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Posts posted by Aulduron

  1. I thought it was men who were second class. Andor only has a queen. The Womens Circle and Wise Ones always trump the Village Council and Chiefs. , Only women are allowed to channel. Those women chose Rand, he didn't choose them. Women bullied their way all the way through those books. 

  2. That was part of Matts gamble when he retreated to Merrilor. He said he had to give them what looked like an easy target, so they'd come wipe him out and ravage the countryside.


    Both Matt and Gareth were against commanding from afar, although they figured that's how wars would be fought in the future.


    Demandred was too obsessed with beating Rand one on one to think about hitting their supplies or wounded. He, like all the Forsaken are very selfish.

  3. The Aiel fought the toughest and most important battle that wasn't even expected to be won.Their battle took the least time, and had the least coverage. They defended a pass, something at which Aiel have no experience, but they still gave Rand time to fight the dark one, even with a Foresaken on the field, compelling commanders, channelers  and spears and throwing balefire around.

  4. Anyway even if it effects the bad guys more,how come it is the opposite of balefire?.Balefire frys both the good and bad guys equally,not good guys more!


    Balefire is about more than damaging people. It burns the pattern, and apparently her weave does the opposite, by fixing the pattern.

  5. There were 1783 kinswomen on the rolls, total. They weren't all with Elayne. They weren't all in Ebou Dar. They weren't all gathered. Many of them probably weren't much stronger than Morgase. It is likely that most of the non AS/WO/WF damane the Seanchan took on the continent were Kin. Many of them were killed before the LB. Yes, they used gateways to gather more kin, but there was never a mention of large numbers gathered in Camelyn or anywhere else.


    I can't find confirmation, but I'm pretty sure the Shaido was the largest clan, with more chanelling  WO than most.


    I was just thinking about it, and for their to be any chance at war not breaking out almost immediately after The Last Battle, Egwene had to die. Remember this conversation?



    "I will break you myself," Fortuona said softly. "Someday, your people will turn you over to me. You will forget yourself, and your arrogance will lead you to our borders. I will be waiting."
    "I plan to live centuries," Egwene hissed. "I will watch your empire crumble, Fortuona. I will watch it with joy."
    There's no way Egwene would wait long enough for Seanchan society to change peacefully, after her experiences she would have attacked them as soon as possible, probably leading to a future similar to the one Avi witnesses in her visions at Rhuidean the second time.

    Hadn't they just agreed that any woman who didn't want to be collared didn't have to be collared?

  7. Sizes of various forces have been vague and/or inconsistent throughout the whole series. Lan had 12,000 men charging through the Gap towards 10 ten times as many trollocs. He lost half of them in the initial charge. They lost a great many Aiel to the bleakness.


    As has been said, the DO wanted Rand at SG, so it wasn't well defended.


    As for Shara: Greandal took their king and queen, or whatever they call them. Presumably  they went into chaos. I also assume they they had their own prophecies about Rand, which Rand ignored, and Demandred exploited. He convinced them he was their savior, just as Asmodean tried to fool the Aiel into believing Couladin was their Caracorn. It can be assumed that internal war and Demandred killed a great many of them, or that only a small percentage of them were fooled by him. That should explain their small numbers.


    The shadow had three large armies roaming Randland. One of them had already destroyed a whole nation, and another the capital of Andor. The forces of light had to split up and stop them. Otherwise they would have wiped out every village on the way south to other cities from which the Lights forces supplied. As it is, Kandor and Sheinar are pretty much gone Camelyn is gone. The capital of Saldea nearly fell in a previous book and it probably fell later, off screen. There was plenty of destruction.


    I agree that gateways were under used. Once they rediscovered them, I started thinking of ways they could be used. I envisioned opening them to the bottom of the ocean, so I was glad when Androl one upped me and opened one into a volcano. Too bad he only did it once. I liked how they finally hid the dragons underground and shot through gatewas. They should have been shooting through them the whole time. Want to stop trollocs from rushing down the gap, or a city street at you? Form circles, open huge gateways in from of them, and cut them down with dragons and arrows. There are a great many ways to use them more effectively than they did.

  8. "I will hate the man you choose because he is not me, and love him if he makes you smile" -Lan




    "My name is Nynaeve ti al'Meara Mandragoran. The message I want sent is this. My husband rides from World's End toward Tarwin's Gap toward Tarmon Gai'don. Will he ride alone?"


    "He will not, my Lady. I cannot stand surety for anyone else, but I swear to you under the Light and by my hope of rebirth and salvation, he will not ride alone." -Nynaeve and the Malkieri merchant.

  9. Somesta probably is dead. However, when he died, he dropped the acorn that grew into the oak tree. Loial sang to it, and afterward said he could not have sung so hard if something of Treebrother was not in there. His own songs don't have that power, and said that the blight would not have him. Probably, that will be where the Blight starts to recede, but maybe not.

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