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Posts posted by Masema

  1. I just saw Man of Steel. Wow, that's all I have to say. It was less a movie than it was an event. I was extremely reluctant to go see this on based off of the previous Superman movie. They completely blew it out of the water with this one. I haven't seen a movie this good in forever. If you're thinking about it, just go, it's worth it.   

  2. In the beginning I really didn't like Egwene. But from Knife of Dreams she started to become likable, she even managed to grow on me. It really hurt when she died. I had tears in my eyes at other points in the book, but they fell there as I was reading her ultimate sacrifice. Well, I guess something good came out of it. After fourteen bloody books we finally find out what "The Flame of Tar Valon" means. Oh and the small fact that she practically saved the day for the army. 

  3. Wow is all I can say. I just finished the book and it's near three-thirty in the morning here. (Yeah I got it late) I don't think I've laughed and cried as much over a book as I have with this one. But then again, this series isn't normal. 


    Some outstanding moments. 

    Hearing Rand truly laugh.

    Egwene, I cried, not gonna lie. She grew on me over the last few books. 

    Moghedian at the end, priceless. 

    Cadsuane at the end, also priceless

    When Mat tells Hawkwing to go meet Tuon. I wish I could have seen that.

    Lanfear, I honestly didn't see that coming at all.

    Rand and Mat comparing their accomplishments in front of Tuon.  

    Mat's internal monologue for the entire book was hilarious. Brandon writes him the best imo

    When Tam took the torch to light the pyre... 

    When Lan finally killed that loudmouth annoying idiot. That whole scene was great. 

    There were so many "hope is lost" moments in this book and they were masterfully done. 

    Also, I never thought that one book could contain so many ways of calling someone an idiot, or insulting them. 

    Those last words were something special too.  

  4. Tellus dormit

    et liberi in diem faciunt

    numquam extinguunt

    ne expergisci possint


    A kingdom sleeps

    children make groans that are never diminished

    nor can they hope


    Omnia dividit

    tragoedia coram

    amandum quae


    A man is divided

    he faces a tragedy and is sent away

    And to travel at night from destruction


    Et nocte perpetua

    ehem vel vera visione

    par oram videbo te

    mane tempu expergiscendi


    Is his other burden

    to bear every fear is his punishment

    which he must endure throughout time

    and from it ascend



    Such a beautiful and sad song. It's a huge inspiration.



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