone.


    Not for the first time, Addie found herself considering what a Bond with one of these strangers would be like. But the very idea of a Bond without permission made her sick to the stomach. Not unless there was a dire reason for it.


    A broken leg was not dire, nor was her own Healing skill so useless that she would need a Bond to allow the job to be finished.


    Green skirts swept around her legs as Addie strode into the main room of her cottage and motioned to the chair Dai had been sleeping in.


    "This is going to leave you tired and hungry, it is best if you sit. Provided you can."


    ~Adine al'Thoram Torfinn

    Battle Ajah deserter

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