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joeron bigelow

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Posts posted by joeron bigelow

  1. My thought of how i wanted to see it happen:


    Rand approaches on foot in his plain brown coat - "Barid Bel Biv Devoe (whatever his name is), i've come for you"


    and basically that two or three  pages of simple will power / one power channeling fighting, with Big D making one tiny error and losing.  


    Rand/LTT telling him he was sorry but it had to be...the whole time Rand is calm and at peas


    then he can go back to playing with Moridin up at Shayol Ghul....i dont think this is fan fiction...

  2. @Herid - it's possible someone remembers that Mat is arguably the best General they have and go to look for him early.  It may be a bit of an unnecessary complication, but it would help seal his importance among the gathered armies.  Or more likely they go to pick him up at noon :)



    just curious - I'm not debating that Mat is a good General, but besides the Band, and whoever may have encountered the Band - knows this tidbit of knowledge?


    Only Bashere knows who Mat is....


    Byrne does not, or did I miss that section of whatever book?  Is Bashere going to convince everyone?  I suppose Bashere is the leader of Rands immediate forces, but the other Borderlanders have no clue.  

  3. Ok I see it now as a subtle twisting of the intent of the statement so it's not really an untruth.


    Gawds you think we were getting paid to find every single anomaly in the book. I wonder when AMoL finally comes out and is done...how much free time I get back in my life...or move on to another book.

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