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Posts posted by Asfaloth

  1. well I kinda thought the inn would be a place that is "timeline-fuzzy" so all could join in.  But to answer your question I would say that this occurs main storyline present-ish.  How's that for an answer?  very definitive and helpful right  ;) ;D

  2. OOC: This is completely open to all but I would recommend you first read the bio for Dylan Ablard and the description of the Cair Rahien.


      All around him people were moving about finishing up their last minute tasks, but Dylan Ablard sat in a corner booth consumed by his memories.  He had grown up running around the tables here at the Cair Rahien, but even he could barely recognize the place now.  The fire had utterly destroyed the home of countless generations of his family, its architecture unique as the myriad additions that shaped it.

      When he and his sisters first talked of rebuilding they knew from the beginning that it would be impossible to replicate the old misshapen but beloved design, and had opted instead to start from scratch with a brand new design.  Still, they had salvaged what they could so peices of their childhood home were in evidence throughout the property.

      The four-sided fireplace at the center of the common room was just the most obvious example.  It had always been the trademark feature of the inn, and was known throughout the land.  Dylan and his sister had been verygrateful that it had survived the devastation of the storm two years ago.  They and their older brother had learned their letters and other basic lessons sitting on the bench that circled it with their parents.  Building the inn around it and its chimney served to tie the inn to its past and gave stability to his memories.

      Dylan was pulled sharply from his reminiscing when he heard his sisters calling for him.  Looking up, he saw that all activity had stopped and the entire staff was gathered waiting for him.  Standing up, he shrugged his shoulders and looked sheepishly at them before grinning to his sisters, knowing they at least would understand how bittersweet this day was for him.

      Walking to the stage he looked at the faces of all those who had passed his careful scrutiny as his sisters joined him, Beka on his right and Mandy his left.  From stableboy to chef and laundress to busboy, every one of them represented at least five others that had applied for their position.  "In just a few moments we will be opening our doors for the first time in exactly two years."  Dylan paused to collect himself and stop the tears after his voice started cracking there at the end.  He was a man with strong emotions, compunded by highlevels of compassion and empathy, so most here had seen him shed a tear or two, but now was not the time.

      Beka and Mandy stepped closer and he continued, "Every business has its ebbs and flows and I am sure we will as well.  But, we have enough reservations already to ensure that we all stay very busy for at least the next month.  You all know your jobs and what we expect of you.  I trust each of you to do what needs doing to help the customers, but if anything comes up don't hesitate to find one of us to resolve it for you.  Alright, I'll give you two minuites to ready yourselves and then I'm opening the door."

      As they dispersed to their posts, Dylan pulled his siters into a hug and told them, "Thank you both for staying and helping.  I never could have pulled this off without you."

      Beka replied, "Oh Dylan, you sell yourself short.  Dad would have been so proud of you."

      "And Mom will be too," Mandy added, "if she ever comes back from Aunt Charlotte's."

      With that bitter reminder of their mother's debilitating depression they embraced once more and went their seperate ways.  Their jobs tonight would be to work the crowd and greet their guests.  They would move through the inn at their leisure, chatting and diffusing and problems that arose.  But, to start the night, Beka went to stand at the top of the stairs on the second floor, Mandy went to an area near the dance floor and Dylan stood by the front door.

      After another minute to collect himself Dylan put on his most disarming smile and opened the door to greet their first guests.

  3.   As they rode they began seeing houses and fields along the road, gradually getting closer together as they continued.  Soon enough they entered the village proper, an oval-shaped field surrounded by community buildings and homes with the road circling around it.  Shawn rode to the largest building he could find, guessing correctly that it was the town's only inn.  Being a small town they probably didn't get many visitors, so he wasn't surprised at all to see that they had gathered quite a crowd by the time they reached their destination.

      He dismounted in front of the inn and looked around.  A young boy about ten years old came running up and looked at the horses and then at Shawn.  He'd probably been told to fetch their horses but was too shy to ask.  Shawn handed over Blaize's reins and, seeing that Carina Sedai had once again dismounted before he could offer to help, Sorei's as well.  "Please bring our bags up to our rooms and be sure to rub them down.  Take good care of those two and I'll reward you before we leave."

      The boy led the horses off, eager to prove himself, and was quickly surrounded by his young friends, while Shawn walked into the inn.  A round, jolly-looking man walked up and, introducing himself, "Welcome to Roldam.  Are you passing through, or will you be staying the night?"

      "Thank you.  Yes, we will need a room please."

      "Yes, well, please do follow me."  The innkeeper led Shawn and Carina up the stairs to a modest room with a large bed.  He spent some few minutes showing them, quite proudly, all the minor features of the room until the boy from before came running up with their bags.  "I'll leave you to get settled then.  If you will be wanting your meal in your room just let me know, otherwise I can serve you downstairs whenever you are ready."

      Shawn found his bedroll and spread it out between the door and the bed then glanced up at Carina.  "I will go and attempt to mingle with the men, and meet you up with you later.  Before I go though I thought I would check, will you be using your true name while we are here, or do you have an alias you would prefer I use?"

  4. People you may encounter at Cair Rahien:


    Dylan Ablard--PC played by Asfaloth; 30 yr. old owner of inn.


    Beka Ablard--NPC; beautiful 28 yr. old woman, friendly to all.


    Mandy Ablard--NPC; 25, she's the real beauty of the family.  A habitual flirt she is much smarter than people give her credit and is the sibling that takes care of the accounts.



    More will be added to this list as we go.  In the meantime, feel free to make up any NPC employee you need to interact with; I just ask that you pm me the name and description so they can be added here for others to use as well.

  5.   Just west of the White Tower, across an extra wide street for the safety of the Tower, stands the Cair Rahien.  The complex consists of four buildings around a courtyard.


    *The Courtyard contains ponds, streams, flower arrangements, walkways, and benches.  It is intended to be a calm, peaceful setting.  This may eventually also include an area roped off and designated for Traveling.  Maybe.


    *On the south side is a two-story building with rooms for those employees who choose to live there.


    *On the west side is a two-story stable.


    *On the north side is a two-story building holding laundry facilities and storage rooms with access to the kitchen and the guest rooms (via a servant's staircase).


    *On the east side is the main inn and tavern.



    ----Large co-ed bath area with both hot and cold pools and a bar that serves drinks and snacks during busy times.

    ----Separate men's and women's bathing areas for those that are more modest.

    ----Private baths available for individuals or groups for an extra cost and with reservations (or a willingness to wait while the bath is filled and heated).

    ----Several saunas and steam rooms.

    **Ground Floor

    ----Main Entrance is on east side.  NE and NW corners each have a small stage for musicians/performers and the wall between is one long bar with the kitchen behind it.  SE corner has a large stage for musicians/performers, the SW corner has a small bar to serve drinks, and between them is a large dance floor.

    ----The west wall has several doors opening out to the courtyard.  In the center of the west wall two staircases rise along the wall halfway up, meet at a landing and then turn to continue up to the second floor as one.

    **Second Floor

    ----Central area accessed from main staircase is an extension of the common room below.

    ----On each side a wide balcony with room for tables forms a square overlooking the ground floor (dance floor on one side and tables on the other).

    ----Several private dining and meeting rooms open onto the three sides of these two balconies.

    **Third through Sixth Floors

    ----Guest rooms of varying size and luxury.

    ----All rooms have a balcony facing the majestic White Tower, or the courtyard below, or both.

  6. An opportunity is open for characters from nearly every division to interact in a semi-neutral location--an upscale inn in Tar Valon.  This inn is owned and run by a retired Tower Guard, Dylan Ablard.


    A description of the inn will follow in the next post.


    How can your character take advantage of this inn?


    --Any Freelander with a reasonable excuse for being in the city can rp here.

    ----anyone interested in having a character with a semi-permanent home at the inn contact me and we can set something up.

    --Aes Sedai can go there for a nice glass of wine, maybe meet their Eyes and Ears.

    --Accepted can be sent there with messages for AS.

    --Warders, Tower Guards, and Trainees can go unwind, meet AS, smack unruly drunks around, etc.

    ----most of these can assume knowing Dylan and avoid those pesky introductions ;)

    White Cloaks can come spy on what the Witches are up to.

    Black Tower members can do same.

    SG, Wolfkin, Band can all use the inn to meet people, conduct business, etc. etc. etc.



    All rps with this inn will be on the Tar Valon board.



  7.   Five days.  It had been five days since Brent's death had led to a recall of all those he had found ways to get rid of during his tenure.  Just days after Brent had risen to power he had exiled Nakor to the manor house in Tear.  now he had been welcomed back to the Farm, but he was finding the transition more difficult than anticipated.

      In Tear he had quickly earned authority and responsibility.  He had grown accustomed to a certain level of admiration and respect from those around him, cherished all the more because it was earned and not gained solely by his birth as in the past.

      But here at the Farm he was unknown to most.  They looked at him with derision and underestimated him because of his youth, his small stature, and the extended time he had spent as a Dedicated without yet earning the dragon pin of an Ashaman.  It rankled.  Nakor was not usually given to an arrogant nature but it was damaging to his pride to see those looks they sent his way.  He knew he was smarter and stronger with Saidin than most of those in question, but he refused to sink to their level of pettiness to prove it by challenge.  So he was forced by conscience to ignore them.

      Instead, he had recommitted himself to his oaths to become the best weapon he could for the Dragon, and to proving himself to the officers here at the Farm.  He was confident that soon enough he would wear not only the dragon pin on his collar but lightning bolts on his sleeves as well.  Maybe even dragons one day.

      To that end he had set himself to rise early every morning to practice weaves and experiment with new ones before going about his assigned tasks of teaching Soldiers, training with other Dedicated, or going on recruitment trips.  This morning was no different, and when he was finished he headed to the inn to get some breakfast.

      On his way he spotted his old friend Tai'Dashan.  He was walking toward him, hand raised in greeting, mouth open to call out, when he heard a series of explosions and saw Tai run off toward them to help.

      Nakor was glad he hadn't yet let go of Saidin from his practice session.  maintaining his hold was easier than the struggle to grasp it, so he had taken to holding on as long as he could.  Running after the Attack Leader, Nakor prepared some defensive weaves as he ran.  Arriving on the scene, he was shocked at the destruction.

      Making his way to lend aid to Tai, he was pelted by a shower of debris.  He quickly raised a shield of air, and cursed himself for not doing it sooner.  He raised a wall of Earth in front of Tai, angled to cover their heads as well, and knelt down beside him.  He grinned up at his old friend and asked, "You got a plan, Baijan M'hael, or do you want me to come up with one?"

  8.   The fifth morning out from Tar Valon started the same as the others.  Shawn and Visar led the trainees through their morning workout, then dismissed them to their chores.  The troop was getting much more efficient at working together.  By the time dawn's first rays began to peep over the horizon everyone had eaten, their gear was stowed and horses saddled, and the trench filled in.  Shawn was proud to see that there was hardly any trace of the group having been there at all.

      Before they started off Shawn addressed the group of twenty trainees patiently waiting astride their horses.  "You've learned now how to fortify an overnight camp.  Tonight we will be establishing a longer lasting base camp that we will use for the rest of our time together.  We will be teaching you over the next two weeks how to work together as a cohesive fighting unit and continuing your survival training.

      "There are some ruins of an old stone fortress that we should reach around noon if we push it.  We will be working the rest of the day to fortify it for ourselves and transform it into a home away from home for the duration of our stay.

      "Alright, let's get a move on, we have a lot of ground to cover!"

  9. ooc: Ok, so I'm horrible with titles get over it ;) This is Phase 1 of the interdiv rp discussed here(BT) and here(WK).  As the description says, this is open to anyone from these two divisions even if you have no intention of joining the rest of the rp.


    ic: A few hours past noon Nakor joined a group of Ashaman and fellow Dedicated at the Traveling grounds.  They were heading to join up with some mysterious allies Covai had called the Wolfkin.  They would be staying the night with these allies and in the morning begin a joint effort to scout out the Shadow-controlled lands south of the Blight, what used to be Shienar and Arafel.

      Seeing Covai signal for him to open the Gateway Nakor took hold of Siadin and wrestled for control of it.  It was easier now than it once was, but still a struggle that took all his strength.  Thankful that he did not sick-up in front of so many he wove the flows to open the Gateway.

      On the other side stood a barefooted giant of a man wearing animal skin for pants and an open leather vest.  A battle-axe hung over his shoulder and a pair of smaller axes hung from his belt, one on each hip.  On his left was a massive grey wolf and on his right an only slightly smaller black she-wolf with white paws.  Behind them stood an assortment of smaller wolves that looked to be adolescents.

      Holding Saidin Nakor knew he had nothing to fear from the giant or his companions despite the near terror their appearance invoked.  But then he remembered that they would be entering a Stedding.  He would be losing his connection with Saidin and be almost completely helpless.  His mind was still his strongest weapon but physically he would be defenseless.  He was quite happy to stand quietly in the back of the group and follow Covai's lead for the time being.


      The wind stirred the leaves into miniature cyclones around his feet as Burrich considered the situation he found himself in.  Growing up he'd been told stories of men who could channel, stories meant to frighten him into good behavior.  He was taught to fear the very idea of men consumed by the Dark One's taint.  Yet, here he stood waiting to meet a group of such men and lead them to his home and the home of those he was sworn to protect.

      Other Guardians and Rangers too hid silently watching amongst the trees but he alone stood at the edge of the clearing to greet their allies.  Well, not quite alone.  Storm Hunter and Snow Paws had decided to accompany him, along with all ten of their half-grown pups.  Their presence served to calm and steady him and watching the pups wrestle entertained him while waiting.

      Suddenly a line appeared in midair in the center of the clearing.  As it rotated to form an opening in the air Storm and Snow came to stand on either side of him.  The pups, sensing the mood of their parents, quickly calmed down and ranged themselves in a rough horseshoe behind.  A group of black-coated men stepped through the hole in the air.  The last was an extremely short and very young man with a curious white streak running through his black hair and a silver sword pinned to his collar.

      As soon as this last man stepped through the hole it blinked away.  Burrich cast his voice to be heard by all but met locked eyes with the one he thought to be their leader, a man with red and gold serpents etched onto his sleeves, "Welcome allies from the Black Tower.  My name is Burrich Fallstar.  If you would please follow me into the Stedding, I will lead you to our inn where you can enjoy refreshments as we work together to finalize our preparations for tomorrow's journey."  Those were the words he'd been told to say, he only hoped they made the right impression.

  10. OOC:

    In an attempt to speed things along I will be adjusting how this rp is run.  From now on if more than a week passes from the time of the last post in the rp I will be posting to move the story along.  If this means we move on from something before you've had a chance to post then it will simply give you more to tell in your next post.  Don't worry, we won't kill off your character if we move on without you Wink and you can still follow this story and reference it in future rps as your character will still be a participant even if you drop out.




    So, you have one week from today to post before the story moves forward.


    **This post will be removed when I post again next week.**

  11. In an attempt to speed things along I will be adjusting how this rp is run.  From now on if more than a week passes from the time of the last post in the rp I will be posting to move the story along.  If this means we move on from something before you've had a chance to post then it will simply give you more to tell in your next post.  Don't worry, we won't kill off your character if we move on without you Wink and you can still follow this story and reference it in future rps as your character will still be a participant even if you drop out.




    So, you have one week from today to post before the story moves forward.  Here's a link in case you've forgotten where we are: "A Simple Training Exercise?"


    And it's not too late for anyone else to join in that wants to.

  12. *poke poke*


    With the usual December slowness on these boards most of my rps have stalled and I am attempting to refresh them.


    On the wolfkin side of this rp we are waiting for Shawn and Carina to rescue the the NPC Wanderer before we come in, BUT there is plenty of opportunity for those in the group to interact, dialog, etc. on the way.


    Here's a link to the rp in case you've lost it on the boards.  The Pack Comes

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