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Posts posted by liatildina

  1. I agree that Lan and Nynaeve had plenty of time and opportunity to fall in love. It doesn't feel unrealistic or forced, and I don't believe it pops out of nowhere. The way Lan is, perhaps there is a presumption that someone like this would never fall for any one woman, and of course not Nynaeve. People can surprise you all the time about their choice in a partner. That's why the relationship is realistic. Lan just went for what he wanted, stretched his envelope to breaking no doubt, but I believe this relationship is what saved him after Moraine died, okay pretended to die.

  2. Okay so even though I don't think Nynaeve is a jerk, or that she isn't mature, I agree that together Lan and Nynaeve bring out the best in each other (or help hide the worst). I still like their story line.


    Yea, because I'm a sappy girl.


    Maybe Lan was attracted to all the power that Nynaeve can throw around. Isn't she one of the most strong in the source?


    I still want to know what Lan's going to say the first time he sees her after she left him on the edge of the world.


    Maybe he'll take his ring back.

  3. Nope, I don't buy the entire Nynaeve is just a plaything of Lan's. Granted, I'm sure she doesn't mind, but when Rand needed someone to share in cleaning Saidin look who got the nod. she is incredibly strong with the source, and has backed up Rand many times, as a good Wisdom does.


    I just don't find her annoying, I like the character. I also agree it doesn't matter what sex the character is, strong is strong, it's just that RJ writes great women and I appreciate that because many don't.


    So what will Lan's reaction be when they meet up again?

  4. Mat could never be celibate, we all know that he is just too adorable to ever be alone for long.


    Nynaeve is mature. You might find her strength intimidating, but that's okay because Lan doesn't seem to mind.


    These very strong women characters are written by a man.


    Obviously RJ is okay with strong, brave, mature women.


    That's why women adore his books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. You gotta save the ones you love and that woman is a fighter, how else could she save Lan from himself. That's why she is always following Rand around. I think in the end she is the one that will throw Lewis out of that home of his in Rand's head, and I still say she'll try and knit him a hand too.

  6. yep, mature and brave that is Nynaeve. Yea she can be a pain, just like Rand/Mat/Perrin can be a pain.


    Let's not forget she tamed Lan. She might have dropped him off at the edge of the world but when you are a supreme ruler of the universe you tend to do things like that.


    Don't forget she's a Wisdom, youngest one they have ever had at the Two Rivers, smart too.

  7. I like that idea murali284. If the balance in the pattern between good and evil is achieved slightly through these deaths, then the sacrifice of the Amayar is a bit easier for me to digest.


    Even in a fantasy the thought of an entire people killing themselves is not an easy concept. Humble the Atha'an Miere that remains to be seen, piss them off so they are there at the last battle for their revenge in honor of the Amayar, that I hope to read about one day.

  8. I apologize if I'm not posting this correctly. I'm still not sure about all the quotes, and when I'm supposed to do what because this is all new to me, but Lan and Nynaeve, the best love story in the entire series. Lan is the sexiest character in wheel world. He is brave, confident, smart, sad, mature, silent, loyal and good with that sword. Nynaeve has no fear, especially of Moiraine. She left with Rand and crew on their adventure to watch over them, because she is first and always their Wisdom. She is brave, mature, smart, sassy, confident, loyal, and good with that braid. I wait for their story line and it's never enough. From the beginning Nynaeve could make Lan laugh, and for that skill alone he fell in love with her.

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