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News item Comments posted by TheShadowRises

  1. ***I originally had this at the bottom, but want anyone glancing to see this first - - - - To anyone who read all this, I HIGHLY recommend this series to any fan of Sanderson, looking for something different from his other titles.  Alcatraz is quick, hilarious, sarcastic, unpredictable, and even involves reader participation.  Give it a try.***


    I don't usually look at book reviews, but this time I saw the cover of the selection and jumped at the article because I too found this 'young adult' series of his to be criminally overlooked.  Heck we even had the same intro to Sanderson.  Elantris was fantastic, the original Mistborn trilogy was incredible...then came Warbreaker, also great.  


    I did NOT want to pick up Alcatraz because I thought it looked dumb, plain and simple.  What happened?  I could NOT put the first one down, read the whole thing in one night, I thought it was THAT brilliant of a concept.  And I gobbled the others down just as quickly.  Ironically, I find your "Con" assessment to be dead on.  


    I was anticipating an exciting or at least justifiable ending to this series and admittedly gave the book a huge frown when I was finished.  Having said that, I thank you greatly for the spoiler link (I was not aware of the super secret 6th volume) as it renews my interest and think that maybe there's some redemption coming.

  2. No, no, and no....why can't people (the fans in particular) ever let sleeping dogs lie?  We received the completed series trilogy, but still that wasn't good enough.  "Oh, but we want more one-off novels" or "Oh, we want another tangent trilogy"  Why???  Not my main pet peeve, though...


    Too many of you are always wanted some sort of TV adaption, but why???  The idea always was doomed to fail.  I shudder to think what could happen with any on screen version of such a detailed, epic fantasy work.  All I have to do is look upon the HBO insanity that became GOT to know the horrors that could befall any attempt at bringing WOT to the screen.  Sure the effects, great....but what happened to the story?  *cringe*


    ....and just think....GOT has ALL the funding they could ever want because it's been a huge success since its beginning.  This project as been struggling for how long?  Yeah, even if this every does see the Light, pun intended....no thanks.


    Will stick to my re-reads.

  3. Pre-ordered mine a few days ago.....cool to see they're branching out a little.  But....still would like to see a a little bit of recognition going toward the Shadow!  Why not brainstorm some Shadowspawn designs?  Perhaps a Forsaken or two???  Come on...

  4. LOL, of course he read the series.  I would think that's an easy assumption in this case.  Besides, how can you claim to be influenced by something if you never read/watched/listened to it?  You can't.


    I think it's quite safe to say that most current popular writers of the genre....within the past 10 years thru today, have picked up at least WOT 1-3, if not the rest.

  5. Best one I've seen in a while....went for it.


    Although, I'm still disappointed that nobody within their design/management team has thought about anything from the Shadow's perspective.


    Any sort of Fade/Dragkhar/Raven design would rock, especailly something of the Forsaken/Chosen flavoring.  A no brainer to me.


    So if anyone reads this and knows somebody who works with them, spread the suggestions!

  6. I honestly think the majority of fans would respectfully disagree with that claim.  I've never met a Star Wars fan that was remotely satisfied with everything that's ever been conceived in that universe (books, movies, etc). 


    I, as many others will, say let the WoT legacy rest as is......certain conclusions were presented as they were meant to, others left up to readers, and that's that.  There should be enough satisfaction from that, if we're not feeling selfish.


    I wouldn't have all minded the other two outriggers being published, but not off a single statement of note.  Not worth the risk of another author's style invading RJ's.  I still feel we got really lucky with BS....yes, his style came into the final trilogy as is only natural, but it could have been far worse.


    Just a few thoughts....



    Personally I think they should let some other authors add onto the world, the aftermath, maybe the trolloc wars, the breaking itself. Go the route of Star Wars and let an expanded Universe grow out of this story, just set a rule that they can't touch the timeline of the original books and works.


  7. My first and still current impression is that it pales in comparision to the DKS rough draft.....now I really HAD hoped that they could have had someone close to the man just finish the funeral pyre scene.....:-(


    The full jacket cover is a little bit more pleasing, but still.......it's not contest.



  8. Ironically I picked all three up some months back while randomly browsing shelves at B&N. I do recommend it for those interested in something different and impressive . . . for the most part anyway. Pretty cool storyline and character development. First book . . . awesome. Second book . . . good. Third . . . dragged. Unfortunately by the end of it, I was done with the author.


    About a month ago I found book one of his Black Prism work in a used bookshop and picked it up. Found the first 100 pages to be a complete joke . . . didn't even feel like the same author.

  9. Wow....I have mixed emotions about this whole situation.


    On one side I'm pissed off because this piece definitely LOOKS almost finished....so you're telling me someone close to DKS couldn't have bloody finished it, thus having a COMPLETE series of covers???


    On the other hand....I can understand that it's a rough draft.......lacks detail, and could use a few more elements throughout.


    However......I am a fan that has always accepted DKS' style and never criticized him, since I've always appreciated the bond he had with WOT.


    Thank you for releasing this.....in the end it's quite stirring either way.


    R.IP. (R.J. AND DKS).......you are greatly missed.

  10. Kadere......I can totally understand where you're coming from regarding the Fallon's storylines, and wouldn't have all minded having it a possible 4-6 book series, but IMO having it as a trilogy avoided alot of potential repetition and possible burnout. I'm not saying that I've EVER tired of R.J.'s writing, in fact I could never get enough, but keeping it as a trilogy with each volume focusing on one generation seemed appropriate. Just me...

  11. I'm glad this article was posted, since I guess there are still alot of people who only know the legend for the Wheel of Time series. After I stumbled upon the series, I was still drooling while waiting for more so I researched, found more titles under his aliases, and truly discovered what a well-rounded author the man was.


    But yes, as Amberfly mentioned, Fallon is actually a trilogy....one that I've read a few times and I highly recommend it since it's a fantastic reflection of R.J. and Harriet's family roots I think in a way. Fiction yes, but the historical context is brilliant. The books are The Fallon Blood, The Fallon Pride, and The Fallon legacy. Be prepared to clap with excitement at times and get teary eyed at others.


    I also highly urge WOT fans to check out his stand alone novel entitled Cheyenne Raiders, another historical work set against a Native American backdrop and showcasing the highs and lows of intermingling cultures. Once again, the man knew how to get his readers to love and hate his plotting. Even after multiple reads, this book is awesome.


    Finally, he contributed to several Conan adventures as well....and for anyone wanting short, exciting action/adventure reads, don't hesitate with these. Fun reads. They've been published under two volumes now, entitled The Conan Chronicles and The Further Chronicles of Conan.


    Hope that helps with anyone interested in digging deeper about the man......he's a hero. R.I.P. CANNOT WAIT FOR AMOL!!!

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