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News item Comments posted by Erdrick

  1. Let me explain the main reason why I want this cyclic time thing to end. In an interview RJ said the following:


    "This is a game you have to win every time. Or rather, that you can only lose once--you can stay in if you get a draw. Think of a tournament with single elimination. If you lose once, that's it."


    So...if there is the possibility of ultimate loss, there should also be a possibility of ultimate victory. If not, this continual repetition (with the slight variations) will eventually result in the ultimate loss RJ mentions in the quote above. We may pull off another draw this round, but if we can't break out of this cyclic time, we will eventually lose.


    That's why I join Millon in hoping we get to see the breaking of the Wheel of Time.

  2. Finally! Some one who agrees with me, It IS the end. The wheel is going to be broken.


    I feel the same. I am hoping that this is the story of that crucial point where cyclic time becomes linear time. Below is a post I made back in 2009 in Leigh Butler's TGH reread:


    Take a look at these two passages, the first being Ishy addressing Lews Theron in the prologue of TEoTW, and the second being Ishy addressing Rand in chapter 15 of TGH:


    “Ten years! You pitiful fool! This war has not lasted ten years, but since the beginning of time. You and I have fought a thousand battles with the turning of the Wheel, a thousand times a thousand, and we will fight until time dies and the Shadow is triumphant!”


    “I have a thousand strings tied to you, Kinslayer, each one finer than silk and stronger than steel. Time has tied a thousand cords between us. The battle we two have fought—do you remember any part of that? Do you have any glimmering that we have fought before, battles without number back to the beginning of Time? I know much that you do not! That battle will soon end. The Last Battle is coming. The last, Lews Therin. Do you really think you can avoid it? You poor, shivering worm. You will serve me or die! And this time the cycle will not begin anew with your death. The grave belongs to the Great Lord of the Dark. This time if you die, you will be destroyed utterly. This time the Wheel will be broken whatever you do, and the world remade to a new mold. Serve me! Serve Shai’tan, or be destroyed forever!”


    I hope this is not just a crazy Ishy-rant, and that it is actually forshadowing the conclusion of AMoL. This Wheel of Time idea is great and all, but I actually want the Wheel to be broken. I want this to be the story of the true Last Battle. "This time the Wheel will be broken whatever you do, and the world remade to a new mold." But if it does turn out to be just a tale of another turning of the Wheel, I guess I won't mind too much. It was a great ride after all.


    ...Below are a couple more TGH quotes supporting this theme.


    In the prologue (Ishy addressing the darkfriend social):

    "Soon the Wheel of Time will be broken. Soon the Great Serpent will die, and with the power of that death, the death of Time itself, your Master will remake the world in his own image for this Age and for all Ages to come..."


    In chapter 41 (Ishy addressing Rand again):

    "You will die, worm! How many times have you died across the span of the Ages, fool, and how much has death availed you? The grave is cold and lonely, save for the worms. The grave is mine. This time there will be no rebirth for you. This time the Wheel of Time will be broken and the world remade in the image of the Shadow. This time your death will be forever! Which will you choose? Death everlasting? Or life eternal – and power!"

  3. Spoiler warning... not everyone might be that far into the series... 99% of us our, few might not be...


    I apologize if my statement was a spoiler for anybody, but let's not have double standards here. Just look at any of the "Fan Art Friday" articles. If you click on the most recent one, you better not read anything in the article, and don't pay attention to the "fancy scarf" Egwene is wearing either (unless you want a major spoiler). A little while back they did one on Mat too. Recent Rand fanart is just as bad...


    You see, I'll give spoiler warning where appropriate, but when it comes to book covers and fan art, IMO saying something like "can you see the scar on his neck?" should not require a spoiler warning.


    On the other hand, I will admit that major plot discussions should come with spoiler warnings. For example, look at threads discussing the ebook cover art for Winters Heart. Discussing the image is fine, but saying what Rand is doing with the Chodan Kal access key is a major spoiler, and should probably come with a warning.

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