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News item Comments posted by Maleshub

  1. Before punishing Graendil for her failure, Shadar Haran said that another (presumably of the Chosen) has been tasked with an important mission. Lanfear hates Rand as much as anyone; and she'll do all she can to get back at him for dumping her. Morridin is not angry at her/Cynade for anything; so she should be 100% "evil" without any doubts.


    It is looking like Rand might be trapped/ambushed in the World of Dreams; and who's better to save him than Perrin, the Master of that World (after killing Isam).


    Re: Gawyn, Min's viewing was 2 parts. One where he was kneeling before Egwene with her hands on his head; and the other was Gawyn breaking Egwene's neck. I wonder how that will play out. Will he die saving her during the impending Seanchan attack on the White Tower?

  2. Bringing back the old Tiam-Demandred discussion into the mix, the Black Tower needs to be fixed. The dreampike preventing Traveling to and from there has to be dealt with; and Perrin is a key to that. And it might be the last Perrin-Isam fight where Lan's uncle dies.


    Another vision that Egwene saw was the Amyrlin of Saidar and Saidin ruling the White Tower together. Another possibility.


    Another key is Fortuona and the Seanchan. Last hints indicate that Graendil starting infiltrating the Empress' circle; and we get a hint that the Empress is considering replacing Seculia. So, Mat, Egeanin, ex-Suldame's, etc. have a role to play there.


    As to who will die, it is very hard to speculate. I would love to see them all make it; which has been standard procedure so far.


    One thing I would like to see dead is Elayne's Queen's ego. I hated how she threatened Perrin and Faile with execution.

  3. I don't think Rand's plan (we were left 24 hours from his planned rendezvous at Shayol Gul) will materialize yet. He still has to kneel before the Crystal Throne; and there is Lanfear's trap to overcome. So, he's on a very busy schedule.


    But we have Aviendha's quadruplets in Min's vision and the mother's trip to the columns. And we have Rand's dreams of him swimming in a pond with Elayne and Min while trying to teach Aviendha how to swim.


    The Blind Man will weep at his own grave. The blind man (Rand before the top of dragonmount) has already wept. And he did the two Tear lords (darkfriends) to tell their masters that he is no longer blind. So, I think the death is that of Rand al-Thor denying his past. His rebirth is his acceptance of what he is.


    My hunch is that he will be battered in the fight with the DO; but he'll survive. But I don't know how a "black hand" holding Callander plays into that.

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