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Catiendha Myerin

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Posts posted by Catiendha Myerin

  1. I just watched "The 4th Kind" for the second time this week.  I'm still freaked out! 


    It was the mix of actual video tapes of the real life people and the actors that has me on edge! 


    I'm not a big UFO nut by any means.  As a scientist, I keep an open mind and look at evidence before making any conclusions. 


    I have always thought there was a possibility of "aliens" but I have never seen any real evidence of it, so it always remained just a possibility with me.  I wish I knew exactly which parts of the film were dramatizations and which were actual video tapes from the original evidence.  I'm going to watch it again and try to figure out what is actual videotaped evidence and what is just movie drama.  Either way, the story is very compelling. 


    I have an open mind when it comes to "aliens."  We, of planet earth, have gone into space how many times now since the 1960's?  Is it not conceivable that other intelligent beings have done so?


    What makes me somewhat believe that other intelligent beings are more advanced than us is this: 


    Religeon and laws have held back scientists here on earth in the past.  Look at the history of Galileo!  He was just pardoned for his "heresy" against the church in the past few decades, even though he was entirely correct regarding astronomy.


    On 31 October 1992, Pope John Paul II expressed regret for how the Galileo affair was handled, and issued a declaration acknowledging the errors committed by the Catholic church tribunal that judged the scientific positions of Galileo Galilei, as the result of a study conducted by the Pontifical Council for Culture




    If religeon has held us here on Earth back several hundreds of years, then what is to say that other cultures, on other planets have not been held back at all?  Our Earth is still dominated by religeous based systems.  What if other worlds are dominated by science based systems?


    I truly believe that in all the infinity of the universe that there are other solar systems with other planets, with other intelligent beings.  Some may be held back by religeon-based systems.  Some may be in the middle, like our world is--struggling between religeon and science--and some may be more advanced and be entirely science based.   

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