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News item Comments posted by kabasan

  1. I've lurked on dragonmount for years, for all the various WOT news, release dates etc. I've often thought of registering but haven't because I've never really thought I've anything to say.


    News of this release date has finally done it though.


    I've been reading the series (like a lot of people) for over half my life now. I started in 1992 and have eagerly awaited every book ever since. It is by far my favourite set of books, and I’ve been listening to the audio versions over and over again on the way to and from work for years. I never get sick of it, and I know it back to front.


    RJ’s death was devastating, and I am eternally grateful to B Sanderson, Harriet, and all involved for continuing with the story. I’ve watched and waited for AMOL for years now, patiently watching the release date drift further and further away. I have to say though; I’m getting pretty sick of the endless delays. Don’t get me wrong, if the book were delayed for another 20 years, I’d still be buying it the second it was released, but we’re entering WTF are you people at TOR thinking territory now.


    Does it really take a year to “polish” a finished manuscript?? I know it’s the last one, and it’s got to be perfect and all, but come ON!!!


    This is why the publishing industry as it stands now is doomed. Self publishing can get a book out in weeks and months now (yes I’m aware the quality of such work is almost invariably inferior). Just what kind of editing requires a year to complete? Are you re-writing the entire thing with 25 different endings – or in 150 different fonts to see which one sells best (I’ve heard Garamond is easiest on the eyes)? Is someone travelling the world reading the manuscript on every continent to test how light interacts with the reading process in each location, or how the moons gravitational pull affects the turning of each page? Has it been submitted to the pope for god’s grace and blessing before printing?


    As I said, I’ll buy it no matter when it finally, interminably, shambles its way into the public domain like a man of 105 tottering from his bed to his “staring” chair at the window of his retirement home cell? What I can’t promise is that if (as is likely with a lead time longer than a project to put man on mars), again, if someone leaks it online, I can’t honestly say that I wouldn’t download and read it. Yeah, yeah, I’ll just be ruining it for myself because it won’t be the complete “official” version, but I don’t much care – I could be dead by 2013.


    I’ll read the incomplete version (if it appears), then I’ll read the final version when it’s released – no doubt when I’m tottering from my bed to my staring window in the nursing home my grandchildren have discarded me in at 105.

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