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Everything posted by Storeebooq

  1. bad at math, and that ol' unreliable narrator trope that RJ made ample use of. In Nyn's defense, she knew almost nothing about the Source then, so she could have been sorely mistaken. Then again, a circle seemed to limit how much could be drawn from the Sa'Angreal, going by the experience Eggy had during the Tower's battle vs the Seanchan (with all those linked with her + her forkroot weakness, she was just at her own max power) and her inner dialogue during the last battle (and BS's very convenient reveal on it's mechanics that had NEVER been mentioned ever in the previous books..*cough*).
  2. In the portrait in Mo's room, it seemed to show her being at least in her late teens or older so (definitely not a child or adolescent), and her sister said "it's been six decades" since she saw her last, so I bet Mo's at minimum in her 70's. And I think show Liandrin is much older too. According to the blog she was 36 (which made sense to how impulsive and immature she was in the books)..where'as the show version had a son who was between 80-90 at least (according to her speech to Nyn), so she has to be close to or over 100 at the least. I like that they aged up the Aes Sedai in the show. They already had aged up the Two Rivers kids by a few years, so it fits in the scale.
  3. A man experiences sadness, loss, re-evaluation of his purpose, and many other powerful emotional experiences, and they portray it frankly on screen, and suddenly, he's "neutered". smh I've said this before, and I'll likely say it again, Rafe & team are showing that the men in the series have actual depths to their emotional experiences, will EXPRESS and obviously deal with those emotions (in both healthy and unhealthy ways), confide in and support each other, and grow....This is a HEALTHY portrayal and only strengthens the characters. Lan will likely recover and grow from this, and he's going to be an even stronger character in the end. No body is being neutered. Well, the assumption that a healthy man must be stoic, emotionless, and perfect is being neutered. 😉
  4. right!? I'm excited this is her role, since it will not only mean more screen time but also a very juicy role to take over. She's going to bring a powerful depth to that character, and I can already imagine how intense some of the scenes between her and Egwene will go in the later seasons.
  5. If I remember correctly, during the Age of Legends the average life expectancy of non-Aes Sedai was still high, probably around 120+.
  6. To actually add to what you're saying, Reanne Corly was the eldest in the Knitting circle, it was mentioned by Nyn and others that the Kin had reported that Aloisia Nemosni was 600 and the oldest known member of the Kin, living in Tear. Pulled data from the wiki
  7. Nicely done, thank you for pulling the screencaps and comparing. IMO it goes to show they are not the same folk. I am basing that mostly on the fact that the contume designers put a LOT of intention and work into the different clothings, and I haven't seen them show a lot of clothing changes for non-main characters. They might all be Traveling people, since the styles are similar. Or may also be from similar regions & cultures. The wagons + protective dog + style makes me think Padin Fain was attacking Traveling folk (what an a-hole). I'm curious if we will get more info later.
  8. 🤣 Seriously, there was so much inner dialogue with the "smelling" and visions from the wolves that would be hard or impossible to translate over to the screen. I think the visions are smart and lines up with what viewers are expecting in shows these days and with attention span. They are moments out of step with the current time, since all but Elyas pause, and also reminds me of TAR, so I feel like they are connecting the two. I do wish we had some more clear communication between Perrin and the wolves..like we see it sort of happening...but I would love them to find a way to show a communication system between them. Maybe we will get it as the season progresses.
  9. I feel like we need a scene-by-scene comparison of the clothing. I think it was a different girl, who looked really similar...but not sure. It would be interesting to compare the dresses of the mother/child at the DF Social and the woman & girl scene in Perrin's vision.
  10. Maybe Uno will be raised with the horn =] I loved Uno/Nyn dynamic in the books and I was pretty pissed he was killed. But it worked, I see the Seanchan as a terrible threat now because I fear they may actually do serious damage to my favorite characters, rather than just fearing what they will do to channelers & the ruling class. If they are not hesitant to take out a fan-favorite...well...dang, they are more threatening than the Forsaken at this point. 😵
  11. Nyn clearly had to choose whether to continue helping those she cared about, or go through the portal. I admit it was faster than I expected, but like a lot of elements in this series, we are having to accept they do not have the same length of time that the books had for these kinds of scenes. They've definitely changed some things, but we have yet to get the full story. I agree that I think there are some blunders in the shielding/stilling?/bond + conversations. They are either due to the fault of the characters, or sloppy writing. They are taking their time explaining the magic system though. Something they had more space to do earlier on in the books. I chalk this up to the Aes Sedai do not want to waste their Accepted's time on babysitting gentled men in this universe, so cart them off to an asylum. To me, fits a little more in line with how people can be awful to folks in reality. It's also convenient for the plot, so meh. The ageism I keep seeing in regards to Min is getting old and is horrid. So what? Min was older than Rand already in the series, and we haven't had her in-series age shared. The actress herself is not 40, so I really wish folks would drop this critique. Y'all know that even so, 40 isn't old right? geeze I am curious if this is one of those blunders they admitted to in Season 1. It was hinted that a number of things, especially the last episode, were mistakenly shown to us, or overlooked in development. The danger of the dagger may have been one. I think this is a miss on their part. There's been little to know training given to Rand on the sword use yet, so I have no idea how they will have him face Turak, let alone become a blade master. Will they make it take longer and be more realistic? Even in the book series I thought his ability to fight so well so early on was kind of un-believable....but chalked it up to "he's the bloody hero" I for one don't give a flip if they ever met. I think RJ mishandled their whole "relationship" in the books anyways. I'm finding myself conflicted on this. Were they really in a circle? Or did she do something else with them? I think the added element of danger is interesting...but this could also be like I mentioned before, a mistake on the writers part for building drama in the last Season 1 episode. Especially with the related Nyn near-death and miraculous healing scene.
  12. Honestly, I don't have a solid theory as to where they are going to go with Moraine and how/if they will remove the block. I know that its clear from show teasers she will end up in Cairihen at some point. It's assumed she'll end up in Falme at some point if we have any influence from the books. How she will get there, what she will do, how she will influence Rand...who knows!? And it's kind of exciting to me. I do hope she gets some sneaky moments. I also freaking hope she apologizes to Lan at some point for being such a brat. >_<
  13. Oh no, sorry if it came across like that! lol I have high regard for RJ, though also keeping it real and like any writer, their work can get out-dated over time as we generally grow and change culturally. I have critiques of his work like I may any, but he's one of my all time favorite authors =]
  14. I hope we get more cold openings like we did in Season 1, with the glimpses into past or other moments.
  15. As a die hard absolutely total freaking nerd for the books that I've re-read more times than I usually ever admit to others lest I show how much of a freaking NERD I am.....it did take me a minute to settle down and accept the show's plot. But I have, and I love it, and I'm here for it. Even the moments where I disagree with what they did (Uno for example)...I understand the reasoning and why. I'm letting this version of the story grow in my mind alongside the book story. They are different, but similar, and that seems to oddly flesh out the world even more for me. I'm also enjoying the more current and modern take on relationships in the show. As I grew up, it got harder to take RJ's take on some of the relationships seriously. And his heteronormative view (bless his heart) is outdated. So, it's nice to have a more current version to go alongside canon as well.
  16. The Nyneave test hit me HARD! The last scene of her grabbing her child and running through the arches was heart wrenching and much more of an emotional impact than the book's version of the test to me. oof! I felt like I was in part holding my breath through the entire episode. I'm okay with the slow build for Mat and Perrin, because I think their character development needs to be more careful. It's less obvious what they need to become, since they aren't "The Dragon" and have a clear path laid out for them. At first I was surprised at how involved Liandrin is in many of the plots, and her ample scenes. I'm very much warming up to it now though, especially after the scene with her son(?). I think they are doing well in giving us well fleshed out "bad guys" that have more depth to them than RJ did (bless his heart). I'm into it, and I'm mad that I like her when I felt like I should be hating her. I'm not, and will not EVER be okay with what happened to Uno. Period. But I will get over it. Maybe I'm just mad we didn't have a single scene of Nyn glaring at his cursewords. Then again, this TV show Nyn seems less prudish and stuckup than our book Nyn did =] Elayne is perfect. Exactly how I hoped she would be portrayed. So naively royal and sincere. Her scene of taking the punishment for one of the workers was golden. I'm a little on edge over Moraine and Lan's relationship...I was not expecting her to be so harshly pushing him away at the end. I really felt for Lan. I'm hoping this gets resolved and they aren't permanently separated.
  17. I wonder if this relates to it being a shield woven with Saidin rather than Saidar. She can't sense the weaves, though she can obv sense the effect. So, she may be unsure what has happened. She could also be acting closed mouth about it, like she does almost everything else. Oh Moraine. I think the problem, and it might be on purpose, is that they have not given us an example of a person who has been stilled or gentled and then explicitly talking about what it feels like in relation to the One Power. We haven't had Logain, for example, say whether or not he can sense the One Power "just beyond reach". I think this is a deliberate ploy on the writer's part.
  18. As a queer person, it's been pretty great to see this kind of banter and chat in the show. RJ had plenty of this when he talked about Green sisters and multiple warders, plus other instances. It was just very straight-centric and heteronormative. This is more honest, and as someone who is well experienced with polyamorous relationships, it is all very spot on. Including the "whiny" comment about being third-wheel. Which I read less as "whiny" (won't even touch your 'beta-male' comment), and more as an honest complaint that can come out when you're having a very casual conversation about relationships. Here is a man who is among the a group of the world's best fighters, and he still has vulnerable emotions he is willing to express. That's awesome and what we need to see more of when it comes to representation of men.
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